Improvised (4)

1521 Words

Chapter 34: Improvised Date (4) *** “…let’s go on that date you wanted for the past few years.” Noah said after the long pause of silence. The way he spoke made it known he wasn’t much excited. It was a clear distraction to the main topic. “More like a decade already… My place is up the street.” Akira resolved himself to accept the man’s invite. It’s not like he would get such an opportunity some other time. “In the slums?” Noah asked a bit confused while taking the next turn. The other’s apartment was quite far away from the office, it was surprising that there hadn’t been one time that Akira was ever late for work. “Not all of us live in fancy apartments you know?” Akira said while crossing his arms, he directed the man. “Take a left here…” He said while pointing out the window. “

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