Chapter Six - Helped

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They both used their hands to shield their eyes from that blinding light, it was gleaming so brightly throughout Zarina’s apartment. “What the hell was that?!” The glazier on her back was distracted from that blinding light so Zarina took the opportunity to struggle and hurt that glazier using her fists. She cursed when she felt how painful it was when it hit that glazier’s face, but he grunted in pain from what she did.  Zarina took that opportunity by running to the bathroom, but she was pursued by that dangerous man again after he had recovered. “Human? Are you alright?! Is he hurting you?!” Luther called out from the bathroom, he couldn’t just disregard her screaming from a while ago as he removed the cloth covering the mirror himself. “I know I promised not to speak! I just want to know if you’re okay!” Luther added. Both of them are unaware that the mirror will glow if he continues talking. Zarina, on the other hand, was panting as she successfully hit the glazier with some flower base she saw on the side when that glazier gripped her hand again. He grunted in pain again as she successfully arrived at the bathroom to ask for some help. “L-Luther! Help me!” Zarina called with tears forming on eyes as she saw that wizard levitating inside of the mirror with a wand in his hands. Before she could say another word, Zarina was then strangled on her neck as the man with blood on his head gripped it, “You’re not running away from me woman!” The glazier furiously exclaimed. Zarina panicked because she can’t breathe properly, “L-Let me go!” She fumed while trying to fight him off. “Zarina!” Luther expressed his concern as he fiercely scowled at the glazier, who appeared shocked when Luther called her. “What in the world is this?” The glazier exclaimed, astonished to discover a strange figure inside a mirror glaring at him intensely. Luther then decided to use his wand to help him gather his power to put something into Zarina’s world to help her. “I, Luther Albus Sanford, hereby summon the element of fire to enter that world and help this woman in need, punish the doer of evil, and make him regret it for the rest of his life, inferno!” Luther chanted those words, he placed his wand on the mirror and a blinding light appeared once more in Zarina’s apartment. “Ahh!” The glazier shrieked as he realized his entire body was on fire. Zarina's eyes widened, she was so taken aback by what was going on that she couldn't say anything. “Stay away for a moment, Zarina,” Luther firmly ordered, she didn’t know what to do but follow him as she entered the bathroom. “Thorn whip!” Luther chanted. After he said those words, the glazier wasn’t on fire anymore as his whole body was tied with a whip that was created by thorns. Luther closed his eyes as the emitting light vanished. Zarina was panting while looking at that unconscious man before her, she stepped away while clutching to her chest. “I-Is he dead, w-what happened to him?” she mumbled nervously before gazing at Luther. He shook his head coldly before looking at her intently, “He deserves death from what he was about to do to you, but I can’t interfere with how your world deals with peace and order,” Luther claimed, so Zarina just nodded. She thought it made sense why he decided to do that, it was smart for Luther to think that way since she might be pointed out to the murder that she didn’t do if this man died because of the fire a while ago.  “I just restrained him so you can now call for help, you can make things up, that is your place, report what he has done,” Luther suggested, so Zarina simply nodded before weeping. Luther didn't know what to do when he saw her, it was the first time he had seen a woman cry right in front of him and he wasn’t there physically to console her. “I-I’m sorry, just give me a moment to compose myself, I-I was just so terrified of what just happened,” Zarina explained as she sobbed softly on the side of the bathroom. She had no idea what would happen if Luther wasn't there to help her; she was defenseless and frail. That rapist came dangerously close to taking advantage of her. “I apologize human, this wouldn’t happen if I warned you sooner,” Luther sounded disappointed in himself while playing with his wand. “I heard him plotting something inside of this bathroom after I heard you screamed for help, but I remained silent because you told me not to speak,” he clenched his fists on the other side before gazing at Zarina. She gently shook her head, “I-It wasn’t your fault,” she sniffed and used her clothes to wipe her tears away. “I-If it wasn’t for you, I might be more in danger,” she admitted before bursting out to tears again, her tough self was shaken up because of the scenario that just happened. Luther sighed deeply before summoning a dry cloth on the other side and placing it on the top of her head. Zarina stopped sobbing for a moment, she just realized that there’s something above her head. “Use that to wipe your tears and please, don’t cry anymore,” He softly requested. When it comes to sobbing females, Luther has a soft spot. “He won’t harm you again, for now, you should focus on calling for help before he’ll gain consciousness,” Luther firmly suggested, so Zarina used the cloth to wipe her tears away before standing up. “Where are you going?” Luther worriedly asked, so Zarina stopped from pacing before looking at him again.  