Chapter Twelve - Missed

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Zarina securely locked her apartment after she got home, it was hectic at work since a lot of generator problems had occurred and they had to begin from the start when they’re almost in the middle of what they’re working on. She changed her clothes and decided to rest for a while since she finished her entire part of the work back at their company because she was pressured about the generator going down again without her finishing her work. After slipping into her comfortable clothes, she checked her phone and noticed that it was filled with lots of messages coming from Viber. She read that they’re planning to go out and eat tomorrow because it’s their day off and the boss is planning to get the generator fixed again. “Hey, ice queen? Are you coming? You should come!” Kirstin suggested this on the group chat, so all of their workmates agreed with her. All of them seem to act kindly around her, probably because of Kirstin. Zarina didn’t know that her parents contacted their boss about what had happened to her and asked for Zarina’s friend's number to look after her. She doesn’t have many friends, but her boss intentionally gave the number of Kirstin to her parents and told her everything that has happened to why Zarina needed to be looked after. Zarina thought that of all the people that their parents had to talk to about it, it’s the woman she doesn’t like because she keeps on bugging her! FLASHBACK// “Hey, I heard what happened to you when I called the other day, why didn’t you tell me?” Kirstin firmly approached her after she finished her work. She furrowed her eyebrows because she noticed that Kirstin kept on glancing at her while she’s doing her work. Zarina also finds it odd that she wasn’t calling her names as she patiently waited for Zarina to finish her work. “What are you talking about?” Zarina coldly asked, so Kirstin just grabbed a recliner to sit right beside her. “Your parents called me, they told me what happened to you when I called you that night, you should’ve told me what happened,” Kirstin sounded a little furious, but she was controlling herself. Zarina wondered for a moment as her eyes widened, “They told you about the intruder inside of my apartment?” She almost exclaimed, but Kirstin just nodded at her. She bit her lower lip as she clenched her hands, “How did you get my parent's number?” Zarina curiously asked while gazing at her intently. “Your parents said our boss gave my number to them, they were looking for someone to look after you and the boss thought we were friends and gave my number to them by mistake,” Kirstin informed her as Zarina cursed mentally. She couldn’t believe that her parents would do that to her and her boss must be trying to annoy her because she made a mistake from the proofread! Kirstin reached out to her hands before sighing, “Are you alright? You fought off that man alone, are you sure you’re not hurt?”  It was the first time Zarina saw Kirstin looking so serious, she never saw someone genuinely worried about her aside from her parents. She wanted to push her away, tell her that it isn’t her business, but Zarina knew that it would be rude since she was trying to be nice and was worried about her. “I-I’m fine and I’m not comfortable talking about it, the police were taking care of the matter,” Zarina informed as she bit her lower lip. Kirstin just sighed while scratching the back of her head, “If I knew what happened to you that night, I wouldn't have made fun of you, I apologize for that,”  She stood up before looking at Zarina again. Zarina isn't the only one who notices the uneasiness building around them two, but she truly appreciates the fact that Kirstin was genuinely concerned about her. “I know we are not on good terms Zarina, but if something happens, please don’t hesitate to call me,” Kirstin added and she was surprised that Zarina nodded at her. “I’ll try, but don’t look after me, I’ll be fine on my own, I’ll call when I need help,” Zarina firmly stated before putting her gaze back in the computer. “And I’m sorry that my parents bothered you too, they shouldn’t have done that, they’re just very concerned about my safety,” Zarina sincerely said as Kirstin shook her head. “I don’t mind, I’m glad that they called me because if not, I wouldn’t know that you were going through something,” Kirstin casually replied. “Yes and I hope you keep this in between us, I don’t want others to crowd me up here on my desk,” Zarina requested. Kirstin got what she said as she nodded, she was about to leave when she stopped in her tracks when Zarina said, “Thank you, Kirstin,” END OF FLASHBACK// “You better not have told everyone or you know what you’re going to get,” Zarina texted Kirstin and was surprised that she immediately got a reply. “Oh! What kind of ‘get’ am I going to receive from our ice queen?” She read Kirstin's reply and was about to scold her when a message appeared again. “And you don’t have to worry about that, I’m a woman that keeps my word, so you better go tomorrow or I swear! I’ll tell them!” Kirstin added. “Is she going to keep her word or not? She’s confusing sometimes,” Zarina sighed in disbelief as she noticed that it wasn’t silent after she had arrived. Zarina gazed at her bathroom, “Luther? Are you there?” She called and slowly paced towards her bathroom when no one answered. Usually, after she enters her apartment, that guy is always creating noise for her to notice him, she didn’t realize it after she entered the apartment. “Luther?” Zarina opened the bathroom door and revealed no one in the mirror, she got nervous for a moment as she gazed at the mirror intently. “Luther? Are you there? If you’re doing this to worry me, it’s not working,” She lied, it was affecting her and she didn’t know why she was nervous that no one was answering her. She decided to calm down and stared at that mirror intently, “Maybe he did some chores and bought something outside of their world,” Zarina started to pace back and forth, “He should’ve left me a message, did something happen to him?”  