Chapter Thirty Five - Forget Me Knot

2318 Words
“Jane, what do you think our daughter’s doing now?” Barnus curiously asked while he’s reading numerous newspapers. He’s been re-reading a lot of news ever since the strange outage happened, he wanted to find out the information that he missed before he ended up being with his wife. “I don’t know Barnus, maybe she’s at work or something?” His wife answered him while she was cooking them some dinner. “But she told you that her work is mostly half days now right because their generator can’t hold that much power for the whole day?” Barnus claimed as his wife nodded at him. “Yes, she told me through text, and also Kirstin confirmed that information,” Jane proudly smiled while chopping some ingredients in the kitchen. “Our daughter would be so mad if she found out that you keep on asking questions to Kirstin about her, she sounded like she truly wanted to be our daughter’s friend and what she’s doing might just put their relationship in danger,” Barnus claimed, but she just shook her head at her husband. “I won’t let that happen, of course, I’ll defend Kirstin no matter what, plus our daughter is smart, she probably knows that we are using Kirstin as our spy to her,” Jane claimed, so Barnus shook his head at her. He gazed at the time before sighing, “So that means she’s already at home right now probably doing some advance work,” Barnus mumbled, so his wife just laughed at him. “Right, you both have similar goals when it comes to work and everything, but very different behavior,” She chuckled before washing her hands on the sink. “Why are you laughing? She got that craziness from you,” Barnus casually commented, so Jane scoffed at what he just said. “Excuse me? Do you want to eat dinner or not?” Jane raised her eyebrows as she threatened him.  Barnus' eyes widened before he raised his hands in defeat, “I’m sorry Jane, I was wrong because I know that she both got it from the both of us,” He playfully smirked. Jane just rolled her eyes at him, “Dinner’s ready, help me prepare plates Barnus,” She requested as he cleaned up his reading desk, stood up, and helped his wife. It wasn’t long because they helped each other set up the table, they sat to each other's sides as they thanked the heavens for their meal. “Is it still dark and sullen at Lander?” He solemnly asked while scooping some rice, Jane gazed at her husband before shrugging. “Yes, there hasn’t been news about the trains being fixed right? So there’s still a problem at Lander,” Jane casually replied as she watched her husband place the right amount of rice on her plate for her. Barnus just sighed before he drank the glass of water beside him, “I’m getting worried about that strange outage, why is it not being fixed immediately?” Jane just pouted at him while she used the serving spoon to get a generous amount of the dinner that she made, “Maybe it’s a huge problem?” “Oh you know, all of the people on the Lander City are having a hard time especially at night, maybe it’s that difficult to fix since it is a huge problem,” She added when she noticed Barnus looked confused. “W-What if it’s the same as what happened almost 21 years ago?” Barnus claimed, so Jane just sighed before looking at her husband. “Barnus, how many times do we have to talk about this? Didn’t we agree to drop the subject about what happened 21 years ago?” Jane sounded livid, but Barnus was just persistent. “I just can’t help but compare it to what happened before, it’s the same, Jane, how can you be so calm about this?” Barnus pointed out while taking mouthful bites of his dinner. “I am this calm because I know that this time, it didn’t come from us! You didn’t do anything, right?” Jane raised her tone, so he just nodded at her. “See? Then why do we have to worry about it? Our daughter doesn’t have any idea about what happened in our past, but it kept her away from danger right?” She added. Barnus just sighed before biting his lower lip, “I’m sorry, I’m just worried about our daughter,” Jane calmed herself down before she drank a glass of water, “If the System of the Universe was active and arrived in this universe, we would’ve known, after all, its symbol is similar to the second star,” “And if something strange has happened, I’m pretty sure our daughter would’ve told us,” Jane added, so Barnus just played with his fingers. “I-I um, actually did something to our daughter when she was young,” Barnus mumbled while biting his lower lip. Jane looked at his husband in horror as she let go of the cutlery that she was holding. “Barnus, what did you do to our daughter?” Jane’s tone was demanding yet calm, she didn't want to lash out until she heard what her husband had to say. “You know that it’s weird that she suddenly couldn’t see those strange beings that she’s been telling you about right?” Barnus claimed, so her eyes widened. “D-Did you do something about that? Barnus! That could be dangerous for her!” Jane exclaimed, so Barnus squeezed the hands of his wife to calm her down. “I didn’t do anything, I just let her drink a forget me knot potion,” Barnus sighed before gazing at his wife. “I'm sorry for not telling you, I just don’t want you to worry,” He added, “Plus other kids here were bullying her before, telling her that she was a freak that she’s seeing things that she couldn’t see,” “I don’t want to see her upset when she is being called by names, so I tried to make her forget about her ability to see the unknown,” Barnus added. “Why didn’t you tell me about this! This is our daughter Barnus, you could’ve told me about this!” She furiously exclaimed. “And Barnus, how did you create a potion here? You don’t have the magic anymore,” Jane firmly asked, she wanted to see if Barnus would react badly to what she just said. But surprisingly, he didn’t. Barnus sacrificed the thing he loved the most just to be with her, so she’s a little sensitive about this. “It was easy, I don’t need to have magic to create one, some of the ingredients here are related to the potions I’ve been making before,” Barnus firmly said as he took out a forget me knot flower on his pockets. “Is that a scorpion grass