Chapter Thirty Four - Whisper

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“Exchange,” Luther weakly chanted as a blinding light appeared on his place and Zarina’s apartment. He didn’t know what happened next as he felt that the darkness already consumed him. Zarina, on the other hand, successfully got to Wizardia after Luther fainted; he used his last remaining strength to grant Zarina’s wish. He also just didn’t want to worry her, her emerald eyes looked agitated and if he didn’t answer her request, she might just break the mirror with some hammer. Zarina slowly opened her eyes before blinking. She noticed that she wasn't at her apartment anymore as she looked around for Luther. “L-Luther,” Zarina sounded like she was about to cry after she saw that Luther was panting and sweating on the ground. She just realized that she couldn’t touch him or carry him towards a proper bed, “Crap, I didn’t think this through,” She whispered before gazing around her surroundings. Zarina was looking for a bed he could lay on too and she hasn’t seen one yet, so she wondered where this pervert wizard was sleeping. She just shrugged and started looking around the place of Luther. It was huge and it was full of familiar potions that she sometimes sees in movies and imaginations in the books that she reads. A few of the jars that Luther was keeping on the wooden shelves looked highly disgusting probably because those are ingredients for some specific potions. Zarina tried so hard to restrain herself to stop touching those jars or anything around the place even if she’s curious, she still has to do something, after all, to take care of Luther. After looking around, she found a few pillows, numerous blankets, and a single foam. Zarina noticed that the place looked clean, so there wouldn’t be any problems if she decided to make a bed on the ground. She started placing the foam on the corner before she started dressing it up with some blanket, it didn’t take her long until she finished up making Luther’s bed as she gazed at him. He was still unconscious, panting, and sweating profusely on the ground, “H-How am I going to be able to put you in this bed without touching you?” She spoke to herself before shrugging. She gazed at those numerous blankets left as she decided to look around for scissors; it wasn’t difficult to look around since Luther’s things were organized. She always thought men were a mess but it seems like not all of them are a mess when it comes to organizing their things. Zarina thought. Zarina gazed at those numerous blankets again as she snapped the weird scissors that she found. It’s extremely sharp. “I-I hope this works,” She whispered before deciding to make herself some gloves, she made sure that her skin from her hands through her shoulders was covered with the use of those blankets. It took her a while until she finally covered herself and gazed at where Luther was lying to, “I-I’m sorry Luther, I didn’t think this through,” She just sighed and shakingly reached out towards his arms that were covered with the thick fabric of the suit that he was wearing. Zarina wasn’t sure if her idea of using a thick cloth would prevent her from disappearing from this world, but she has to try, if she’ll disappear, she would want Luther to be lying on a comfortable bed. “Alright, here we go!” Zarina grunted as she had a hard time pulling Luther near the small bed that she made. “H-Holy crap, are you made of stones or something?” Zarina furiously complained before she grunted. Luther was so heavy and it was difficult to pull him or even carry him around with just the use of his hand. Zarina just couldn’t believe how she managed to place Luther on the bed that she made, though the blankets were in disarray, at least he was not lying on the cold ground anymore. She panted before collapsing on the corner near him. She feels like her strength was eaten up as she did that for an hour. Zarina then worriedly looked at her hands and noticed that she wasn’t disappearing. Does that mean it works? They could touch each other by just avoiding skin contact?  “Z-Zarina, your melons are big,” Luther mumbled in his sleep so she glared at him from the bed that she made. She just couldn’t believe that someone could be a pervert even in their dreams. “You’re lucky you’re sick,” She coldly commented before she wrapped him up with some blankets and looked for ingredients that she could use for cooking Luther some soup. Luckily, she teleported here with the food that she bought; she'll survive even without Luther’s help summoning some ingredients that she might need.  After chopping some ingredients, she first looked for water as she heated it on a small kettle that was hidden on Luther’s shelf. It wasn’t a while until it created a warning whistle, telling her that the water was hot enough for her to use. She poured it on a metal basin that she found on the shelves and combined it with cold water. Zarina checked if the temperature was just right before she started dipping the towel there for Luther’s forehead. Zarina then slowly paced towards where Luther was resting as she carried the basin with her, she squeezed out the remaining water on a towel before folding it to put it on Luther’s forehead. “I-It’s cold,” Luther groaned before opening his eyes, he looked surprised upon seeing Zarina beside him. He almost forgot that he teleported her here before he fainted, “Z-Zarina, you’re here,” Luther whispered that Zarina didn’t hear clearly. “Hey, sorry, it took me a while to put you in this bed, it was difficult because you were too heavy,” She sincerely apologized, so Luther tried to stand up, but Zarina stopped him as she harshly pushed him back to lay down on the bed. She almost panicked but then realized that she was wearing that thick glove that she made, “J-Just rest there, I’m making you soup,” Zarina casually informed him as Luther grunted in pain. “Y-You do realize that you’ll just get sick again if you come back to