She didn’t realize that she was overthinking as she started doing some chores to make herself busy, she even did another part of her work although she’s already done with it. Zarina almost did everything to put her mind at ease but it isn’t working. “Luther? Are you there? I'm going to make dinner and I’ll give you your part, so please, talk to me,” Zarina gazed at the bathroom again, so she bit her lower lip as she decided to make dinner. It took her a while to make dinner as she noticed that Luther still hadn't arrived yet, she still prepared for his part as she fixed the table near the bathroom again, “Luther, where are you?” Zarina whispered while biting her lower lip as she raised her cutlery. Zarina finished eating her dinner and was already washing the dishes when she heard someone coughing inside the bathroom. Her heart thumped against her chest as she decided to dry off her hands and listen to the noise coming from her bathroom. “Zarina? Are you there?” Luther called and she didn’t know why she felt relieved after hearing his voice. “Luther,” Zarina mumbled while she’s trying to wipe her tears away, she didn’t know why she was acting that way. “I’m sorry because I got too busy dealing with the mess on the land of fairies, hello? Are you there?” Luther worriedly called from the bathroom since he noticed that it was late. “Oi! Human! I’m back! You should be here because it’s probably dinner there like here!” Luther exclaimed while gazing at the mirror. Zarina slowly walked over there and revealed herself to Luther, “Where have you been?” Zarina worriedly asked while crossing her arms against her chest. “I was worried about you, don’t you know how long I have been waiting for you?” She bit her lower lip while gazing at that wizard. He looks like he went on a long trip and was exhausted, his lustrous hair was in disarray as he kept on dusting off himself. “Sorry, I have to buy something and lost track of time, did you miss me, human?” Luther winked before laughing, he wanted to tease Zarina but she was just staring at him intently. “I did Luther, you were gone, you should’ve told me where you went,” Zarina hissed before leaving the bathroom to place the bowl on the table that she didn’t remove right in front of the bathroom. Luther was caught off guard, he didn’t know that Zarina would actually admit that she missed him that he couldn't find the right words he needed to say. He couldn't understand why his heart was thumping against his chest as he looked at Zarina intently. “I made you dinner, I’ll go do my work, so tell me if you’re done,” Zarina coldly stated and left the bathroom to do her dishes. But deep inside, she just wanted to stay away because she feels like her ears were heating up tremendously because of what she just said. “Z-Zarina! Wait! We have to talk first! I have something to tell you too!” Luther called out, but it was too late since Zarina had already come back to washing her dishes. Luther just scratched the back of his head when Zarina didn’t answer as he gazed at the bowl on the table.  He playfully smiled as he thought about something to make it up to her after he ate the dinner she made for him. “Oi! Human, I’m done eating,” Luther called out, so Zarina gazed at the bathroom and noticed that there was a strange thing glowing over there. Zarina slowly paced over and gasped after seeing glowing flowers over there, she picked it up and examined its appearance. “What’s this?” Zarina squinted her eyes, so Luther just secretly chuckled at her strange questions. “It’s roses Zarina, haven’t you heard of it?” Luther curiously asked, so Zarina rolled her eyes at what he just said. It was a red, white, and blue rose that bloomed beautifully as the edges of it including the stems we’re glowing. She knows what it is, she just doesn't get why he gave something like this to her. “It’s my peace offering to you, I apologize for making you upset that I didn’t tell you where I was going,” Zarina gazed at Luther who had his hat down and was placed on his chest, she was caught off guard since she hadn't seen Luther without his hat off. “I also thought that I wasn’t going to take a while, but I got caught up with the matters that include you,” Luther finally gazed at her eyes, so they stared at each other intently. “What do you mean that includes me?” Zarina curiously asked, so Luther raised his wand and summoned the element of water. “Remember when you told me about the fairy that you saw?” Luther curiously asked while playing with his wand. “Y-Yes? When you didn’t believe me when I saw a fairy and she talked to me?” Zarina raised her eyebrows, so Luther just nodded at her. “It turns out, you’re not lying,” Luther acknowledged as he revealed to Zarina what he did for this day. Zarina was astounded after seeing the similar fairy that Luther’s with at what the water had captured, “It’s her, the golden fairy that I saw,” “You were in Wizardia, Zarina, how on earth did that happen? You couldn't be here, only beings that have magical abilities could have the ability to come or live here,” Luther gazed at her intently as her eyes widened. “What?! I was in your world?! B-But how?” Zarina exclaimed, so Luther understood her reactions. “You weren’t fully there, you were just transparent according to that fairy I spoke with,” Luther sighed while scratching the back of his head, “I also erased her memories because it might be difficult for me to deal with it if it spreads like wildfire,” Zarina just nodded as she held onto those roses intently, just like in her world, it would be difficult if they found out that there’s a real wizard inside of her mirror. Imagine if the magical creatures found out that there’s a human, they’ll probably investigate more about that matter especially if they found out that there’s a whole other world out there. “What should we do?” Zarina curiously asked before gazing at Luther again who had his hat on while smiling at her intently. “We’re going to figure out if I could go there as well, and if you really could appear here in my world,” Luther happily suggested, so Zarina’s eyes widened. To be continued...
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