Chapter Seven - Hammer

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Zarina wondered for a moment before gazing at her body, her eyes widened after seeing she was dressed like she was a fairy from a forest. “Ahh! What did you do to me?!” she exclaimed while examining her appearance. Her cleavage was exposed because of the tightness from her top part, and her long, skinny legs were exposed as the only thing that she was wearing was a short skirt. White, green, and light green combined in color. Some ruffles are wrapped around her arms and the excess cloth falls perfectly on the side as if it was ribbons tied around her arms. “Your emerald eyes match this outfit well and as well as your burgundy hair!” Luther stared at her intently at the mirror from head to toe while nodding his head like he was pleased with what he was seeing. “And you have a very good figure, human, you might as well be a fairy! They’re such gullible creatures and lovely too!” Luther shared before playfully winking, so Zarina glared at him. She forgot all the good deeds he did for today and just wanted to strangle him to death, this freaking pervert wizard! Zarina thought. “Luther! Bring me back my clothes!” She furiously complained as they started arguing with each other. It took them many hours before they both decided to calm down, “Alright, alright, I’m sorry!” Luther raised his hands on the other side while Zarina was holding a huge hammer. She was ready to destroy this freaking mirror if she wasn’t just being stopped by Luther, “I’ll bring your clothes back,” He snapped his fingers, in a split second, Zarina’s clothes were back to normal. “If you did that a while ago I wouldn’t be raising this hammer up to you,” Zarina glared at Luther who was just laughing at the sight of the feisty woman. “If I brought your clothes back to normal then I wouldn’t have embedded your godly appearance with my element of water, see?” Luther raised an unfamiliar frame on his side, it wasn’t a picture, but it was her whole appearance that the water element had captured clearly. “Ahh! I’m going to kill you!” Zarina raised the hammer once more and was about to hit the mirror when her phone rang in the living room. She calmed down for a moment before glaring at Luther, “This conversation isn’t over,” Zarina threatened, so Luther just raised his hands innocently. Zarina immediately left the bathroom while holding the hammer in her hands, she looked for her phone and noticed that it was ringing on the dining table. She glanced at her phone and furrowed her eyebrows over there, there’s no name on the caller ID and she doesn’t give her number to anyone aside from her parents. Zarina tapped the green button before putting it to her ears, “Who’s this?” she coldly asked before crossing her arms against her chest. She’s still annoyed by the fact that the wizard could do anything he wants because he can manipulate magic and it irritates her. [Jeez, you’re even colder in this call,] After she heard that voice, she already knew it was the woman she hates. “Kirstin, why do you have my number?” Zarina curiously asked before pacing towards her laptop near the kitchen island. [We're going to have work tomorrow at the company physically, and I felt like I should tell you because you're not in the Viber group chat,] Kirstin told nonchalantly, so Zarina’s eyebrows furrowed. She didn’t mind the group chats that she wasn’t in, but the state of the company that she clearly remembered doesn't have any generator. Zarina gazed at the outside, luckily, her windows were fixed before nightfall. The moons were shining so brightly while the stars were sparkling so brightly from above like it was waving at her. It was the only light they have in their city during the night. What happened a while ago already slipped off her mind, but she still feels anxious about it. “Does the company have a generator now?” She curiously asked so she heard a sigh on the other line. [Yes, the boss just bought one today and he’s attaching it now as we speak,] Kirstin informed, so Zarina just nodded even though Kirstin couldn’t see her.  [And you should make a Viber account, that’s where mostly all of us interact with, do you have one ice queen?] Kirstin added, so Zarina squinted her eyes on her phone. “No, and stop calling me ice queen,” She almost hissed as she heard Kirstin laughing out loud on the other line. Kirstin couldn’t believe she had an actual conversation with this robot woman. [Make one, it’s convenient because that’s where announcements are being announced,] Kirstin ordered, [Unless you don’t know how to make one?] Zarina raised her eyebrows at what she just said. “I’m not living under a rock, Kirstin, of course, I know how to make accounts,” Zarina firmly stated, making Kirstin laugh again on the other line. Zarina rolled her eyes before creating an account on her laptop, “So? Where did you get my number?” Zarina curiously asked before checking her emails for verification. [From the boss, of course, he holds all of our files aside from his secretary,] Kirstin stated the obvious, so Zarina just sighed before she successfully created an account. “I’ll send you my account and add me to the group chat, and I would like you to keep my number a secret,” Zarina firmly ordered, so Kirstin just sniggered. [Why? Scared that people would text you? Don’t worry, they’re not interested in robots that have boobs,] Kirstin laughed at her statement, so Zarina glared at her phone and put it on speaker. “I’ll block you my entire life,” Zarina firmly threatened, so Kirstin stopped for a moment before smirking playfully even though Zarina couldn’t see her. [You wouldn’t do that, who would update you if something happens at the company?] Kirstin mischievously laughed, so Zarina just sighed.  