Episode 69 : Earthly rules and Divine laws

1500 Words

I stepped backward in awe and I scoffed. I had to. Why would the Wizard change his mind all of a sudden? " You said there is no solution to the prophecy. That is why the king ended up bounding his two sons together " " You are right Azure. If Canis dies Vamp does too but that doesn't matter if the anklets around their ankles were broken, right? " I shuddered again in awe. Why haven't I thought about it? At anytime Canis or Vamp might break the bond by letting the anklet loose. " Are you sure this isn't Vamp's doing? " I asked cautiously. " Years ago he compelled Canis into condemning me to the world. Again he compelled his father into abandoning his werewolf son. Has he compelled you too into changing my mind? " The Wizard took his time before he replied. He nodded first before sh

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