Cold Soul (1)

1040 Words
Chapter 8: Cold Soul (1) *** “Sir, should I invite the representative for the BBH project in, now?” Akira asked, his tone was as calm as ever although you could clearly notice he wasn’t too thrilled about whomever that person on the other side of the door was. “Of course.” Noah said as he stood up from his chair. The smile on his face seemed as welcoming as you’d imagine from a snake oil’s salesman. Surprisingly however, the person that walked into the room wasn’t any middle aged man with a mean look on his face. But instead a young looking woman, around thirty years old visibly. “Hello.” She greeted the man, the expression on her face was indifferent, maybe even cold to an extent. “I am Silvia Wolfram…” She introduced herself while slightly lowering her head in a nod. “Hello, I’m very glad you reconsidered our deal, Miss Silvia.” Noah stretched out his hand and with the brightest smiles grabbed hers into a hand shake that lasted a few seconds too long. “Hah… I’m afraid we haven’t reconsidered anything yet…” Silvia was quick to shoot him down without the least bit of hesitation in the man’s voice. “I believe that’s why you here…?” Noah tilted his head to the side in surprise. “Not exactly… We don’t wish to work with your company.” Silvia continued in a monotone and unchanging voice that sounded harsh to the other’s ears. “May I ask why?” Noah asked as he welcomed the woman to sit down. He did so himself and took a small sip of his cup of hot coffee. “We’re not obligated to give you a reason.” Silvia continued, she didn’t take a single step closer to the couch nor did she move a muscle as she stood in the same spot, her expression too remained unbroken. “Of course not, but please do sit down. I wouldn’t want you to come all the way here for nothing.” Noah gestured with his hand in front of him. “The coffee here is some of the best they have in Turkey, you know?” He said in a bit of a flirtatious sounding voice as he pointed to the ceramic cup on the table. “Sir, I am not on the management team, speaking to me won’t change much. I’m merely a messenger…” Silvia continued however although she had obviously refused him, she still dutifully sat down at the couch and glanced downwards at her full coffee cup. “Even messengers have to take a break every once in a while, right?” Noah's rather gentle and coaxing voice sounded as if he was convincing a child to listen to him. “……..they might be wrong about you.” Silvia said as she smiled ever so slightly. It seemed to be in a rather mocking manner that she did so. “Wrong in what way?” Noah asked, raising a single eyebrow at the woman with interest. “I’ve heard you were one of the coldest men out there and yet you don’t seem to be…” Silvia replied as she leaned forward in her seat. She took a sip of the coffee offered to her. "You were also right about the coffee sir. Its good." She continues calmly. “Well, see, I don’t have a good reputation in the business world.” Noaj replied with s simple shrug of his shoulders."Especially not when I lead one of the most high paced environments in the industry. Its only reasonable many wouldn't like me or my company and thus refused to work with me." “Why is that?” Silvia asked with a bit of a quiet tone of voice. Almost as if she was afraid to hear the answer. “Many competitors wish to bring me down, it’s the same old…” Noah on the other hand replied with much thinking. His casual tone a stark contrast to the otherwise tension filled atmosphere. “And you don’t mind it?” Silvia asked, not she seemed like she was rather sympathetic to the man as well. “Of course I do, I hate being restricted, which is why I was planning on convincing you here today to give me a chance…” Noah said as he sighed heavily. Suddenly his entire demeanor changed for the worse. His voice felt like it carried a heavy burden with it. "...obviously I'm not going to try anymore, since the deal is certainly fallen through already... Although I put in so much effort, it still wasn't enough..." His deep and melancholy voice fell hard into the woman's ears. “…it might not be completely lost. This opportunity.” Silvia spoke up again after she collected her jaw off the floor. The saliva piled up in the very back of her troat was swallowed down harshly. "There... Might be a way..." She quietly suggested. “Didn’t you say they disliked me already?” Noah asked, he looked like a man that had lost all hope. Although inside his mind he spoke with certainty. 'Tricking this woman is far too easy...' It was a simple task to pretend to be a man structure by bad fortune. Making others feel sorry for you. “There is still hope… Given the fact they even asked me to come here instead of outright rejecting you.” Silvia further explained as she stood up from her seat. The coffee she barely drank still sat at the coffee table. "They don't usually do such unnecessary steps but its because of a special reason..." Her voice went faith in the end as of she purposefully didn't want the other man to hear her... “What should I do to get into their good graces?” Noah asked somewhat meek and maybe even desperate sounding at times. His voice only further pushing the woman to feel sorry for him... A feeling inaide her chest formed, one she couldn't easily describe... “Akira, your new employee… I heard they were very impressed with his phone call.” Silvia finally spoke up after a while of silence.
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