Chapter Forty Three - Date (Part Two)

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“I-I did not indirectly kiss you! I just used that strategy because I always read that it was effective when they’re trying to hide from someone in the book,” Zarina claimed before she averted her gaze at him. She keeps on cursing herself on the inside as she felt embarrassed at what she had just done, she couldn’t believe that she had the guts to do that. “I didn’t know it was that effective, I swear I just thought of it because of what I have read!” Zarina defended herself once more. “P-Plus, we didn’t kiss! I kissed the back of my gloved hand!” She added, making Luther shake his head. “If the hand was gone, our lips would’ve met,” Luther mumbled, so she almost blushed at what she just heard from him. “Sheesh, I feel like my heart’s bursting, you made me nervous, human!” Luther admitted while cupping his face. “L-Let’s just forget about it okay? H-How about we go to the arcade? To cool things off before the cinemas?” Zarina suggested, so Luther just agreed even though he doesn’t know anything about it. “So here we are, the arcades, this is where people have fun, play games, and win prizes with the tickets you won,” Zarina gestured to the arcade with a smirk plastered on her lips. She felt giddy as Luther’s eyes were bulging like he couldn't believe what’s he’s seeing before him, “This is amazing! You have to tell me how this works!” Luther exclaimed before he ran inside like a kid. “Wait Luther, we have to buy the tokens!” Zarina raised her voice, so Luther accompanied her to buy tokens. After they bought tokens, Zarina gave 12 pieces to him and she got 12 pieces to herself, “Now, you have to see what I’ll do with these tokens, this is the one that’s going to allow you to play those machines,” Zarina pointed at the shiny cranes and PVP games. Zarina taught him how to play the crane, she didn’t manage to get one prize at least she thought Luther would now understand how to play. “Ahh! It’s cheating Zarina! The game is broken! Why is it letting go of the toy I got?!” Luther whined like a kid after he witnessed the dragon plushie fall for the second time. “It’s a trick, for you to buy many tokens from them, you know how expensive those toys are right? So they do that thing,” Zarina informed while watching him. “Then why didn’t you tell me?” Luther pouted, so she sniggered before smirking at him. “Nothing, I just want to see your frustrated reaction and it was worth it,” She admitted, so Luther muttered ‘unbelievable’ before shaking his head. “Fine if they’ll trick me, two can play one game,” Luther smirked and secretly used his magic without his wand. Zarina’s eyes widened after he noticed Luther captured three dragon plushies and it didn’t fall after it arrived at the claiming site below. “Y-You actually did it!” Zarina exclaimed and noticed glitter floated around their head, so she gazed at Luther and averted his gaze. “You’re cheating! I told you not to use magic right?” Zarina scolded that only both of them could hear. She noticed that he wasn’t holding any wand. “W-Wait, how did you use magic without your wand?” She wondered before Luther raised his finger at her. “You can, but only limited spells since we need a wand to control the mana we release,” Luther informed, so Zarina just shook her head. “Wow mister, you caught three!” They both flinch after they hear a child clapping his hands. Zarina sighed in relief when she noticed that it was just a child. “I did, do you want one?” Luther smiled at the kid, who looked surprised when Luther gave him the third dragon plushie. “Waa! Thank you, Mister, you’re handsome! Mom! Someone gave me a toy!” The adorable kid ran away from them making Luther pinch his nose. “I knew I was handsome, the kid just told us and they never lie!” Luther proudly exclaimed, so Zarina rolled her eyes at him. “Let’s just go and play, do not use your magic again or we are going home!” Zarina threatened, so Luther just raised his hands in defeat. They had fun inside of an arcade as they played fake guns and teamed up, and Zarina even asked Luther to try basketball. Zarina was laughing so hard since Luther was so bad with it. After they finished off all of their tokens, they decided to go out and take a rest. “We’ll just eat lunch before we go to the cinemas, is that okay with you?” Zarina tilted her head at him, so he just nodded at her while sipping on the lemonade juice. “I didn’t know the mall contains fun too, I thought it was all just luxury since there’s a lot of things that you could find here,” Luther claimed, so she shook her head. “People have different perceptions of fun and this mall has a variety of things that people would find fun,” She informed before standing up, “Come on, let’s eat,” Luther just smiled before following her, Zarina isn’t a social person yet she’s nailing this day as his tour guide, Luther thought. Zarina invited him to eat at a ramen house, it didn’t take them a while to finish their meals before they decided to walk around to let their food down from their stomachs. After half an hour, Zarina decided to buy tickets for the cinemas, “It smells like butter and cheese in here,” Luther closed his eyes before inhaling the air from the center of the cinemas. “And it’s too cold compared to the temperature from below,” He added, so she just nodded at him. “It is different from here because this is where people relax, let’s watch something about space and romance,” Zarina claimed before she bought tickets. “I also bought popcorn, come on, it’s starting soon,” Zarina reached out to his hands and Luther stared at their hands intently. He didn’t realize that he was smiling just by looking that they were that close with one another. One unexpected move today might urge him to confess to her. Luther stopped pondering at his thoughts when he noticed that they entered a suddenly dark huge room that was cold with only a few lights open, “Can you even see the way here?” He whispered. “I do, just don’t let go of