Love Short Lived (1)

1265 Words
Chapter 7: Short and Sweet yet so Bitter is a Love short Lived *** 'From the very beginning. I liked him...' Akira thought to himself as he worked up a sweat in the gym. Each push up he did, each leg press, each rep of weight lifting... All of it reminded him if Noah... Akira worked himself to the point if exaustian before and he would gladly do it again if it were for the man he loved... Yet now he couldn't even trust his own feelings... Just how much of what he felt was just infatuation? Just how much of it was real? It wasn't just difficult to tell, it was impossible in essence... "You're here working out again?" A woman visibly in her mid twenties approached him. She had a pair of mesmerizing light blue eyes. Her hair looked colored recently, the blond strikes made her face look incredibly delicate. Her features were soft and her voice felt mellow to the ears. "Not like I have a choice. Otherwise my body is going to get rusty." Akira replied, his completely indifferent sounding voice was stable even during his workout that he did feel like interrupting because of the woman. "What? Is your body made of mechanical parts or something?" The woman chuckled to herself as she moved just a little bit closer to him. "Something like that..." Akira replied in the same careless manner as he glanced at the woman. 'Annoying...' He thought to himself. "Wow... So you're a very interesting guy, huh." The woman replied with a smile, her hair which she lifted up in a ponytail and tied with the headband on her wrist. "Not as interesting as you might think." Akira continued in the same cold voice, his expression stiff, his work out continuing with the same intensity as before. "Well its hard to tell since I don't know you too well. It would be better if we could meet somewhere and talk." She suggested and glanced at the other's way. 'This woman... Obviously flirting, but I can't be bothered with her right now.' Akira thought to himself in annoyance. 'If she could just leave me alone...' "I can tell you're not interested in learning more about me though." The woman said as she stepped back a bit. Watching the man exercising without much care for her at all. "........" Akira glanced back at the woman for a bit. Then a sudden thought went through his mind after noticing the girl's looks. 'Hmm... This might not be too bad...' The cold expression on his face completely fading. Instantly being replaced by a smile that could stun any man or woman. It radiated the type of pure unadulterated joy you only really see in kids these days. A stark difference from his previous attitude. "Actually, I'd really like meeting with you. How about a bar? I know one that's really nice." Akira suggested, the gentle and somewhat excited look on his face glowed with a light that few had the pleasure of seeing. "Really? Is that the place you invite all your dates at?" The woman asked in a somewhat sarcastic tone, leaning against the gym equipment behind her. "No, not really... Its just a place that my boss speaks highly of, so it must be good. I haven't been there yet." Akira stopped his workout and grabbed the towel he had sitting at his side. Threw it across his shoulders and began tapping the side of his face to wipe off the sweat from it. "I'll be your first date at that spot then? Sounds a bit too romantic." The woman said as she smiled while stepping foward, just a bit closer to him. "You don't like the idea?" Akira asked while tilting his head to the side. "No, I like it. I'm just surprised you actually agreed to my offer. Since you were so focused on your workout a moment ago, I was convinced you wouldn't even pay attention to me." The woman continued, she spoke her mind openly. Crossing her hands she seemed a bit suspicious but also happy at the man's sudden change of mind. 'She's observant...' Akira thought to himself, the smile upon his face still standing strong as before. He took a fee more steps closer to the woman and bringing his right palm in front if him waited for the woman to rest her and there. "I just needed a moment more to realize such a beautiful person was talking to me." "Haha... I didn't really expect such a response..." The woman replied with a light giggle in her voice. "Sorry fir talking about how beautiful you are... You must hear it all the time. Its probably gotten annoying at this point." Akira said as he shrugged his shoulders a bit disappointedly. "I don't actually hear it often..." The woman replied while glancing at Akira's bare chest. The sweat still dripping down his collarbone. "That's a shame..." Akira acted surprised. "Yet I'm happy I get to be the first one to say that to you." He then continued sounding relieved. "Your name?" He asked with great interest. "I'm Trixie..." She replied while unfolding her arms and giving out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Trixie." Akira replied as he accepted the handshake and nodded his head. "The pleasure's all mine Akira." Trixie replied while letting go if the man's hand. She then tightened her ponytail and glanced aside at the rest of the gym. A few envious looks were headed her way. "You know my name already?" Akira asked surprised as he too looked at the direction where the woman was glancing at. 'Hmm... She's doing this for attention then?' He thought to himself, instantly noticing everyone around them was watching them closely although most of them tried to pretend they were still actively working out. Yet the equipment itself had gone relatively silent as well. "Everyone in the gym knows you." Trixie remarked while moving closer to the man. She leaned against his shoulder with both her hands and whispered into his ear. "They're all looking at us, even now... They want to know what the handsome new guy at the gym is doing..." Her mellow voice sounded ever so sweet but also it held a particular amount of pride within it as well. 'She enjoys it, what an attention seeker.' Akira thought to himself, holding back the urge to click his tongue. 'If its that, then I can play along for a bit...' He considered as he leaned in closer to her as well. "I had no idea I was so popular." Akira remarked, pretending he was pleasantly surprised by the woman's words. "Now you know... So do you want to head out?" Trixie asked as she pointed at the door with her thumb. Akira glanced down at his watch. "Hmm... Give me thirty more minutes to finish my reps and I'll head to the showers. Is that alright?" He asked while tilting his head to the side. "Yes, I'll get ready. I mean... Finish my reps as well..." Trixie stumbled over her words a bit as she looked at the ground. "See you in a bit." She remarked. At that Trixie turned around, heading to the showers. The moment Akira knew she couldn't see him, the charming smile was instantly wiped off his face. 'I wonder how he'd react to this...' The smirk creeping up on Akira's face felt ominous in nature... It seemed like this was just another one if his tactics to reveal his boss's real feelings...
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