Chapter Five - Luminous spheres

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[Warning. Some parts may be sensitive to other readers, read with precaution.] “Oi! Can you just come here? This won’t take a while,” Luther called from the mirror, so Zarina stopped in her tracks before turning around. “What makes you think I’ll go there? I don’t have time for games,” Zarina bit her lower lip as she crossed her arms against her chest. “Just come here, will you?” Luther requested, so Zarina just scratched the back of her head before striding back towards her bathroom. She knew that if she didn’t come as soon as she could, this wizard would just bother her. “I swear if this will just waste my time I’ll--” Zarina was flabbergasted after seeing her bathroom gleaming because of a few colorful, floating spheres around. She was out of words after seeing such a bizarre view right in front of her, “H-How can you do this?” she stuttered while roaming her eyes around. Her bathroom suddenly looked like it was out of this world, it’s something that she wouldn’t expect to see here in reality aside from her vast imagination. Zarina slowly reached out to touch one of its luminous spheres, but it exploded into a shower of shimmering glitters as if it were showering her with dust that vanished as soon as it touched her skin. She couldn’t help but smile at what she was seeing, all of her worries disappeared as the luminous spheres clouded her puzzled mind. For a moment, it put her at ease. “There, you’re smiling,” Luther grinned before casually snapping his fingers to change the colors of those orbs. “I figured out that I could put something there because of the crack, this is what you call magic, human being,” Luther winked, so Zarina gazed at him. She was mystified yet awestruck by what she was seeing right now; magic is real and it isn't just found in fiction. “So this is magic huh? I’m still surprised that I could see something as amazing as this like literally, this supposed to be not real!” She coldly exclaimed without any emotions plastered on her face before watching all of those luminous spheres float around her bathroom.   Luther snapped his fingers to make the luminous spheres disappear swiftly, just seeing him do that still amazes Zarina.  She still couldn't believe that someone could truly manipulate magic without breaking a sweat. Zarina felt the gaze of the wizard as she casually glanced at him. “I apologize, human being, I didn't mean to make you upset,” Luther immediately apologized for the moment their eyes met. She didn't know this guy personally, but he assumed she was upset at what he said a while ago.  Nobody had ever done anything like that before, so she was taken aback, especially when he did something out of this world merely to cheer her up. Zarina just sighed before avoiding his gaze, “There's nothing to apologize about, it's the truth,” she admitted before leaning on the side of the wall in between the door. “I don't have any friends,” she sighed before caressing the side of her elbows, “Back when I was still a child, people around me treated me like I'm inferior to them,” “They treat me like I don't belong here or I don't know, maybe, they’re just insecure?” Zarina pondered. “But I know that's not the case, people are just way off around me and I don't care about it anymore,” she added. “Because you learned that you don't have to impress other people or make them want you simply to cheer yourself up, sometimes being alone helps you understand more complicated things,” Luther stated, which made her stop. “Right,” Zarina grinned, that’s exactly what she wanted to say next and this wizard just said it first. “Being alone makes you stronger and tougher, but sometimes it's lonely, right?” Luther added, making Zarina nod at him. It astounds her that this wizard understands her so much. “To be honest, I don't have any friends,” Luther abruptly revealed, which made her eyes widen, “I lied because I'm like you, people treat me differently since I'm too clever and skillful in comparison to them,” Zarina raised her brows in response to what he said, and he chuckled at the result of her reactions. He was aware that she was scrutinizing him about his statement. “It's the truth! They hate that I'm too smart and decided to ignore me as if I wasn't there studying with them,” He defended, so Zarina immediately understood what he meant as she bit her lower lip. “Dumb, noob wizards take my top-notch skills as a threat, but respected professors in Wizardia acknowledge me and it frustrates them, so I thought...this isn't so bad after all,” Luther playfully smirked, so Zarina just chuckled. She never chuckled, but here she was, laughing as if she used to do that before, “Oh? I didn't know you could laugh,” Luther grinned, so she stopped before coughing. She wanted to compose herself yet she’s having a hard time with it since she was too amused at what just happened. “W-Well, we wasted a lot of time already, I should get back to work,” She turned her back and was about to step away when her body stopped her. “And by the way, thank you,” Zarina sincerely stated before gazing at that attractive wizard again. Luther fell into a daze as if he was mesmerized by how beautiful that human being smiled at him, but immediately shook his head at his absurd thoughts. “Does this mean, we're friends?” Luther beamed before gazing at her chest, “Sometimes those melons truly distract me sometimes,” Zarina hugged herself again, she got this from her mom's side of the family. And she hates being stared at that part. “And here I thought you were being nice,” She glared at Luther before leaving him alone, shouting again inside of her bathroom. She secretly smiled before deciding to call for help so that someone could fix her windows. Zarina doesn't want time to waste anymore. *** “I need you to be quiet when someone arrives here later,” Zarina approached Luther after she made a call from the glazier, the good thing is she doesn’t need to make an appointment. “Why?” Luther’s now eating something as the spoon was floating up in the air, trying to spoon-feed him. Zarina hissed after she saw that scenario, she hates lazy people a lot especially if they're doing things that should be done properly. “What? Why are you glaring at my spoon, human being?” Luther