Chapter Twenty Five - Enchanted

2276 Words
“W-Wow,” That was the only word that Zarina had said after she saw that magnificent waterfall before her. Luther wasn’t kidding when he said that it’s going to be magical and enchanted, the waterfalls look like they're straight out of the anime movies that she watches. The streams of water gleamed as the rays of the lights from the skies made it appear to be its color, cerulean blue, and the river following the cascade appeared clean and deep. A lot of magical creatures and plants were to be seen around the waterfall and it astounds her that some of those creatures were casually drinking from its waters. “So did you like it? Only a few wizards, witches, and creatures knew about this place so we could enjoy this place alone,” Luther happily informed as Zarina bit her lower lip. “L-Luther this is amazing!” Zarina exclaimed, her emotions were all over the place that she couldn't contain one of them. “Hah! See? I’m glad I pleased you human,” Luther smiled at her intently before she decided to walk around the enchanted waterfall. Luther then prepared a picnic blanket as he summoned a variety of desserts and tea, he then gazed at Zarina who was watching the stream of the waterfall intently. “Haven’t you wondered why the waterfalls around different parts of the universe won’t run out of water?” Zarina then wondered before gazing at Luther, she noticed that he was staring at her from her peripheral view. Luther furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before shaking his head, “Nature has always been hard to read, that’s why I never once questioned any of it,” Zarina secretly smirked before gazing at the waterfall once more, “According to science, if the sun stopped shining, all the waterfalls in the world would eventually stop,” Luther’s eyes widened before shaking his head, “That’s impossible, the sun never stops shining! Even if there's rain or something,” He claimed as Zarina didn’t mind his statements. “The sun supplies all of the energy required to carry water from the ocean to the head of the river valley, allowing waterfalls to have water flow over them continuously,” Zarina added that astounded Luther. He had no idea the waterfall had that type of history or whatever information Zarina just mentioned, “Woah, you know this much about waterfalls?” He inquired, as Zarina just grinned at what he had just stated. “I loved to read when I was still a kid, I guess I adapted that until I grew up,” Zarina claimed, so Luther couldn't help but stare at her intently. She was beautiful yet what makes her more interesting is that she knows a lot of things that he doesn’t know. “Well, thank you for telling me that, but for now, let’s eat these desserts first!” Luther happily cheered as gestured on the picnic blanket that he had prepared at the back. Zarina gazed over there as her eyes widened at what she just saw, “You prepared a picnic here for us?” She raised her eyebrows before meeting Luther’s gaze. He nodded at her before smirking, “Of course! I wouldn’t be too handsome if I didn’t prepare my date for some meal or something,” Luther giggled as she glared at him. “Excuse me? I am not your date,” Zarina rolled her eyes before walking towards the picnic blanket, she secretly smiled as she saw some of her favorite desserts there when she was still a kid. “Luther, did I tell you about my favorite desserts?” Zarina curiously asked as she took one of the strawberry shortcakes on the corner. Luther furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head, “No, it’s my favorite dessert,” He replied before he started pouring some tea. Zarina just shrugged before she started eating the dessert Luther summoned, it was the first time she shared a meal with someone she knew personally, well, that’s what she thinks. She gazed at the creatures that were looking at them intently as they watched them eat their meal, “Do you think they want some?” Luther scoffed at what she just said, “Nope, they’ll gather here if you did and one of them might accidentally touch you, can’t have you disappear just yet,” What Luther said astounded Zarina as she shook her head at him, “Come on, they look hungry,” She mumbled while pointing at those sparkling eyes of those creatures. She didn’t know what those creatures were but all she knows is that they’re hungry, “Ugh fine, but I'll take summon it far from us,” Luther just sighed as he summoned his wand in a blink of an eye. Luther chanted something and for a moment creatures near the falls started to gather there to feast, Zarina gazed at those creatures intently as she ate her own meal. “You know? For an ice queen, you have such a big heart,” Luther claimed while he’s pouting and eating some of the cream puffs. Zarina furrowed her eyebrows, “What do you mean about that?” She coldly asked as Luther shook his head at her. “Nothing I misspoke, you have huge melons, that’s what I said,” Luther rolled his eyes and flinched when he felt like something was thrown at him. “Oi! Did you just throw a stone at me?” Luther held on to his head before gazing at Zarina who was ready to throw that big stone at him. It almost looked like it was half the hollow blocks that he was seeing those witches use to build some structures. “Oi! That’s dangerous!” Luther almost exclaimed as Zarina stood up and raised it at him like its weight was nothing. “I’m going to kill you pervert!” Zarina furiously exclaimed as Luther started running around the waterfall trying to avoid Zarina’s grasps. It wasn’t long until Zarina decided to calm down as Luther kept apologizing to her, “I’m sorry, but it was just a joke okay?”  