Improvised (2)

1082 Words

Chapter 32: Improvised Date (2) *** “Who knows, maybe… I haven’t really provoked anyone…” Akira replied in a quiet manner, then pulled back creating distance between them once more. “Eh? Even though you got attacked?” Trixie asked surprised. “Huh? Where did you find that out from?” Akira questioned her with an air of suspicion on his face. “Your hand has a scar on it, as if someone struck you with a blade…” Trixie said as she pointed towards the other’s right hand. “I could have gotten the injury when cutting cucumbers or something.” Akira replied as he looked down at the wound, it was still relatively fresh. “Doubtful since you’re right handed and the injury is right there… It’s more similar to how someone would try to strike you and you’d avoid it by gripping his hand. However yo

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