Chapter Twenty Four - Wizardia

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“I, Luther Albus Sanford, hereby present to you these two living things that want to cross the path against the distance of our world, give me your blessing as I order these living things to exchange!” After Luther chanted those statements, a bright light appeared. Zarina wanted to close her eyes but she was too engulfed by the floating silver lights and glitters around her that’s enveloping her body. She thought it was a shame to miss such a view until the light got brighter as it forced her to shut her eyes closed as she heard a loud thud. Zarina slowly opened her eyes and raised her hands, she wasn’t transparent as she could see her hands clearly. She felt her butt was sitting on the cold floors as she gazed at her body. Good, she didn’t lose anything, she could hear, see, she touched her pointed nose and can move her hands and feet voluntarily, everything was normal. She thought. “Well, are you done checking yourself human?” After Zarina heard that familiar voice, she raised her head and saw that Luther was there removing his hat before he casually bowed at her. “Welcome to my humble home, human,” Luther formally said with a bright smile plastered on his lips. Zarina couldn’t help but be stunned, she didn’t know that Luther was this handsome up close, he then offered his hands and retrieved it again, “Right, we can’t touch each other,” He frowned for a moment before clapping his hands. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Ms. Zarina Kaye Taylor,” Luther added as Zarina kept gazing at his sky blue glinting eyes. There was silence between them for a moment as Zarina helped herself up, they were just gazing at each other’s eyes. “What? Why are you so quiet?” Luther almost felt nervous while gazing at this beautiful girl right beside him. “Are you that mesmerized by my handsomeness?! Hah! Couldn't blame you, no one could resist this man,” Luther pointed to himself as she glared at him. Luther thought her beauty was exquisite, her burgundy hair and emerald eyes made her look more perfect for his world. “S-Sorry, it’s just that it’s the first time I stand this close to you, I’m trying to get used to it,” Zarina finally spoke, so Luther clapped his hands. “Would you look at that! The human girl can talk!” Luther fooled around to ease the tension that was forming in the air. “And you don’t have to feel nervous around me, you always raise a hammer to me remember?” Luther sniggered before gesturing to his place. “This is my humble home human, feel free to roam around before we step outside,” He suggested as Zarina nodded before gazing at the whole place. She gazed first of course to the huge mirror where Luther could see her. She sighed in relief when he couldn’t see that side where she was taking a bath.  The tree was placed where she was standing a while ago, she thought it was strange and cool at the same time. After that, she walked around Luther’s home and smiled when she noticed that it’s similar to the movies that she watches where wizards and witches live. There was a huge black pot where potions are being brewed, there were lots of bookshelves that looked unclean around that contained numerous types of books, also a lot of unfamiliar things that she noticed around that Luther probably used for experiments. “So what do you think? Does this place shout about my handsomeness and greatness?” Luther floated beside her, startling Zarina. “Don’t get too close or I’ll disappear!” Zarina complained, so he just chuckled before flying around his house. “Don’t worry, I placed an invisible barrier between us both, just in case I get any ideas or probably forgot about it,” Luther proudly stated, so Zarina glared at him. “Luther, I swear if you do something,” Zarina coldly glared at him as he raised his hands before chuckling. “Chillax human! I won’t do anything to you!” Luther stopped for a moment before smirking, “Unless you want me to do something,” He playfully said while wiggling his eyebrows. “Ahh, that’s it! I’m going back!” Zarina turned around and was about to enter the mirror when she realized that she could only go back if she touched some living thing from this world. She sneaked a glance from Luther and the mirror. This means she needs to touch Luther to get back, did he realize it or anything? Zarina wondered before gazing at Luther again. He looked like was panicking because she wanted to go back, “You can’t go back yet! You haven’t seen Wizardia yet!”  Zarina just sighed before crossing her arms against her chest, “Fine, let’s go then,” She started looking for a door and was about to step out when Luther summoned a barrier wall to stop her from going further. “O-Ouch! Luther! Did you summoned something?! I thought I’m going to lose my nose!” Zarina complained while touching her nose, it hurt when she bumped on that invisible wall against the door. “I did, it was an invisible barrier! You can’t go out looking like that,” Luther informed her, so she wondered for a moment and gazed at what she was wearing. It was skinny jeans and a fitted basic top, “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Zarina furrowed her eyebrows at him as Luther scratched the back of his head. “Did you forget that you were a human and probably looked like one?! You should dress up like a witch first! In that way, no one would find you suspicious,” Luther suggested. “But you said we’ll go to places where there are not many people around,” Zarina clearly remembered what he said as Luther shook his head. “I know, but what if someone talks to us? We just have to be prepared when that happens,” Luther worriedly informed. Zarina gazed at Luther and all that she saw was how worried this wizard was to her, so she just sighed. “Fine, where can I borrow some witch clothes or something?” Zarina tilted her head at Luther, so he beamed at her. “Well, we have this!” Luther summoned his wand and Zarina was mesmerized by what she was seeing right in front of her. Those floating glitters around the wand looked unreal as Luther kept swaying it from his fingers, “Now let’s