She’s right, she can’t and it frustrates her that she’s right, “Fine, do you have anything left to say?” Zarina coldly asked, making Kirstin laugh on the other line. Zarina doesn’t get why she was laughing, she’s not saying anything funny to her yet she seems amused with their conversation. [Nope, it was nice talking to a robot s***h ice queen,] Kirstin claimed, so she glared at her phone before ending the call. She massaged her temples because after it ended, her new Viber account was flooded with hundreds of messages. After she was added to the group chat, numerous workmates of hers messaged her privately; they were astounded that she had an account. She forgot that after she was added there, her email, including her phone number would be visible if they viewed her profile. Zarina gazed at the messages and saw the familiar profile picture of that woman who always wants to bug her. “Oops, people might have messaged you a lot now huh? Peace!” Zarina read and there was an ugly emoticon on the last part of the message. “This woman,” Zarina gripped her mouse before smirking, “She freaking did this on purpose,” she complained before closing off her laptop. Now she has two people in her life that she had to deal with every single day, Zarina grabbed the hammer and placed it back on her toolbox. She decided to look for some candles again since it’s nightfall again. “I heard what happened, you were lying! You had a friend!” Luther immediately complained after he saw her walk past the bathroom. He overheard the conversation a while ago because Zarina put her call on speaker for a moment. Zarina then stopped before glaring at him, “She’s not my friend, she’s like you, an annoying one that wants me to be bugged for life,” she firmly stated. “And I’ll be gone by tomorrow and will just come back at noon, I have work at the company,” Zarina informed, so Luther stopped for a moment before tilting his head. “I thought there’s no lights or electricity?” He curiously asked, so Zarina bitterly smiled at him before crossing her arms. “We have a thing here called a generator that could be used to power up things like lights and several electricity-dependent appliances,” She explained. Luther furrowed his eyebrows before summoning the book from his hands and wrote something over there, “You’re lying human, there must be some kind of magic there in your world!” he complained, so Zarina just shook her head at him. “We have science, now I’ll go take a bath and sleep early for tomorrow’s work,” Zarina was about to leave when he spoke again. “Do you really have to go?” Luther sounded like he was feeling lonely already even if it’s going to happen tomorrow. “Yes,” Zarina firmly answered, “That’s where I’ll gain money to pay for my bills,” she added before gazing at him. She couldn’t shake off the idea that this wizard passed her taste when it comes to her qualifications with men. Zarina hates herself if she thinks about stuff like that. “And thank you for helping me a while ago,” She felt her ears heating up because of what she just said. She didn’t wait for his response as she decided to cover the mirror with a cloth to take a bath and brush her teeth. Zarina was about to descend to her bed when she remembered what happened a while ago inside of her apartment. Her heart raced as she remembered the horror that was about to befall her if it wasn’t for Luther’s help. She stepped out of her bedroom before grabbing some blankets and pillows. Zarina moved the single couch for her to sit in front of her bathroom and the cloth she covered from the mirror. “Human? Is that you?” Luther curiously asked as he peeked inside of the mirror, he furrowed his eyebrows after seeing that Zarina was over there staring at him intently. “I-I couldn’t sleep, I remembered what happened a while ago,” Zarina mumbled before averting her gaze as she went back and sat on the couch to hug her knees and pillows. Luther immediately got what she was feeling as he smiled before summoning some glowing orbs around Zarina’s room. “You don’t have to worry, from now on, I’ll be right here with you,” Luther sincerely reassured her, so Zarina gazed at him intently before smiling. Luther was caught off guard, when he met Zarina, there was no expression on her face despite how surprised she was from seeing him inside of the mirror, now she’s smiling like she owns the world and he couldn’t deny the fact that she was extremely beautiful. “Thank you, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to fall asleep, I already started thinking about it, overthinking is worse,” Zarina explained, making Luther playfully smirk. “I couldn’t blame you, just thinking about my handsome self is making it hard for me to fall asleep, imagine how hard it is for you to think about me?” Luther claimed boldly, so Zarina just shook her head. “In your dreams,” she rolled her eyes before covering herself with some blanket, “Tell me some stories about your world, maybe I’ll fall asleep with that,” Zarina suggested, so Luther thought about it for a moment. “Hm, nothing is interesting in this world aside from us summoning magic,” He informed, so Zarina just bit her lower lip. “How about mermaids, are there mermaids there? You should tell me something about them, I like those stories about them,” Zarina curiously asked, she always wonders if those mythical creatures do exist. “Mermaids? Do you mean sirens?” Luther inquired as he shivered at the thought of mentioning those dreaded creatures. “Sirens? Is that what you call them there?” Zarina squinted her eyes as she started feeling a little drowsy. “Yes, creatures that look half human and fish, right? Mermaids...that suits them well too except for their faces,” Luther wondered for a moment before caressing his chin. “Yes, they’re beautiful creatures that can swim and breathe underwater at ease, they have shiny and colorful scales and are friendly to fishes,” Zarina added, making Luther scoff before laughing.  Friendly? What the heck is this human talking about? Luther thought since he knew how dangerous those creatures were. “What? Is that how sirens were perceived in your world? Sirens are dangerous, they lure you using their voice for them to eat you!” Luther hugged himself, he was lured once and if it wasn’t for the smell, he would be devoured by one before. “They’re dangerous creatures here that lure everyone for them to have their breakfast, lunch, and dinner aside from fishes in the sea!” He added before summoning some books about them. “This is what they look like--” Luther stopped when he noticed that Zarina was already sleeping. He smiled when he noticed that his sleeping magic worked on her too. Luther gazed at her intently before using his magic to move the blanket all around her body. Zarina comfortably sighed as her breathing pace changed, telling Luther that she was already in a deep sleep. “Good night, sleep tight, human Zarina,”  To be continued… 
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