Episode 9 : A decision

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" I can't believe she is still sleeping Prince Canis. Isn't she supposed to be a slave? She's a maid here right? " " Keep your voice down Erica. She's just getting some rest " " Oh really? I can't believe it has come down to this. You leave me no choice but to wake her up myself. Excuse me " I overheard the bustles from the living room and then the door to my room opening. " Don't bother Erica. She's a guest in here and not a maid. I will take care of her myself " That was canis's response when I heard the two enters the room. My eyes are still closed but I'm wide awake. I know what's going on. I could almost feel the glare from Erica to canis melting him. " Don't push me to the wall my prince. I might tell the king everything I know about... " " Enough! " Canis thundered. Even though my eyes were closed I could feel the werewolf prince glaring at his fianceè. Now I began to wonder what dark Secret canis must have. Erica knows it and Canis is aware that she do. She could control him with it. He will forever be his slave as long as she had it. The feelings of being suffocated filled me now. Should I try to help canis out? Should I... My thoughts was interrupted by the tender touch of the werewolf prince. He is trying to wake me up per Erica's request. Now I decided to make the lady regret her decision. He sat down on the bed and patted me on the arm. Trying to wake me up. I slowly pretended to still be asleep. I sat up with my eyes still closed. I purposely let out a soft moan. With my hair falling forward, I Lean over Canis, wrapping my hands around his neck and my head rested on his chest. I did the happy dance in my imagination when canis patted my back still. A laughter nearly erupted from my lips. " Get up Azure. I know you are only putting on an act " I Heard Canis whispers into my ears alone and I chuckled very silently. " I don't want to get up. I love it in your arms " " Then come at night to be there " He whispers softly. I finally ease away from him to look up at his face. His black hair framing one of his eyes. He's beautiful. I can't address him as handsome. He's kind. No one fit the role of a king more. " Good morning Prince Canis " I greeted him with a wide grin and be responded by smiling. We both were lost in ourselves. Infact we act as though Erica isn't standing, staring at us. " Get up. You got job to do " Canis said earnestly. He ease me completely away from him and stood up. " There is no job for her at all. She is getting married to king Alaric. we discussed this last night Prince Canis. Have you forgotten? " That was Erica's words that stop Canis from walking out. He turn to stare at the woman before him in somewhat surprised. " There is no need for Azure to be the king's concubine. She is still healing from her mother's death " " Which mother? The one who murder herself? " At this words I shuddered slightly in shock. My heart dropping to my stomach. I saw Canis set his jaw. " Watch your words Erica. The woman never try to murder herself " " Were you there? " She requested angrily. Her eyes were sparkling already in anger. " She's an omega. Why would her death means anything to you? " Canis didn't reply with words and I couldn't speak as well. I only stood still and watch as he headed to Erica and stood before her. " Choose your Words wisely. Omega or not, all werewolves are mine to protect. Azure is still recovering from her loss. Being a concubine isn't what she needed right now " Without waiting for any response canis headed out. " You promise Canis and you can't go back on your words " Erica said, stopping the man from making his exit. " She has to be the king's concubine Canis. I might go back on my promise if ... If you continue to be this Adamant " That was the final line. The last word that alter canis's mind. I know she is holding a tight leash around Canis's neck. I pray the werewolf prince won't agree with her decision. Erica knows too well there is lust between the prince's and I. There's a possibility that Canis might left her later on or cheated on her with me. Being his father's concubine will forever stop him from Coming to me romantically. " Fine. Azure get ready. You will join the concubine's contest " Canis said abruptly and walk out. My jaw flopped open at this. Erica only mock me with laughter before exiting my room. " Canis please " I called, following him immediately. Scared at this turn. I emerges into the living room where I saw him with Erica. " Canis please..I don't want to be anyone's concubine. I would rather be a slave " " It's like a s*x slave. Same thing " Erica responded and I gulped down hard. Here's how Omegas life is. We are born as a slave to the Alphas, the Lunas, the betas, the gammas and the rogues. If we were order to die there is nothing an omega Could do about it. We can't just stand on our own two feet. " Canis please. I will be a maid. I... Promise " I was pleading. I can't believe a day like this will arrive. Where I would be begging for the lowest position in the world. Well being a slave to the royal family is better than being a s*x slave to the king. A cruel king whom I loathe so much. My eyes all through was on canis. Both Erica and I are waiting for him to respond. Will he give in to Erica's threat or will he supports me like he has done since I met him? " I'm sorry azure " The werewolf prince began and my jaw flopped. " You should be the king's concubine " I staggered backward at this. I had thought he would.. he would what ? This man is the werewolf prince. He is just like none other. I shouldn't try to be informal with him. Just when my thoughts was now miles away I overheard the thudding from outside. We all turn to the entrance and I saw him. My heavy heart taking a new turn. Vamp