see, what kind of witch outfit will suit you?” He wondered while gazing at Zarina. “Keep your eyes up wizard,” Zarina warned furiously as Luther chuckled before raising his wands at her. “This,” Luther used his magic as Zarina closed her eyes and her outfit suddenly changed, she blushed when she noticed her chest was exposed as the red corset and skirt were too short on her. Luther blushed at what he saw, Zarina looked extremely daring and beautiful at the same time. Everyone would swoon at the sight of her. Zarina was about to complain about what she was wearing when Luther raised his wands before looking the other way. “No, that outfit isn’t right, I don’t like you to go out like that,” Luther coldly stated before using his magic again as the lights blinked. “There we go! You look...beautiful,” Luther complimented before coughing. He wanted Zarina to be comfortable around him. “Here, see for yourself,” Luther summoned a huge mirror so Zarina could clearly see what she was wearing. She gasped after seeing that she’s wearing a black and white corset that’s long on the sleeves. Her skirt was just right as she was wearing black boots with silver lining and a hat. “Woah, I look like a witch,” Zarina commented while turning around to check her back, “Oh my God, did you cut my hair?”  Zarina almost panicked and good thing her hair isn't short enough as it still reached half of her back. “Just a little bit so that your hair would grow healthy! You still have split ends you know!” Luther nervously said, so she furiously glared at him. “You should've asked me!” Zarina exclaimed as they started arguing with each other again until they decided to go out of his house. Zarina gazed from the outside and was stunned to see that Wizardia had pink salmon skies as the clouds looked different from her world. The moon is bright red and white, it just amazes her well-being that there’s truly a whole new world out there like this. “Normally, I would use teleport to go to various places, but now that I’m with you, let’s do it the traditional way,” Luther suggested as he matched with Zarina’s outfit today. Black and white coat with a white rose located at the side of his huge hat. Zarina couldn’t help but gaze at Luther often because it mesmerizes her that someone could look that majestic. “Done checking me out? Hah! I told you that you couldn’t resist my charms,” Luther playfully winked, so she just glared at him. He’s always ruining her mood because of his windy behavior, “Would you be a dear and shut up before you pissed me off entirely?” Zarina complained, so Luther just raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, alright!” Luther frowned before exhaling out a lungful of air, “Let’s summon a carriage,” After he said those words, a carriage appeared with a white unicorn on the front. The carriage was open so they’ll probably see the entire view from the outside. “There, but we’ll have to sit on opposite sides where we could see each other,” He wiggled his eyebrows as Zarina rolled her eyes. “Ladies first,” Luther opened the door of the carriage so Zarina then paced towards it before climbing up. She hissed when the boots were difficult to use for her to walk around comfortably, “Are you alright?” Luther worriedly asked so she flinched before nodding at him. “Y-Yes, I am,” She commented before sitting on the left side of the carriage, she didn’t want to complain as Luther did a lot of things for her to show her around. After she mounted the carriage, she gazed at the white unicorn on the front, “I just can’t believe that unicorns really do exist,”  She only read about those things in books and she’s still bewildered by the fact that she could see it in the flesh right now. Zarina didn’t know that she was smiling while saying those words as Luther caught in action, “And, got captured by my magic,” He whispered before secretly sniggering. He finds Zarina beautiful and adorable at the same time, “So we’re heading first to the hm, the wizard’s academy!” Luther cheered, so Zarina’s eyes widened. “I thought you were planning on taking me somewhere not crowded?!” Zarina coldly exclaimed, so Luther slowly tilted his head. “O-Oh right, hm maybe we could visit that after school hours are over, for now, let’s go to the enchanted waterfall!” Luther beamed before ordering the unicorn to go. When Zarina thought the unicorn would run, she gasped when she realized that it floated upwards while running. She was floating on the goddamn air and she’s inside of a freaking carriage, “H-Holy crap! We’re flying!” Zarina exclaimed. Luther laughed at her reactions, he was seeing numerous of them while Zarina was gazing down to check the breathtaking view below and before her. “Wow, I easily melted the ice queen’s heart just because of this ride?” Luther pinched his nose before smirking. Zarina didn’t mind him as she continued looking at the view, she couldn't believe that she’s seeing magnificent things like this. It wasn’t long until the white unicorn started flying downwards as it neighed towards a bunch of trees, Luther got down first as he motioned for Zarina to follow him. Zarina just carefully went down the carriage as her boots were making it difficult for her to move swiftly. Her sight suddenly darkened as she felt a piece of fabric was tied among her eyes, “Uh, Luther, what the hell is this?” Zarina almost panicked for a moment. “Relax! I just placed a blindfold on you using magic, I wanted the place to be a surprise,” Luther sniggered before using magic to help Zarina guide her way. He wanted to hold her hand, but that’s going to be impossible since they couldn’t touch each other or she’ll disappear before them. “There you go, are you ready to see something magical?” Luther excitedly asked as he motioned and readied his wand to take off the blindfold against Zarina’s eyes. “Yes, just get it on with it Luther,” Zarina complained, it wasn't long until Luther used his magic before taking off Zarina’s blindfold. She gasped as what she saw before her was something that her mind wouldn’t be able to forget. To be continued...
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