my hand,” Zarina whispered before she guided him towards the chair to the front since it’s already full at the top. “This is the space movie, I truly hoped we sat on the top but there’s no space anymore,” Zarina sounded disappointed. “It’s alright, I’m pretty sure wherever is fine,” He reassured her, so she just nodded before settling on their chairs. It wasn't long until the movie started, the first scene was about traveling in space and war broke out. Luther’s eyes widened when he thought the spaceship was going to fly towards them, “Zarina get down!” He pulled her underneath the chair, making those other people sitting right next to them laugh. Luther gasped before gazing at the back, “W-Where did it go? I swear the spaceship almost crashed at us!” He exclaimed, so Zarina cupped his mouth because he’s creating a noise. “Luther, it’s not real, it’s just a movie, stop spouting nonsense you’re creating a crowd,” Zarina tried so hard to stop herself from laughing. She just couldn’t believe that would be his reaction, she finds him adorable and funny at the same time. After the space movie, Zarina immediately invited him to the other cinema to watch the new romance that she’s been waiting for the production management to release. “I hope this romance movie won’t fail me,” Zarina whispered after they settled on the top chair. “Woah, I didn’t know the ice queen likes romance movies,” Luther teased, so she just rolled her eyes at him. “It’s about multiverse romance, they’re both from another world, they meet and fall in love, and I’m not sure how it will end,” Zarina explained, “Plus it would be a good insight to pass to my boss,” Luther shook his head, “We’re out and you’re still thinking about work, sheesh, have a break, human,” Zarina just gave him a small smile before gazing at the screen, “Just shut up and watch okay?” She scolded before she started eating some popcorn. Luther became interested in the romance movie about those two people on the screen, the woman was an alien princess and the man was from earth. The alien princess escaped her kingdom from the other planet since she doesn’t want to be married off to someone and met the human named Alex, who saw her ship crash in his yard. Alex took care of her and was admiring how beautiful she was despite the fact that she was an alien princess. They became friends and spent a lot of time with each other, not realizing that they were falling for one another. But they can’t be together for long since the alien princess named, Princess Demetricus, can’t stay too long on earth because she’ll be sick because the air the space and earth has isn’t the same, so they have to let go of one another. Luther couldn’t help but compare it to what he and Zarina have, they can’t stay too long in each other's world because they'll get sick too. He didn’t know why he felt his heart was being pricked just by thinking that she can’t be with Zarina for too long or even forever. He flinched when he felt Zarina leaning in on his shoulders, “U-Um Zarina, I think you’re leaning on my shoulders,” Luther informed. When he didn’t get any response, he slowly looked at her and saw that she’s sleeping and almost lost all of her popcorn. Luther couldn’t help but smile as he extended out his hands to gently caress Zarina’s face using his hands. Even with gloves on, he knows how soft her cheeks were, it gave him all the time in the world to examine her face closer. He knows that he was madly in love with her and he doesn’t know what he will do next after acknowledging his feelings. “You’re so beautiful Zarina,” He whispered and gently fixed her position while leaning on his shoulders for her to sleep properly. The rest of the movie played and Zarina slept throughout the entire movie, she then grunted before rubbing her eyes. She noticed that the screen was playing the post-credits scene, “D-Did I just miss the movie?” Zarina gasped and scratched the back of her head. She gazed at Luther, who looked like he’s stiff since he’s been staying in one position for too long, “I hope you slept well,” He teasingly laughed, which made her blush. “I-I slept? Oh gosh, I’m so sorry, can you please tell me what happened?” Zarina sounded embarrassed. Luther then stretched his joints and neck slowly before looking at her intently, “The alien princess and the human boy let go of one another, they can’t be together because they make each other sick even if they tried to find a solution about it,” “They were heartbroken as they both just gazed at the skies, space, hoping that one day, they might meet each other again and be together in a different timeline,” Luther sniffed, so Zarina furrowed her eyebrows. “It was a heartbreaking movie, are you sure it was romance?!” Luther complained while sniffing, which made Zarina laugh. “It was romance since as you can see, they loved each other, it didn’t just let them be together,” Zarina mumbled as she clutched her chest, she would be crying if she saw that scene. “They love each other so much, they were inseparable, but they had to let go of one another,” Luther added before standing up. “Let’s go, there’s a place you need to take me right?” He invited before walking away from her. Zarina wondered for a moment because Luther looked ultimately upset about something. She just shrugged before walking with him as they took a bus toward the place she wanted Luther to see.  After they got off the bus, they entered a tricycle for them to be dropped off near the mountain and forest a little far from the center of Lander city. “Since our outfits are not appropriate for walking deep into the forest, we have to get changed into much more comfortable clothes,” Zarina suggested, so Luther just furrowed his eyebrows at her. “You mean we're going home?” Luther tilted his head, so she shook her before pointing at his wand. “No silly were already here and it's a waste of time and money, so use your magic,” Zarina suggested, so Luther’s eyes widened. To be continued...
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