Cold Soul (2)

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Chapter 9: Cold Soul (2) *** “They want to meet him instead of me?” Noah asked in a surprised manner as he glanced at the woman. The smile upon his face was still as bright as before. “It would seem so…” Silvia remarked while looking at the door then quickly she turned her attention towards the man once more. “I don’t mind it then. In fact it would be a joy to have less of a workload.” Noah replied with a rather joyous sounding voice. "If he can carry out this deal instead of me, it would be a large burden of my chest." “You must be very busy…” Silvia suggested while searching for something inside her purse. Then carefully took out a small business card of hers. “Indeed, I am, rather busy.” Noah nodded his head in agreement. He watched the woman's deliberate movements as she handed the card to him. “You wouldn’t have time after work, then?” Silvia asked with a somewhat disappointed sounding voice. “Depends whether it’s on the clock or not?” Noah asked with a certain level of curiosity. He took the card in his hand. Glancing at the woman with interest. “Off the clock, at a bar near my place.” Silvia quickly replied while heading to the door, indicating her time there was limited. “How does nine o’clock sound?” Niah asked with a smile a but more mischievous in nature than before. “Nine thirty so I can get ready.” Silvia corrected him, her hand already at the door handle, waiting to press it down. “I think we have a date.” Noah remarked while heading back to his desk and sitting down again. “Hah… I think so as well… I’ll be going then…” Silvia opened the door and headed outside. "It was a pleasure to meet you.” She said lastly as her parting words. “Same goes to you.” Noah replied in a sweet voice. The woman that had already tuned her back to him, didn't pay him anymore mind while leaving. It was only a few seconds later that Akira walked back in the room with an expression that spoke many words more than he'd like it to. 'Flirting with a woman like that so openly... Disgusting...' He thought to himself although outwardly he was completely silent. “……..” "Whats the matter?" Noah asked, noticing the other's unusual silence. “She seemed unusually happy after leaving…” Akira finally found the words to speak while making his way into the office, closing the door behind him. His manner made it seem like he was about to confront his employer in something important. “I guess I just have a way with words, don’t I?” Noah replied a bit mischievously, almost like he knew exactly what was going on inside Akira's head. "Aren't you going to praise me?" He questioned with a certain playful air. “Maybe a bit too good… She looked like she was about to get a pair of wings and fly off somewhere from happiness…” Akira said while pointing at the door where the woman had just walked through. He then focused his attention on his boss once more. No words came out of his mouth as they made eye contact. “Are you jealous?” Noah asked as he glanced over at the man making his way to the table where he had been sat at a few minutes ago. “Of her?" Akira asked, sounding almost offended. "You do realize she is an Omega, you wouldn’t be able to date her, even if you wanted to.” He said dismissively as he cleared out the table and the two cuos that had been used. "Yeah... She's an omega, small and cute like them all..." Noah spoke in a somewhat near nostalgic sounding voice while leaning over his desk and asking. "Do you know what the difference is between a Beta, Omega and Alpha?” Akira stopped working and replied. “Enlighten me.” “There is no difference, it’s a social construct that we’ve decided to label each other in such a matter. It’s rather pathetic when you think about it.” Noah explained in simple qorda while standing up slowly. His chair declining back as he did so. “Yet we all have different pheromones to separate our species…” Akira quickly gave a counter argument. One that was rather popular topic of discussion these days. Were their scents the only things that made them differ from one another? “And I can just as easily change my scent to pretend to be someone else.” Noah smile brightly as he brought out the pheromone perfume he used and sprayed it twice on the back of his wrists and on his neck. The room instantly filled with the strong and overpowering scent of an Alpha. “I couldn’t have said it better myself…" Akira gave a fake smile as he leaned in, closing the distance between them. He whispered. "You are simply pretending to be an Alpha but you aren’t one.” Akira remarked, gritting his teeth while still holding onto the empty coffee cups in his hands. "I hate the fact you drink whatever I make you so easily... You don't care if you die, do you?!" He asked in a desperate sounding voice. “………..” Noah remained silent on the outside. 'Its nor that I'm not afraid of death... I just know you won't kill me.' He thought to himself while still keeping up his pathetic looking front. “I hope you enjoy that date of yours. I’m still waiting on mine…” Akira said while stomping outside the office quickly. He looked more annoyed than ever. “………” Noah quietly sat back down. He didn't care if he annoyed the other man. Whether he was a real threat to him or not was still up for debate...
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