His sky blue eyes were glinting with concern, and he doesn't seem to want to take his eyes away from her. “I have to look for my phone to call for help and when help comes, you better not speak this time okay?” Zarina reminded him before leaving the bathroom to grab her phone near the dining table. Zarina sniffed after she got her phone back and paced towards the bathroom again as she shakingly typed the number of the police. “Alright, I will, but you have to promise me to come back after everything is over,” Luther replied and requested. Zarina simply nodded as she reported the crime that just happened inside of her apartment. The police immediately came to her despite the strange power outage, she reported everything to them of course except for the fact that Luther helped her. “Let me go! I swear! I saw a man inside of her bathroom! Check it right now! It’s not my fault!” The glazier exclaimed while glaring at Zarina. He's squirming in the grip of the two cops next to him, his hands already handcuffed. “I was on fire a while ago! I was being burnt to fire! My whole body! Believe me! You can ask this woman!” The glazier hissed as Zarina jumped and caressed her elbows. “Yeah, yeah and my crush told me I’m handsome, now move, you’ll be locked up,” The policeman glared at that glazier as they left her apartment. They already checked her bathroom a while ago, she covered the mirror with cloth of course, and didn't find anything unusual since Zarina warned Luther. “We’ll deal with this mess, Ms. Taylor, can we recommend you to a therapist?” One of the policewomen asked so she shook her head before smiling. “I-I’m fine, he didn’t touch me that much because I fought, though thank you for the offer, I appreciate it,” Zarina gave them a small smile as they nodded at her. “Ms. Taylor, where did you get this kind of whip?” Another one asked while lifting it at the sight of her, so she flinched because she forgot about that. “O-Oh um, I used to cosplay before and used that as the goddess...of the f-forest,” She closed her eyes after she muttered that lie. She can’t even wear a freaking dress yet she told them she’s cosplaying? It would be a mess if they found out she’s not. “I see, we’re lucky to find you alright, don’t you have any neighbors?” The policemen inquired as she answered every question that she needed to answer for them to finish this interrogation. “Why were your windows broken?” The policewoman wondered, so Zarina lied once more. She needs to because she can't just divulge the identity of that wizard. Who knows what tests they'll do if they discover another universe exists? “I'm not sure why it broke, I was at work when it happened, maybe it was part of his plan for me to contact him and repair this mess,” Zarina hugged herself, letting the officer know she was uncomfortable with the topic. “Thank you so much for answering our questions, you can rest at ease, we’ll be handling him,” she smiled at Zarina, so she just nodded before sighing in relief. “If you need any help, don’t hesitate to call us,” They reminded her as they bid her goodbye, Zarina escorted them out of her apartment. After she closed the door she sighed in relief and rested her back at the cold door, “They’re gone, you can speak now,” Zarina raised her voice, enough for Luther to hear her. “Good for you, just how many questions do humans need for them to grasp the situation?” Luther disappointedly stated as Zarina went towards to see him. “They needed that to file a report, there’s a lot of processes here, it takes time and many days,” Zarina explained, so Luther just scoffed. Who needs to file numerous paper reports if they have an element of water in their place? “We can just use the water element here for us to see what truly happened in certain places,” Luther informed, “It doesn’t take days, after seconds, the crime here is solved,” He gloated, so Zarina just bitterly smiled. “Justice system here in our world isn’t fair, we have to take process and there are times that the case might turn around if you don’t have any money unless there is proof,” Zarina informed, so Luther’s eyes widened. “What? How can money do that? Is that some sort of magic too?” Luther exclaimed, she wanted to laugh because Luther knows only about the word magic. “Humans are different from mythical creatures like you, we’re entirely different, there’s a reason why we call you humans, mythical,” she mumbled before leaning on the space in between the doors. “I didn’t know that you guys called us that, literally,” he laughed before playing with his wand that interested Zarina. “I didn’t know that you can also do that, use magic with a wand? Fiction sometimes does tell the truth huh?” Zarina almost wanted to laugh out loud, but the situation that had happened a while ago made her not do it. “What? What kind of stories do we have there in your place?” Luther curiously asked, so Zarina started narrating about the series she wanted before, like the Harry Potter series. Luther was listening intently, you can tell from his eyes that he’s interested in what she was saying, at the same time, confused. Wands aren’t invented or will not choose you, they appear after you control your powers. Plus for him it would be a great idea that Zarina narrates about certain types of things, it will help her forget what has happened a while ago. “Also, you’re named close to a powerful wizard named Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,” Zarina informed him, so his eyebrows furrowed. “What mother would name their son like that? Can he even spell that right?” Luther wondered, so Zarina just chuckled at his comment. Dumbledore didn’t have any mother, he was created by an author named JK Rowling. “Well, he is a powerful wizard, his name suits him,” Luther claimed, so Zarina just shook her head, “And to educate you, we don’t have brooms, we don’t need that because we can just chant ‘levitate’,”  Luther floated in mid-air after he said those words that amazed Zarina for a moment, “See? Easy peasy, and maybe we can use brooms to fly with our magics, but yeah, it’s not my thing and very out of style,” “And oh, by the way, were you really cosplaying?” Luther curiously asked as Zarina flinched before avoiding his gaze, “Oi? I’m asking you a question,” he insisted, so Zarina backed away from the bathroom for a moment. Zarina didn’t realize that Luther could hear them from that distance even if she covered him with a cloth. She was panicking on the inside because she didn’t know what to answer him, “No, I’m not,” Zarina finally grasped the situation. Zarina forgot that Luther can’t report to the police that she was lying, “Ahh, so that was just your reason, hm,” Luther massaged his chin for a moment before raising his wand. He wanted to see what Zarina would look like if she was cosplaying the Goddess of their forest in Wizardia. “Switch,” He chanted and pointed at what Zarina was wearing. She gasped when she was covered with glittering dust as she closed her eyes. “W-What did you do?” She nervously complained before opening her eyes, the first thing that she saw was Luther with his sky blue glinting eyes. “Woah, you look so much better, those melons are exposed!” Luther happily cheered while gazing at her appearance. To be continued...
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