Improvised Date (3)

1088 Words

Chapter 33: Improvised Date (3) *** As Noah was leading Akira outside the restaurant, way before he could even order, the man had a gleam in his eyes. “Wow boss, I didn’t expect you to act so jealous when seeing me with someone else!” Akira spoke with such gal and excitement you’d think he was overjoyed, but this too was just his way of teasing his employer. “Jealousy isn’t the word for it…” Noah replied as he dragged the man by the hand, shoved him in his car and closed the door. Walking to his own side to sit in the driver’s seat the other asked. “Then what is?” Akira had a clueless look on his face, he diligently put his seatbelt on and smiled in a sort of expecting manner. “Why were you hanging out with that Alpha?” Noah asked as he drove off, he didn’t really pay attention to an

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