Fight (1)

1904 Words

Chapter 83: Fight (1) *** Among the numerous whispers along the hallways and the various classrooms, a few voices were heard louder than others. “Did you hear? Carol is actually an Omega! Isn’t that silly?” A girl spoke up in a high pitched manner. “I can’t imagine him as one!” Another one replied as she giggled along with her friend… ‘Omega, Alpha, Beta… Those are the subtypes of our species… some call it a secondary gender… and I… I still don’t know what I am…’ Robin thought to himself as he walked the same hallways, trying to block out all the unnecessary sounds from his ears but it was difficult… “Robin! Can you focus a little more here?” The class representative asked with a loud voice while placing her hands on the other’s desk. “Robin!” She called out to him again? “Yeah, what

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