Lamia. His presence filled me with so much relief and my only desire was to wrapped my hands around his neck. I watched as vamp open the Glass door but he didn't step in. He seem to be waiting for an invitation. A frown etch my face at this. Can't a Vampire enters anyone's home without an invitation? " Come in " Canis said, answering my question with that words and immediately Vamp enters. He took his strides fast but with this little time I got before he comes to me I managed to feed my eyes on him. His white hair and eyes glowing. A beautiful man in Long sleeve t-shirt and Boots. He get to me and pull my wrist in his hands. " How are you? Did you sleep well? Have you eaten? Did you just wake up? " Vamp never give me the time to respond. I was just so overwhelmed with great joy. At least someone In the castle care about me. I lowered my eyelids slowly to sigh. " I'm fine. My night goes well. I haven't taken breakfast and I just wake up " I answered softly. " You should come with me dear. Come on Azure " " The lady will be king Alaric's concubine soon Prince Vamp. You can't take her away " That words stop the vampire's prince in his track. He slowly turn to Erica with his face now laced with surprised and confusion. " What did you just say? " He asked dully and Erica look away, unable to gaze at the fiery eyes of vamp. " Azure will be joining the king concubine's contest. I plan to make her the winner " " For what point and purpose please? " No answer came after this. To my surprise Canis scoffed lightly before walking to the couch where he sat. " It's been..." " Watch your tongue lady " Vamp interrupted. he turn to canis and asked. " lupus do you know what your woman is talking about? " " She suggested we make Azure dad's new bride " " That's not only stupid but unnecessary. She's still recovering from her mother's death " " I tried to make Erica understand lamia but she won't agree " To this vamp scoffed. He turn to Erica and offer her his glare. " Well it's her cup of tea if she agrees or not. Azure won't be dad's bride. Come on dear, let's go. This house is suffocating. Lupus try to get a better woman. I thought you are more deserving " " Will think about it Lamia " canis responded sarcastically. Vamp didn't reply to this. He only pull me out and I followed him immediately. A smile appearing on my face as I step out. When Canis's building was now behind us I let out a chuckle. My kind free. I look around for sometime , seeing that we are pretty alone I flung myself at Vamp who caught me perfectly. " You are awesome. You saved me. You arrive just at the nick of time. Your timing is the best " I said gleefully. After hugging him for a long time vamp ease me Away to system at my face. " No. Lupus call unto me " " Wait what? " I asked in awe. " Canis never left the house. How will he call unto you and why? " This time vamp shrugged his shoulder. He took my hand and encouraged me to walk with him. " Canis Lupus and I are brothers. don't you know? " " Yes I do know but I never know you could summon each other that way " " It's more than that actually. Lupus and I shared a unique bond. He's like my other half " I was surprised at this new information but I didn't ask more questions because I feel vamp has more to say. " I will be incomplete without lupus. Our relationship is complicated but I love him just as I hate him " " It's good to know you both hate but love each other. At least I'm relieved you won't hurt each other " At that moment we arrived just before a tall building where the scent of Omegas fill the air. " What do you think about this Azure? Will you be a maid in the castle or leave for home? " Vamp asked me softly and I Gulped. It's an uneasy decision to make. I turn towards the massive gate of the castle. A sigh escaping my lips. " If I leave the castle. I will return home and be alone. There a man will come for me. He might come from any tribe or region. He won't ask for my decision. He will only take me as his s*x slave. Whenever I give birth I will only bore more omegas " Now I turned to the large building that's as filled with the royal maids. " If I stay here as a maid I will only be a maid. At least I will never go hungry and I will have the two princes behind me as backup " " You got it Azure " Vamp walks to me and pull my face in his palm. He smiles up at my face and I quickly look away from his face. " You are so beautiful " I mutters weakly, unable to resist the words and he laughed. " Lupus is too. I'm glad you under what are at stakes if you leave the castle and what is not but whatever your decision is azure I will respect it " He is just so understanding. I couldn't help but feel relaxed with him. I threw up caution into the wind and I hug vamp again. " Thank you so much Vamp. Thank you for keeping me safe " I appreciated. He pull back just enough to see my face. A smile curling at the corner of his tempting lips. I watched as he cupped his palm around my neck and pull me forward. Under the morning sky Vamp invited my lips for a kiss and I couldn't resist. I shut my eyes and savour every moment. His lips so juicy and plumped. His tongue thrusting into mine for more pleasure. I enjoyed every bit of it and while it lasted. At last vamp pull back and hug me again. A sigh escaping his lips and his palm Patting my back. Now I casually look ahead and I saw the movement before it vanished. My heart dropping to my tummy. I'm not so sure but I feel the presence of the werewolf prince. He might have watched his brother and I in silence. I might be wrong but either way I hope he understands. ' understand what? ' my inner voice asked me. ' That your heart is beating for him and his brother? ' At this thought I jerk away from vamp. No way! It will only cause... Disaster.
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