Chapter Eleven - Dream

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“Oi, what’s your name?” A strangely familiar voice was to be heard as Zarina glanced on her back, a small guy floating approached her while she was playing in their backyard. Zarina was supposed to be surprised that the little guy floats and looks transparent, but she’s too used to seeing those kinds of weird things appearing not just in their backyard, but also inside of their humble house. “I’m Zarina, why? Who are you and what are you doing in our yard?” She furiously gazed at that kid, so he defensively raised his hands. He finds this little lady a little intimidating because of her stares, she looks cold and unapproachable. “Woah chill out lady! You’re the one who’s here inside of this forest,” That little kid explained before lowering his hands, so Zarina furrowed his eyebrows at him. “Forest? Can’t you see this is our backyard?” Zarina confusedly asked him, “And why do you look like you’re close to disappearing?”  That floating little guy looks surprised at what she just said, “What? You’re the one who looks weird and glowing, that’s why I approached you, you’re too big to be known as a fairy, so what are you?” Before Zarina could answer that question, her eyes widened as she heard her alarm clock ringing. She stood up before massaging her temples. It was just a dream, but why does she feel nostalgic about it? Why does she feel like it happened before? “What a strange dream,” Zarina commented before deciding to rise and did her morning rituals to get ready for work. After she entered her bathroom, Luther immediately greeted her with a bright smile, “Well would you look at that, my morning is now perfect because I saw you and those melons,”  Zarina furiously glared at Luther after he said those words, she didn’t say anything as she covered the mirror with some cloth. “Oi! Aren’t you going to greet me with a good morning? We had a blast last night!” Luther complained, but Zarina just rolled her eyes and took a bath. “Oi! You’re so mean to me! What did I do this time again to make you ignore me? Huhuhu!” Luther pretended to be crying on the other side when he heard the showers whistling, but Zarina of course didn’t pay attention to it. “Who’s going to greet you a good morning when you already said something that would make my day totally worse?” Zarina furiously stated as she finished her bath immediately. What’s up with this wizard and melons? She thought while shaking her head. It wasn’t a while until she slipped into her working clothes and ate the breakfast that she made. After she washed her dishes, she wore her flats before pacing towards the bathroom, “I’m going Luther, don’t mess with my apartment again,” Zarina warned while threading her bag lightly on her right shoulders. Luther was pouting while his arms were crossed against his chest, “Take care, I'm going to miss you!” He teased, so Zarina just rolled her eyes and left her apartment. After Luther heard that she was already gone, he decided to slip into his wizard clothes and decided to set out to the land of fairies. He used his wand to create another mirror just to see his handsomeness since can’t use his big mirror anymore, “Why isn’t that woman enthralled by my handsomeness?” Luther just shrugged before smoothing his coat. After checking that he looks decent enough to make a lot of fairies fall for him again, he teleported to the land of fairies and was greeted by the forests that filled with numerous wildflowers and herbs that he used for making potions. “Mr. Luther! You’re here!” A lot of fairies happily squealed as they crowded him up at the entrance. “Ladies, ladies, calm down, it’s just me,” Luther confidently announced as he playfully smirked, he knew that he was so handsome that all of the ladies drool for him. But it’s truly odd that Zarina isn’t getting affected by his charms, it bothers him a lot that he fell into a daze off for a moment. “Mr. Luther? Are you alright?” One of the fairies worriedly asked, so finally regained his composure before nodding. “Why wouldn’t I be? I’m surrounded with such beauties,” Luther playfully winked, so a lot of fairies squealed at his remarks. A lot of fairies fell for him again as they changed into their human forms. Fairies can have different forms, the small one to hide from danger and the human form to accompany or interact with some guests like Luther. However, fairies can only change forms within their own land; if they decided to leave, they would be unable to change into their human form because their magic isn’t strong enough for them to switch into their other form. “So what brings you here, Mr. Luther?” A lot of fairies accompanied him from a treehouse as they served him some freshly extracted petals of flowers on a leaf glass. Luther thanked these hospitable beauties before smiling at them, “Just want to check if there’s nothing odd that has appeared here, did you notice anything?” He drank at that leaf glass before gazing at those fairies that looks confused at what he just said. Luther couldn’t help but compare them to Zarina, she just looks so highly different from them that he does not get excited anymore on seeing these fairies change into their human form. Plus, Zarina has this beauty that Luther wanted to see all the time, especially when she glares at him from the mirror. “Nothing unusual, how about you ladies?” The red fairy gazed at her girls as they all shook their heads in unison. “Hm? Is that so?” Luther hummed before asking for another batch of drink, “I thought something odd happened here, I just heard from my...friend that something odd has happened here,” He reasoned out. Luther couldn’t erase what Zarina and he talked about yesterday when she saw some fairy and it actually talked to her. He knew it was odd for that to happen, but Zarina looked so serious about it that he just had to check if she actually appeared here in Wizardia. “Nothing unusual happened here Mr. Luther, but thank you for giving us your precious time just to visit us here,” They clapped their hands as they gave him some freshly baked delicacies that they harvested from the forest. “Thank you, may I just have some of these potions that I needed for my experiments?” Luther requested while summoning the