Chapter Twenty Six - Swimming

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Zarina gazed at Luther and it was the first time she saw him dressed in black shorts and was topless. She couldn’t believe that a hundred years old wizard could have that fit figure. He had firm abs and the v-line most girls would die in fangirling if they saw one, his muscles were just right, it made him look more...attractive. She thought ladies in her world would probably crowd him up if they saw him and ask for his number. “Oi, are you done checking me out human?” Luther playfully winked at her as Zarina shook her head. “In your dreams,” She rolled her eyes before gazing at the waterfall before them, “Are there fishes below or anything?” Luther shook his head before smiling at her, “I'm pretty sure there’s no fish there, but I put a barrier around where they wouldn’t swim towards us if there is,” He informed, so she wondered for a moment. Zarina then nodded before gazing at him, “I’ll be going in first,” She informed and casually walked to the falls. The sound of the flowing water filled her ears as she felt that she was in peace just by hearing those calm streams. She raised her legs and checked if the water was cold or anything, when she realized that it’s just the right temperature, she dived into the waters and felt the coldness spreading throughout her body. Zarina raised her head before hugging herself, “It's freezing,” She commented, so Luther laughed and summoned his wand. “Do you want it warm? I could change the temperature for a moment,” He suggested, so Zarina nodded at him as Luther used his magic to make the water warm. Zarina never felt relaxed before while swimming on the falls, she swam towards the falls and let herself be showered by the streams of the waterfall. Luther, on the other hand, decided to jump on the waters while gazing at Zarina from afar that looks like she was cleansing herself from the streams of the falls. “You like her,” Luther flinched when he heard someone speaking right beside him, he noticed that it was the creatures Zarina asked for him to give them food. “What?! I do not!” Luther sounded defensive, so the creatures just shook their heads, one of them was a nymph, the one who was taking care of the falls. “Wizard, it’s a crime to be in denial in this world, that witch is beautiful, you should at least man up and confess,” The nymph crossed her arms against her chest as Luther shook his head at her. “You usually fear witches, so why are you so nice to her?” Luther curiously asked, he was ready to attack them a while ago if they decided to scare Zarina since she’s dressed in witch clothing. Creatures dislike most witches since some of them utilize creatures for experimentation, and witches are mostly terrifying because of their strange laugh and changing of appearances. Though she’s a human and not a witch, “She doesn’t have the scent of those dark witches living in the center of the Wizardia, she was kind enough to give us some food too,” “What?! I was the one who gave you guys that food!” Luther complained, but the nymph glared at him. “But she was the one who requested for you to give us some, you didn't approve it at first, didn’t you?” She asked, so Luther averted his gaze since he was guilty. “See? Ugh, but never mind, just be honest with yourself wizard, in denial doesn’t look good on you,” The nymph stated and noticed that Zarina was swimming towards them. “She’s coming here, try to act like a man!” The nymph scolded him, so Luther just shrugged at what she just said. “Is that a nymph Luther?” Zarina sounded excited and curious at the same time, but it wasn’t shown on her face. “Yes, and she said you were kind,” Luther casually informed, so she felt touched for a moment before looking at that nymph. “Thank you for thinking of me like that,” Zarina sincerely said, so the nymph just floated at the top of her. Luther secretly summoned a barrier around Zarina just in case the nymph would get any ideas of touching her. “No problem and thank you for kindly thinking of us wanting some food,” The nymph smiled, so Zarina thought she looked beautiful. “I-It’s nothing, it’s the least I could do for swimming and visiting your falls, you’re probably taking care of this right?” Zarina claimed, so Luther gazed at her for a moment. Luther was astounded that she even knew about nymphs, she’s just a human yet she’s knowledgeable about both worlds where they both currently live. “T-Thank you, no one has ever thanked me before or given me something when they see these falls,” The nymph mumbled like she was surprised. Zarina just nodded, “You’re doing a pretty good job taking care of this place, it’s beautiful,” She smiled, so the nymph got attached to her. The nymph then decided to put on the show as she used the water element to amuse Zarina for a moment. Zarina couldn’t contain her amazement when she saw that water sparkled at the sight of her, “W-Wow,” She mumbled before smiling. The nymph and Zarina spoke for a while, so Luther was just watching them from afar. He was smiling because Zarina seemed to be pretty used to what his world has. It’s like she’s been here before or something, but that’s impossible to happen, “Oi! Human! Time is passing by quickly so we have to visit the academy soon!” Luther called out before standing up and summoned his wizard clothing back. Zarina felt like she didn't want to leave until she decided to say goodbye to the nymph, “It’s been a pleasure to talk to you, I had fun, but I have to go now,” She admitted, so the nymph squealed. “Thank you so much too, witch, may I ask what’s your name?” The nymph curiously asked, they spoke so much that they forgot to ask each other’s name. “O-Oh right, it’s Zarina, how about yours?” She smiled before swimming towards the shallow part of the falls. “I’m Aquamarine, you can just call me Aqua,” The nymph told her, so Zarina just nodded before raising her body on the edge of the shallow part. “I’ll visit you again next time, Aqua,” Zarina promised as they both