Episode 10 : But why?

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" Hi. Here is Azure. Please give her the vacant task and be nice to her. She is my fave " Vamp has said to lady Boss who Head the royal maids and left. " No way! Azure! " Karen yell out in both excitement and awe when I walk into the Royal maids chamber. I am dressed up already in the maid's attire. I was given before I enters the chamber. After listening to Vamp's words I agreed to be a maid in the castle. He promised to have my back. I know Canis would be relieved as well at the news. I headed to Karen and smile at her. " Yes Karen. I'm a maid now. I am not going to be the king's concubine " " But what about the plan? " This question was asked by the other lady. " Selene the plan just got cancelled. Azure has become a maid so there is nothing we could do about it anymore " Okay her name is selene. Good to know. I turn to them both and nodded. " I have a conversation with prince Canis last night. He made me promise not to murder his father. I can't bring myself to kill the king now. I don't want to be in a position where Prince Canis would hate me " My words surprised the ladies. I saw them exchanging glances before gazing at me. " You are lucky Azure. Prince Canis never sit with anyone for conversation except his father and brother " Karen said and selene chipped in. " Same goes for Prince Vamp. I can't believe you have those two behind you " I had to chuckled when selene gave me a teasing look. I blushed gently, my cheek reddening with pride. " Okay, let's get to work. It's still morning. I want you both to put me through " " I see you are eager to work " Karen said with a grin. She look around the look for some seconds and lean over to me. " King Alaric seem to have a long life. Every maids has their task. The only vacant task is to serve the king. All omegas hate and fear him " My jaw dropped at this and I gulped down hard with it. There is no way I would be attending to king Alaric, right? " I can't... Attend to him. You know I am scared of him. He is evil " I found myself muttering incoherently. The ladies only were watching me. I look up at them . " Is there no other vacant task? " I asked them but they both shook their head in the negative. " You are running late Azure. The time for the king to have his breakfast is only minutes away. You should quickly hasten up. You only would set the table and leave. " " Say no more. The boss said already " I suddenly Interrupted. My heart already thudding. I never know how to attend to anyone and especially not a king. I pray everything goes well. I was prepared by Selene and Karen. My long hair was packed up to make a messy bun. After some minutes I soon find myself heading towards the king's quarter with a large tray. " The king will have his breakfast in his chamber. You will meet him in there " Karen had said and I headed towards it immediately. The king of all werewolves's chamber is so easy to find. Every corner of it heavily guarded. I headed into the spacious room that was open for me by some guards. As I passes by them I perceived their scent. Gammas werewolves. There are the warriors of us all. The gammas are strong but never can they defeat the Alphas. I stop abruptly when I saw the king. A strange chill going down my spine. The Queen of vampire is sitting beside king Alaric in that lighted room. Their face so visible now to me. I have met them last night but I never could make out their feature. The queen is a very beautiful woman. So unbelievably young. It now seem to impossible that she is Vamp's mother but then I remembered vampires only age like fine wine. But this case was never like that for the werewolves. They age and grow old and die. Turning and stealing a glance at the king however he seem to still be in his twenties. A man so energetic and refreshed. His hair was white and black at the same time. His lips plumped and red just like that of his two sons. His eyes however is of Hazel colours and I realized canis took after that part. I set up the dinning table immediately with the dishes I have brought. My heart not settling. After finishing my task I bow down to the two royalties and turn to head out. " Wait up Omega " The voice of Vamp's mother stop me and I shivers. " Turn around. Aren't you the one who tried to choke out the king last night? " I shivers at this. I have tried to evade this confrontation but today I'm out of luck. Now either Canis or Vamp aren't anywhere near to protect me. I turn around slowly but I keep my head bow. It's been the nature of Omegas never to dare look up into the king's eyes. It's disrespectful. I heard a bustles and I shuddered now in fear. The scent of the queen coming into my nostrils. She began to walk towards me. I could hear her footsteps and her breathe.i tried to step back in fear but she had already get to me. Very tenderly I felt her forefinger on my chin. She lifted my face up with that but my eyelids went down. I can't stare directly into her face without shivering. No, not at all. " You are the omega who now has my son's heart " She mutters very softly and I gulped. This is a disaster. I never Intends to make vamp fall for me. Isn't it too fast ? I just met him a day ago. " You also has the heart of canis Lupus. Quite unbelievable. For the first time in many years I saw the werewolf prince lay his finger on a woman. I will give you that Omega. You did what everyone could not " " I... I am sorry. I never meant to ...to take the heart of .. both the princes " " But you have omega now you shouldn't live. Don't you think? " Immediately I look up at her. My heart squeezing. The fear of dying held me unmoving. I tried to breath but I couldn't. My legs shivering. The pure evil