Cold Soul (3)

1324 Words

Chapter 10: Cold Soul (3) *** “………” The silence in the cold office room was deafening. ‘He’s obviously still onto me… the more I struggle the more interested he gets, but if I keep him hooked for long enough to figure out how to deal with him then I won’t have anything more to worry about…’ The thoughts floated through his mind while he was still working till late in the office. Days like that never surprised him. He’d always worked hard to gain anything he wanted in life, more than anyone else, he knew that everything had a set price and the only way to advance in life was to do whatever you need to as to not fall under… ‘I’ve dealt with issues much greater than this… I’ve struggled for far too long to allow myself to faulter so easily…’ He continued while vigorously typing at his lap

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