noticed Zarina’s deadly stares before she gazed at his eyes. “You’re abusing your magic,” she hissed before shaking her head, “Anyways, I’m going to have a visitor here to fix my windows, you better not call me,”  “Why not? Is it your friend or something?” Luther curiously asked while finishing up his meal. “No, it’s just that, didn’t you say humans tend to overreact if they see something as strange” Zarina reminded him, so Luther just squinted his eyes at her before smirking. “Alright, you can count on me,” Luther answered as they heard someone knocking at her doors, Zarina didn’t say anything as she started placing some cloth on that mirror. Zarina immediately ran and forgot to close her bathroom door to answer the continuous knocking and doorbell. “Sorry just caught up inside of the bathroom,” she apologized as she noticed the glazier looking at her intently as it gazed down to her chest. She didn't mind it as she opened the door wide open, “You may enter and do your job,” she firmly stated, so the glazier just nodded before proceeding inside of her apartment. It didn't take a while as he roamed his eyes around to what happened at her windows, “Was this hit by something?” He politely asked while taking off his mask. He gazed at the back and noticed Zarina again with her arms crossed against her chest, she's wearing a fitted navy blue blouse and leggings enough to make her comfortable. She unsurely nodded, “Yep, it was hit by something I don't know,” Zarina just sighed, she's not used to lying, yet here she was, lying to protect that wizard's identity. Zarina thought she has to be careful from now on especially since she knows and can see something humans would probably go crazy about. The glazier stared at her chest again, and this time, Zarina noticed it. “Do you mind sir? It's inappropriate if you do that,” Zarina glared at him, so the glazier just apologized as he decided to do his work. Hours passed until Zarina continued doing her work while the glazier almost finished his work while plotting something. This is a secluded place and knows this apartment doesn't care that much if they hear various noises, so he plans to do something. A crime that will go against Zarina's will. “Ma'am, can I use the bathroom?” The glazier asked after he finished attaching the first window. “No!” Zarina slammed her fist on her dining room, which surprised the glazier, “I-I mean you can but not in my bathroom, there’s a clogged toilet there,” She informed before exhaling a lungful of air. “Alright thank you, ma'am,” The glazier went out and went to buy some chloroform for his victim. He successfully bought it because he reasoned out that he needed to fix some broken windows. After he got back, he pervertedly gazed at Clara who was still busy doing her work in her dining room, he thought this girl was helpless and alone, she couldn’t call for help if he claimed her without her consent. Plus her body is to die for, everyone would want to taste, touch such beauty and body. He thought his plans were working well when Zarina noticed his gaze. She knew that he was planning something and prepared herself if he’s going to do anything to her, this is why sometimes she didn’t like calling for help, this didn’t happen just once. It also happened at her last job that her supervisor requested her to undress and have s*x with her since she made a mistake that he did on purpose to threaten her employment. Of course, she isn’t dumb and left that company, she wanted to file a report, but what proof does she have? Zarina just thought that she was skilled and a lot of respectful jobs were waiting for her until she ended up at Milly Publishing. People are not fond of her there, but everyone still did their jobs that put her at ease. All she wanted was to be great at her work even if it isn’t truly fruitful at all despite her hobby of reading fantasy books. The glazier, on the other hand, secretly used the bathroom to prepare the chloroform, he didn’t even notice the glow coming from the mirror that’s hidden by a cloth because of his devious plot to rape Zarina in her apartment. “This should be enough to put her to sleep as I feast on her body,” He sniggered while putting the chloroform on some dry cloth. Unfortunately, the wizard heard about his plot, he wanted to warn Zarina but he promised that he would remain silent. The glazier excitedly went out and he smiled when Zarina didn’t notice him, “Ma’am, can I talk to you for a moment?” The glazier inquired, so Zarina intensely gazed at him while shaking her head. “I’m currently in a meeting, you better finish your job and leave, the payment is over there,” Zarina coldly stated while pointing at the money in the living room. The glazier gazed over there before glancing at her again, “I just need your thoughts on the glass that you wanted a while ago,” He muttered in a low, stern voice while approaching Zarina on her table. “Stay there, I’m on a freaking meeting,” Zarina warned, so the glazier stopped talking before smirking as he gazed on her laptop. “But you’re just dealing with files, maybe we could just talk, even for a while hm?” The glazier swiftly went towards her side. He was about to touch her shoulders when Zarina grabbed him and pushed him away from her. Zarina then threw her mug at him as her self-defense, she caught him off guard as he lost grip on the dry cloth, which Zarina noticed. “You’re planning to put me to sleep! Get out or I’ll call the police!” Zarina ran towards her door, but the glazier was so swift that he easily grabbed and stopped her from going further. “Gah! Let me go!” Zarina complained as she felt his dirty hands around her waist and neck. She has never felt so dirty in her entire life that almost made her tear up, “f*****g let me go!” She stomped her feet to try and kick him but that man was just too big and strong for her. “You’re not going anywhere, young lady, I’m going to feast on your body and no one would help you,” He mischievously laughed as he pressed his already hard groin at her back, which made Zarina scream as she fought for herself. “H-Help me!” She shouted with all her might as she struggled against his touch, she thought she was helpless when a blinding light came out of the bathroom. To be continued...
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