Zarina just sighed before nodding at him, “I know, it’s just also fun to put your life in danger,” She admitted before standing up. She didn’t realize that she ran using the boots that she felt uncomfortable using a while ago, now she feels like it’s going to break. Luther’s eyes widened at what she just said before shaking his head, “You’re crazy sometimes that it’s frightening!” He chuckled before using his magic to clean all of their waste and make the picnic blanket disappear. “Are you ready to go see the wizard’s academy?” Luther excitedly cheered as Zarina coldly nodded at him. He then whistled as the white unicorn appeared before them, Luther gestured for Zarina to climb first before he decided to sit on the opposite side. Luther let out a long sigh after he told the unicorn where they’ll be heading off to next, “What are you sighing about?” Zarina curiously asked, so he met her gaze. He gazed at her hand before looking at Zarina again, “I wanted to hold your hand, I’m just curious how warm you feel,”  Zarina moved away for a moment with horror lingering among her emerald eyes, “Ah! I don’t mean it like that! I just thought it would be fun if I could hold you or something,” Luther exclaimed before sighing. Zarina gazed at Luther and she thought this hundred-year-old wizard looked serious at what he just said, “Well there are limitations since I’m not from this world, it’s a miracle that I could be here with you and saw that magnificent waterfall,”  She tried to ease the tension that was forming in the air, so Luther smiled at her, “Right, that waterfall was beautiful, isn’t it?” Zarina nodded at him, “If we could swim there, I’ll gladly swim even if I’m wearing this witch clothing,”  He gazed at Zarina and noticed that she looked highly interested in trying to swim at that enchanted falls. Luther suddenly got an idea as he took out his pocket watch, “Do you want to swim there right now before we could go to the academy?” Zarina furrowed her eyebrows at what he just said, “We can swim there?” She curiously asked as he nodded at her. “Yes! We can!” Luther beamed since he wanted this experience to be memorable for Zarina, “Alexis, can you turn around and go back to the enchanted waterfall?” He spoke with the white unicorn, so it neighed before turning around. “I don’t have any clothes with me to get changed when I get wet and I don’t like that feeling especially the weather here is unpredictable,” Zarina admitted while gazing at the skies. Luther chuckled proudly before motioning to his wand that he summoned swiftly, “You’re forgetting that you’re with the greatest wizard of all times! I can summon clothes and whatever you want,”  Zarina just shook her head at what Luther was gloating at her before smiling, “Alright, let’s go try those waters then,” She suggested as Luther cheered happily. It had also been a long time since he had swum in those waters, he was excited because, for the first time, he was going with a friend. After the white unicorn got them back on that enchanted waterfall, Zarina went out of the carriage and gazed at that waterfall. It was still the same when they left it a while ago, the streams were flowing so beautifully. “It’s still beautiful no matter how long I look at it,” Zarina admitted as Luther stood right beside her while gazing at her intently. He didn’t know that he was smiling at the sight of her before nodding, “It is beautiful indeed,” Luther firmly said, his gaze couldn’t stray away from her. “You’re not looking at the waterfall old man,” Zarina jokes, so Luther looked offended at what she just said. “Who are you calling an old man?!” Luther complained as Zarina didn’t realize that she was chuckling casually around Luther’s company. They started to prepare as Luther told Zarina to stand on his front while he was lifting his wand, “Alright, standstill so that I could summon a proper swimming attire for you,” Luther informed before closing his eyes. “Hm? What color should suit you?” Luther wondered for a moment before shrugging, “I think any color would suit you,” He claimed before pointing his wand at Zarina’s clothes. A blinding light appeared before Luther and she gazed at what she was wearing. Zarina gasped when she noticed that it was too revealing as that elegant black two-piece cupped all of her curves, especially on the chest part. “Ahh! Luther! This is way too revealing,” Zarina complained and noticed that Luther was looking at her intently. Zarina tried to call his attention but he looks like he fell into a daze and couldn’t be pulled right back in reality, “Luther!” She decided to throw a stone at him again. Luther flinched when he felt that stone hit him, “O-Ouch! Why did you do that?!” He pouted while complaining. “Because I was calling you for a while now and you haven’t been responding to me!” Zarina complained before hugging herself. She has never worn something like this before and she feels uncomfortable about it. Luther looked at her again intently as he averted his gaze at her; he thought Zarina looked extremely beautiful and her worship-worthy body added to her alluring appeal making it impossible for him not to look. He feels like he was blushing because he has never been caught off guard by numerous women before, but Zarina did it effortlessly. “S-Sorry, um, I also have no experience with swimsuits and just summoned the swimsuit I saw before at the markets,” Luther coughed before closing his eyes to avoid looking at her. “I don’t believe you,” Zarina coldly commented, so Luther chuckled because he knew she would say that.  “Believe me human! I swear to my wand that it might disappear,” He firmly said before raising his wand, pointing it to Zarina, “I’ll try to summon something you’re comfortable with,”  “But you look nice at that swimsuit too,” Luther sincerely complimented, so Zarina bit her lower lip before averting her gaze at him. Zarina didn’t say anything as she waited for Luther to summon another swimsuit, a bright light appeared until she realized that she was wearing a black one-piece that hugged all of her curves. “Well um, this is more like it,” Zarina commented as Luther gazed at her intently, she still looks beautiful no matter what she wears. “How about you? Are you not going to get changed?” Zarina coldly asked while gazing at him, so Luther flinched before nodding. “Right, right, I have to get changed too,” Luther mumbled while cursing himself on the inside because he’s always falling into a daze if he looks at Zarina. It wasn’t long until Luther decided to use his magic on himself as he changed his wizard clothing into a casual one. To be continued...
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