bid each other goodbye, it wasn’t long until Luther summoned back her witch outfit. He called the white unicorn before gazing at Zarina and smirked, “Wow, the ice queen who is not sociable to the human world is interacting casually here with the creatures,”  Zarina flinched before averting her gaze at him, “The nymph was just nice and she wasn’t looking at my body,” Luther wondered for a moment before nodding, “So you spoke to her because she didn’t look at you pervertedly?” “Yes, do that and I might actually just be as nice to you like what I did to her,” Zarina rolled her eyes before watching the white unicorn arrive before them. She mounted it first and noticed that Luther was in a daze for a moment, “Hey? I thought we have to leave sooner? Let’s go,”  Luther flinched as he cursed himself inside of his mind, it’s strange for him to fall into a daze this often. He just wondered for a moment if he’ll behave then Zarina would be too nice to him and would probably allow him as her friend. Luther came back to his senses when Zarina started to ask some questions about the places around Wizardia. “Well, there are four places that you could go aside from the center of Wizardia where the wizard’s academy is located,” “Wait, wait, the wizard’s academy doesn’t just mean it’s the school for wizards only, right? There are like all of the creatures studying inside learning magic?” Zarina claimed, so Luther furrowed his eyebrows before nodding. “Well yes, how did you know about that?” Luther confusingly asked, so Zarina secretly smiled at what he just asked. “Well, I like to read, remember? Plus I’m a proofreader manager, I’ve read like all of the books writers could think of writing,” She replied, so he just nodded before coughing. “What you said was right, but yes there are four other places around the Wizardia where you can visit,” Luther informed. “There’s the palace of giants and dragons, the lair of vampires, wizards & witches, and of course the enchanted forest where creatures like werewolves, dwarfs, elves, fairies, gnomes, goblins, orcs, trolls, unicorns, and other mythical creature live,” He added, so Zarina listened attentively. She knew some parts of it because like what she said a while ago, she reads a lot of fantasy books and is knowledgeable about numerous facts about fantasy places. Zarina couldn’t believe how amazing writers were since they’re writing things similar to what she’s seeing right now. Imagine if they could see what she’s seeing right now? They’ll probably faint because of shock. Zarina thought. “The most huge place around Wizardia is the enchanted forest, that’s where most creatures are and they separate of course to be with their kind just like the fairies, they had their land inside of that forest,” Luther explained. “I kind of figured that, we probably just visited one percent of that forest because I only saw one of the falls hidden inside of that magical place,” Zarina replied, so Luther was pleased that she looked highly interested. “Oh, we’re here,” After Luther said those words, the unicorn neighed as it now stood in front of the huge entrance of the academy. “Woah, it’s huge,” Zarina commented before she slowly got down on the carriage first and Luther followed her from behind. The strange-looking buildings and gates were so high that you almost couldn’t see their peak because it’s much higher than the clouds from above. “Of course, giants also study here,” Luther playfully winked as Zarina’s eyes widened, “Are you afraid of them?”  Zarina then slowly nodded at him, she thought, who wouldn’t be scared if she actually saw one today?!  Luther laughed out loud because of her reactions, “Come on, they’re the nicest creatures here compared to us living in Wizardia,” Zarina wondered for a moment at what he just said, “For real?” She curiously asked, so Luther nodded at her attentively. “For real! The most terrifying creatures here for me are the witches, sirens, and of course, vampires,” He admitted, so Zarina embedded that information deep inside of her mind. “Now come on let’s go, the academy will be closing soon and we’re just sneaking inside!” Luther snickered before he summoned his wand. “Invisibility!” He chanted, so Zarina gazed at her body and Luther’s for a moment, “We could still see each other of course, I made the magic work that way, but others can’t,” Luther seems to be reading Zarina’s mind as she shakes her head, “Come on, this way,” Luther pointed at the main entrance, so she followed him from behind. The academy was supposed to be loud but since it was already closing time, only a few students were seen roaming around and were preparing to go home. “Human, welcome to the academy of Wizardia,” Luther proudly announced. Zarina was taken aback after she entered the main gates; the academy was navy blue and black in color including the walls and windows. It was like silver glitters were floating around the air as some tables and chairs were designed to float in the air for them to fully utilize the space that the building has. There was a fountain inside and its waters were similar to the colors she saw from the luminous spheres Luther created just for her. Outside, four buildings could be seen where one of them was the biggest, probably because that’s where giants take their classes. “W-Wow,” Zarina was out of words, she just couldn’t believe that she’s seeing this right in front of her. She had never seen an academy built like that before; it appeared to be built for all creatures to fit in. She even secretly pinched herself if she was dreaming, it hurt, so from there, she knew that everything right now was real. Luther sadly gazed at the academy before him, he was reminded of the times that his mentor decided to let him study here after he taught him everything that he needed to know. “Come on, I’ll show you to my favorite places,” Luther invited before they sprinted to the halls like some birds that were freed from their cages. To be continued...
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