Episode 70 : Oh yeah

1500 Words

" Come here " Canis pulled me to the bed just so easily and I flopped beside him. His thumb trail its way to my lips and he said softly. " Don't look at me like that " " Like how? " I asked softly. " Like I am about to die or something. I'm fine now " " I was worried Prince. It's good to see you healthy again " Lotharios said from behind. " Yeah. I have never been so sick " I shuddered slightly when I heard these words. oh,I brought the doom upon him. " I should excuse you both. Though we got a lot to talk about. You too Azure " " Yes. I know " I mutter in reply and the sound of the door closing came later. I let out a sigh at Lothario's departure and I began to muster up the courage to tell Canis my discovery. I turn to him with my parted lips but he stood up from the b

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