list that he made from his hands. “No problem Mr. Luther! Oh by the way! The past few days we heard an explosion, did that come from you?” The fairies curiously asked while gathering what he needed, so he pouted before nodding at them. Every time there’s an explosion at Wizardia they always assume that it came from his house or something about his experiments. All of the creatures from Wizardia knew that he’s just like his mentor before that likes to create experiments that are dangerous and rare. “You should stop making those experiments, it’s dangerous for your safety Mr. Luther,” One of the fairies scolds him, so Luther just playfully smirked at her. “I’m the greatest wizard of all times! What would happen to me?” Luther winked, so the fairies just shook their heads before smiling. “You remind us of your mentor, Mr. Luther, he used to say that a lot when he suddenly just vanished,”  “Hey! You shouldn’t mention that Martha! You know Mr. Luther is sensitive about that topic!” One of them whispered as they started to scold one another. Luther lowered his head as he gripped his hands. He was young and still learning when his mentor disappeared and he’s doing everything he can to look for him. He didn’t care that it would cost him everything just to look for the mentor that became a father figure to him when he picked him up in the main city of Wizardia. “No it’s alright ladies, I don’t mind talking about him,” Luther sincerely smiled before finishing up his drink. Now that his first plan has failed, he has to look for another experiment that would help him track the whereabouts of his mentor. It shouldn’t be hard now that he’s powerful and all, but he finds it difficult to track his mentor for some reason that he doesn’t know. The fairies wondered for a moment while gazing at Luther, something about him changed that they couldn’t point out. Luther got what he needed from here and it’s time for him to go, “Mr. Luther? Aren’t you going to stay until dinner? We could have a party prepared just for you,” One of the fairies suggested, but he just shook his head at them. “No thank you! I have an ice queen waiting for me at my home, she probably would overreact if she hasn’t seen me home by then,” Luther winked at those fairies, so they just squealed because he looks adorable when he does that, they thought. He bid them goodbye and casually walked out of the land of the fairies when he bumped into someone, “Oh, are you alright lady?” Luther immediately lends a hand at the golden fairy who’s in her human form. “Ahh! Oh--it’s just you Mr. Luther, I thought it was some strange transparent human again that appeared,” She giggled before accepting Luther’s hand who was stunned at what she just said. “What do you mean? You saw a human here yesterday? Where? Would you explain to me everything that you saw in a detailed manner?” Luther curiously asked as he held on her shoulders intently. “Waa! Mr. Luther!” Luther just then realized that they were too close to each other because of his hold, so he let go of her. “Oh sorry, that was rude of me to do that, can we talk for a second?” Luther politely requested so the golden fairy nodded as she changed into her fairy form as she guided him to where that golden fairy saw something strange. “So you saw her here?” Luther pointed at the tree that he’s looking at, so the golden fairy just nodded. “Yes Mr. Luther, I flew right before her eyes, she looked surprised but her face didn't tell it,” The golden fairy informed him, so Luther was sure that it was Zarina. No one can look surprised with no emotions on their face if it’s that ice queen slightly sss girl called Zarina Kaye Taylor. “What does she look like?” Luther wanted to make sure because there might be some magic that’s lingering around this land. “Green eyes, burgundy hair, she looks like she’s not human because of her appearance,” The golden fairy immediately answered, so Luther clenched his hands, it was really her! He exclaimed in his mind. “Though I couldn’t see her clearly since she looked transparent like she’s about to disappear, it was the first time that it occurred to me that glittering dust can reveal an image of something like her,” The golden fairy added, making Luther nod. It would be a problem if some mythical creatures heard about this, he has to eliminate the memories of this golden fairy. He’s not doing this for his benefit, but he doesn’t like anyone to find out until he gets to the bottom of this. Especially if the safety of Zarina is at stake, if the higher-ups of this palace heard about it, they might do something about his communication with Zarina. “Has anyone heard or know about this aside from you?” Luther curiously asked while playing with the buttons on his wrists. The golden fairy shook her head before sighing, “I just came back from the deepest part of the forest when I bumped into you Mr. Luther, I was just about to inform them about it!” She beamed while flying around him. “Alright, would you kindly fly in this tree for a moment,” Luther requested as he swiftly summoned his wand. The golden fairy looked confused, but she just followed Luther’s orders anyway, “Is this the place where you want me to stand?” She inquired, so Luther just nodded before smiling brightly at her. “Yes now standstill because I want to capture what happened here,” Luther lied as he started whispering his chant’s on his wand. A blinding light appeared as he directed it at that fairy, she gasped as she slowly received the magic that Luther had chanted. “Huh? Where am I?” The golden fairy asked before gazing at Luther, “W-Waa! Mr. Luther! What are we doing here?” She blushed while gazing around her surroundings. Luther just smiled before keeping his wand, “You wanted to show me around, right? That’s what you told me,” He lied, so the fairy gasped before nodding. “O-Oh right! I’m sorry for spacing out! I have to let you witness what I found at the deepest part of the forest! It was strange!” The golden fairy started talking about what she saw as she escorted Luther over there. He went along with it because he took a memory of hers away from him against her will, he didn’t notice how late it was until he decided to come back to his home. To be continued...
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