Pity Party (5)

1201 Words

Chapter 82: Pity Party (5) *** ‘Having the burden of carrying someone’s child… and then losing it… all of it fell onto me… he took no part in it and then left me… now I don’t have a place to sleep and I don’t have anyone to turn to… it’s just my work that I can do without feeling like the world is against me…’ Ruby thought to herself while putting away documents at her desk. “Ruby you seem pale.” Akira remarked as he stepped in between the woman and her desk. “Thanks for the concern, I don’t need it.” Ruby instantly shot him down. “I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just I don’t want you to faint you know? How about you eat something.” Akira offered as he brought out his lunch box. “I packed extra so I don’t mind sharing~” He said as if he was trying to lure the woman in. ‘Right I h

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