I saw in the queen's eyes sinking my heart. I Staggered backward. unconsciously I began to shed tears. Something about the queen fill me with so much fear. My legs stepping back and then my back hit him. His solid chest actually. I shivers slightly as I perceived his scent Canis Lupus. I felt him held my wrist and pull me gently towards his back. I quickly lowered my head as I move behind him for protection. My heart thudding. " Will you stop intimidating her? " He asked the queen who I heard chuckled dryly. " The prince is here to save his beloved. Isn't this beautiful? " She taunted but Canis didn't bother to answer her. He only turn his back to her and stare at me. His eyes roaming around my body for any bruise or claw mark. " Are you alright? " He asked and I could managed a nod. His finger caress my cheek and I sigh. " Look at me" I obeyed Canis's order. I look up at him. My eyes steamy with tears. I saw him tensing his jaw at my sight. Canis seem not to take delight in my sorrow. His fingers caresses my cheek for some seconds before he turn around and stare at the queen firstly. " Don't ever come near her again. I won't be too relaxed or merciful if you do " I was stunned totally by this threat from Canis to his step mother. My heart taking another turn at his support. I feel intrigued by this. He has always come to my rescue. My heart gladdening at this. Canis took my hand now and said softly so I could only hear. " Go to my domain Azure. You know the place now. Go " Without waiting for another invitation I left the king's spacious room and walk out but before I make a complete exit I managed to see the disdain visible on the queen's face. No doubt about it, she is displeased by Canis's intervention. I headed at once towards Canis's domain. My legs threatening to give way but I held on. After turning oblivion mind to the whispers from other peoples which I pass by I arrived at Canis's home. I let out a shaky breath when I ease open the door and step in. my knees finally give way and I flopped on the marble floor. My jaw rattling in frustration. The queen would never let me be. She knows already that both Canis Lupus and Vamp Lamia love me. Wait a second? Do they? I mean... How can they both fall in love with me? How come the Queen knows about this? I mean.. The door open all of a sudden and my thoughts was interrupted. Canis walks in swiftly and pull me up from the floor. He didn't say any words. He just pull me into his bathroom and ask me to strip off the maid's clothes. " Canis.." " Azure do as I say immediately. Strip off that maid's dress " He is upset. He is beyond pacifying. He is more enraged that being a maid seem to be the baddest idea. Another movement occurs at the last minute and Vamp appears just beside his brother. The vampire prince pull me out of the room I was and took me to the living room where he sat me down. " You should calm down Lupus. This isn't the way " " And what is the way? Mother is ready to hurt her. Don't you feel how terrified she was? " " Mother would never hurt her. Azure only get scared because of her presence " " Oh really? How about you ask her about how she felt. Ask her what she heard mother says " Before my eyes I saw the two princes yelling and arguing. Why? All because an omega was yelled at by the Queen, their mother. As I stare ahead at them, listening to their bittered words my heart took another route. This is my first day as a royal maid and it's already causing turmoil. What if I try staying another minutes? No doubt everything will turn out bad. I should escape while I can. " I am going home " I stood up from the couch and announced. My information compelling the princes to turn to me. " I should return home now. This castle isn't for me. As an omega it's my fate to be trample on anyway. I should go back home and live there, quietly " Canis didn't speak. Nor could vamp. They only gaze at me for sometime, looking away eventually. " That isn't a solution " Vamp mutters finally. " You should stay here Instead Azure " " You won't be safe if you go out now " Canis concluded. " We will find another way " Canis turn to Vamp and ask. " When is mother leaving the Werewolf Castle? " " I'm not sure. She arrived with Kelly. I figured she will be taking longer than necessary now. What does that has to do with Azure " " I don't know. I believe she's unsafe around mother " " Lupus stop accusing my mother. I know you hate her. I know you are forced to call her mother. The fact that she is a vampire doesn't mean she would eat up Azure whenever she lay eyes on her " " Don't give me that bullshit. We both know your mother is a s*x slave trader. We only just turn blind eyes to her foolish dark act because she is a queen " That was the last word Vamp wishes to hear. Before my eyes I saw him attack Canis. His claws tearing deep into Canis's neck, producing blood that splattered over me. Just so briefly I saw the neck of Canis opening up but at the same exact spot, the neck, Vamp's also has the same exact s***h. This got me in awe and I pay attention. Canis claw at Vamp too but he also feel the pain and get the blood too dripping down his neck. All of a sudden they stop fighting just as the fight started unexpectedly. Now I understand an important message. Whenever Canis was hurt Vamp get the pain too. Wherever his claw s***h Vamp get it too. Now I understand the bond. Now I understand the reason why Vamp has said Canis is like his other half. If either of them got sick, the other get sick too and If one of them died the other won't live. A bitter truth that kept me unmoving. I gasped softly all of a sudden. The trick fate was playing on me keep shattering my heart. But why?
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