Fight (2)

1678 Words

Chapter 84: Fight (2) *** “Robin! Did you get into a fight again?! Are you hurt?” Upon opening the door, Eiji instantly asked his son what happened. The concerned look on his face spoke for itself as he stared at his injured boy. “No, but the other guys sure are…” Robin replied in a cool and calm voice. His expression didn’t change much from his usually grumpy demeanor. “You shouldn’t be fighting all the time!” Eiji instantly said as he crossed his arms, his concern was quickly replaced by anger and frustration at his son not listening to him once again. “It’s not a big deal dad… it’s… I didn’t start the fight this time.” Robin slumped his shoulders, he hung his head low as he spoke to his dad, even he seemed a bit embarrassed to break his promise to not fight with anyone. “Huh? Who

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