plant?” Jane tilted her head at those flowers symbolizing true love and respect. “It’s called forget me knot in our world before, I used it to our daughter as the main ingredient of the potion, so I’m sorry about that Jane,” Barnus sincerely apologized as he kneeled before his wife. She just sighed before scratching the back of her head before forcing him to stand up, “You made that potion like 10 years ago, so if you ticked something then it should happen before this and here in this specific province,” “Our daughter had a hard time when she was a kid, but that hasn’t changed until she grew up, the potion just made her forget about her ability to see right?” Jane gazed at her husband, so Barnus just nodded at her. “Then it’s alright, just next time, you have to talk about that kind of thing, she’s our daughter, we’re both responsible towards what's going to happen to her,” She scolded him. “I will and let’s just hope that strange outage isn’t about what I did to her,” Barnus firmly said as they quietly ate their dinner. “You’re not going to help me decorate the scrapbook for your punishment of not telling me up until now,” Jane announced, so Barnus’s eyes widened. “But Jane! You can’t do that!” They started arguing with each other again as Jane thought about her daughter. She wishes that she’ll be fine and that what happened to her wouldn’t affect the normal life they wanted their daughter to have. *** Many hours had passed, and Zarina had only watched Luther sleep. She had already finished up cleaning the place a while ago when she noticed that Luther fell asleep soundly while she was doing her thing. She couldn’t think of anything to do inside of his place because she’s terrified of touching Luther’s thing because who knows what potions are human-friendly here? She thought. Potions could be dangerous for her since she watched too many movies before that allows characters there to change to numerous appearances or can even summon something unknown and dangerous when they drink or it was splashed into them. Zarina just sighed, she wanted to check his temperature, but she couldn’t just touch him directly or she’ll disappear. She then decided to stand up and roam around the room to read some books. She checked numerous shelves just in case some of the titles piqued her interest. Zarina stopped at the widest shelf that she found in the room, it contains violet, black, red, and white books that are colored brighter than the rest of the books that she saw around the place. “System of the Universe,” She read the book that she grabbed from the top and furrowed her eyebrows. “What a weird title,” She mumbled before flipping through the pages of the book, Zarina stopped when those writings inside of the book looked familiar. “The System of the Universe is the celestial being that watches over many universes and living beings, they're the ones responsible for the balance between numerous universes and they’ll do anything they can to keep that balance,” She read. “So is this like the God here in their place?” Zarina shrugged as she continued reading about that information. It was weird since the writing looked familiar, it’s like she had seen it before but she couldn’t remember when and who’s writing it was. Zarina reached out for another book and didn’t realize that the shelf wasn’t sturdy enough to carry her weight. She gasped when she heard a creaking sound like something’s about to fall. “H-Holy crap!” Zarina closed her eyes and shielded herself from the fall of the wide shelves when she felt someone grab her waist and pull her away from there. She noticed that the shelf didn’t fall as Luther used his wand to stop it from falling. Zarina was about to move away when she noticed that Luther wasn’t actually touching her. His whole body was covered with a thick blanket, “Z-Zarina, are you alright?” He curiously asked, so she just nodded at him. She just then realized that he was standing and still sick, “W-Why are you standing up!” Zarina complained and moved away from him. “I heard you scream and my body just suddenly ran towards you to protect you, I guess?” Luther mumbled before grunting. “Go sit down and rest,” Zarina felt like she was blushing since the ghost feeling of Luther’s hand was still lingering on her waist even if his hands were covered with a blanket a while ago, she thought it was weird.  Luther just nodded before sitting down on the bed that she made for him, “I’m feeling fine now, you don’t have to worry about me,” He smiled. “Thanks probably to the soup that you made, did you follow Wayne’s recipe?” Luther curiously asked, but Zarina shook her head. “N-No, but I found a book of ingredients, it helped me use the unfamiliar ingredients here to me that might be helpful for you,” Zarina coldly informed while grabbing the book from the kitchen, so he just smiled. “I see, you’re adapting so well to this world and it’s so unfair,” Luther complained and stopped when he realized something. “Wait a minute, didn’t I touch you a while ago, so why are you not disappearing?” He asked as if he was so surprised and had forgotten that he was sick in the first place. “And how on earth did you carry me from this bed?!” Luther exclaimed before he stood up panicking. Zarina flinched before sighing as she took out some blanket that she used a while ago from her pockets, “I-I may have discovered something while you were sleeping and in pain,” She bit her lower lip before placing it around her hands before she paced towards him and touched his hands. “I can touch you when there’s a cover from the rest of our bare skin,” She casually informed, so he celebrated at the information that he had heard for a moment. “Oh my wizards, so does this mean I can do this?” Luther swiftly grabbed the blanket to wrap it around his body. What happened next surprised Zarina as she was pulled into a tight hug by Luther, “Holy wizards, I missed hugging someone I know this tight,” Zarina couldn’t process what just happened, but she knows she longed for something as warm as what Luther’s hug could make her feel. To be continued...
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