your world,” Luther mumbled. Zarina didn’t think about that because she only wanted him to get better, “I’m going to be fine, I know how to take care of myself there, you don’t have to come and help me, I’m going to be prepared when I come back,” “I-I don’t want to see you sick, Zarina,” Luther admitted while closing his eyes. Zarina just stared at him before smiling. “And I don’t want to see you sick too, let’s talk about not visiting each other’s world soon, it would be bad for our health if we’ll get sick often like this,” She suggested before standing up, she gasped when Luther reached out to her wrists. She was glad that she hadn't removed all of the blankets that covered her hands throughout her shoulders. “S-Stay here for a moment, please,” Luther whispered while he was grunting in pain, he coughed harshly that worried Zarina. Luther’s grip felt like he was scared of being left alone and Zarina couldn’t understand why she thought of it that way. She didn’t know when his mentor left him, but Zarina was sure that Luther felt lonely if he got sick before. “A-Alright, I’ll stay here,” She reassured him, so Luther slowly let go of her wrists as Zarina sat on the ground beside where he was lying. “Do you have any medicines here Luther?” She curiously asked while gazing around her surroundings, “Something similar to the medicine that I use to be better,” Luther grunted while shaking his head, “N-No, I don’t often get sick, so I don’t make medicine for someone who has a fever or anything,” “W-Wayne’s soup makes me better,” Luther weakly added before coughing, “M-Maybe he puts magic there,” “I see, you have to sleep now,” Zarina requested, she has to make sure since his cough sounded terrible to her ears. “I-I will just stay with me,” Luther whispered, so she noticed that he was already drifting into a deep slumber. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave until you get better,” Zarina whispered as she stood up and made some soup. It was difficult since some of the ingredients were unfamiliar to her, but she found a cooking book where all of the ingredients that she was seeing around the place were defined. Zarina made the soup that she wanted and Luther would probably need. She also heated her lunch and decided to eat as she let Luther rest for a while. She just then realized how difficult it was to do things with a thick blanket covering the rest of her arms, but at least she managed it. After she threw her microwaves goodies on a trash can that she saw near the sink of Luther’s place, she decided to ready Luther’s soup and placed it on a bowl and tray with a huge glass of water. She slowly paced towards Luther’s side as she lightly tapped his shoulders to wake him up, “Hey, get up, you have to warm up your stomach,” Luther grunted at what he just heard and looked at Zarina, “W-Wow, imagine being taken care of by some beautiful angel that is blessed with huge melons,” He sounded drunk before standing up. Zarina glared at him and tried to calm herself down as she kept reminding herself that he’s sick and probably in the head too. “Shut up because I made you soup and I’ll feed you,” She coldly announced, which made Luther smile before he nodded at her. “Thank you, Zarina,” Luther mumbled before coughing harshly, “I appreciate you doing this for me,”  Zarina just smirked at him, “You should, you owe me another wish again because of this,” She firmly said, which made Luther frown. “Do I also get a wish because I took care of you?” Luther grunted while closing his eyes, she just shrugged and scooped the soup before raising it near his mouth. “Careful not to sting your tongue and also not to touch me,” Zarina reminded him, so he just weakly nodded before opening his mouth and swallowing it carefully. “Mm, it tastes good,” Luther complimented. Zarina, on the other hand, didn’t realize that she was smiling until he saw it. “Are you smiling because you’re happy that I’m eating or the fact that I’m sick right now?” Luther curiously asked so she squinted her eyes at him. “I’m not smiling and why would I smile if you’re sick?” Zarina coldly asked as she scooped another batch of soup to feed it to Luther. “But you are! Your smile makes you look more...beautiful,” Luther sincerely said before he gazed at Zarina’s eyes. Zarina averted her gaze at him as she pretended to scoop another batch of soup to feed it to him, “If I am smiling, I would’ve felt it,” “But you are smiling, maybe I should always bring a mirror with me so you would see what were you expressing that you’re not realizing,” Luther just sighed before he slurped the soup from the spoon. “So? Why are you smiling?” He tilted his head at her, so Zarina just sighed as she lowered down the bowl that she was holding. “No one tasted my cooking before, even my mom and dad, I only learned cooking when I got independent,” Zarina narrated before meeting with his gaze. “Maybe I’m just glad that someone, even if it’s just you appreciating what I’m cooking,” She admitted before raising that bowl again towards Luther, “Now eat plenty of this soup for you to warm up your stomach,”  Luther just smiled at what she stated, “Well then, I’ll gladly finish up everything that you cooked for me!” Zarina rolled her eyes at what he just said, “Shut up and eat,” She then continued feeding Luther in silence.  Both of them have got nothing to say for those minutes that have passed by, but their presence was enough to assure them both that they’re comfortable with each other’s presence. “You could have a wish too, for taking good care of me,” Zarina suddenly spoke after she stood up. She finally finished feeding Luther. “Really?! Yes!” Luther cheered and groaned when he felt his headache because of his sudden movements. “Wish for something you want if you’re going to visit my world again, I’ll take you to places I know that we can be both alone,” She added before leaving him alone to rest. To be continued…
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