Chapter Forty Four - Confession

2235 Words
“You want me to use my magic here? I thought I’m not supposed to use one while I’m here!” Luther was confused, so Zarina just glared at him. “Luther, have you looked around our surroundings?” She crossed her arms against her chest, so she watched Luther look around their surroundings. It was filled with trees and bushes, there’s no sign of humans around aside from strange creatures that were creating a sound in the deepest part of the forest. “There’s no one around,” Luther mumbled, so Zarina just nodded before clapping her hands sarcastically. “Well, what do you know? You’re not blind,” Zarina smiled at him, so he just frowned before deciding to summon his wand. “I don’t know what clothes are appropriate for the forest, do you have any idea? Because when I think about the forest, all that’s coming to my mind was fairies dressed with petals of flowers,” Luther admitted, so she had no idea why her blood suddenly boiled. She just shook her head before fishing out her phone on her bag and swiped through her galleries, “Here, try something like this,” After Luther saw a picture on Zarina’s phone, he immediately chanted for their clothes to be changed. Zarina then opened her eyes and gasped after seeing herself wearing some stylish black leggings and a huge white windbreaker jacket. She slowly gazed at Luther and noticed that he was wearing black jogger pants and a white windbreaker jacket similar to hers. “Now we're good to go! I’m curious where you’ll take me hihihi,” Luther clapped his hands before walking around the forest. Both of them are still wearing gloves as Luther offered his hands to her, “Hold my hand please?” He requested, so she just sighed before accepting his hand and intertwined them with each other. Luther felt his heart thumping with just the warmth of her hands that he could feel despite the gloves. “S-So um, where exactly are you going to take me?” Luther curiously asked, so she just looked at him intently. “A place where I could silently kill you without any tracks of murder would be seen,” Zarina coldly informed, so Luther’s eyes widened before he backed away from her. She snorted before laughing out loud. Luther was so surprised at what she said and now she’s laughing so loud right in front of him. “Y-Your expression was priceless,” She chuckled before she tried to compose herself, “I’m going to take you to a place I wanted to visit ever since I arrived in this city,” Luther sighed in relief while clutching his chest, “You could’ve said that in the first place! You look terrifying by the way!” He exclaimed, so he made Zarina laugh once more. “Where's the fun in that? Loosen up wizard, jeez,” She rolled her eyes before leading the way towards the deepest part of the forest. He just secretly smiled as he noticed that something’s changing between them, she’s getting more comfortable and open about herself. She’s really more beautiful when she smiles and laughs, Luther thought while staring at Zarina intently. Zarina, on the other hand, was looking at her phone to check if they're arriving at the place she wanted Luther to see. “We’re almost there!” She stated without emotions plastered on her face, but her tone sounded excited. Luther just nodded at her as they both tracked down the path towards that place and she smiled after noticing that they had finally arrived. “We're here, welcome to Lander Lake, Luther,” Zarina happily motioned her hands across the wide, clear lake. There’s a mountain on the other side of the lake and its reflection from the water could be seen clearly. “It’s like there are two skies on opposite sides, one above and one underneath, the water is so clear! It’s so beautiful here Zarina!” Luther happily exclaimed so she was pleased with his reactions. They roamed around the lake and decided to sit on the edge of the dock while gazing at the wide lake as it was almost sunset, “Gosh this place is breathtaking, do you want to go boating?” Luther excitedly asked so she got nervous for a moment. “Isn’t it dangerous? What if there’s something down there, this freaking lake is huge Luther,” Zarina firmly said, which made him laugh. “I’m the greatest wizard of all time, what could happen to you if I'm with you?” He playfully winked, so Zarina felt her heart thumped against her chest. “Plus we wouldn't row that far, just in the middle where we could admire the huge lake, you could take a picture too!” Luther suggested while he fished out his wand. So Zarina just sighed before nodding, “A-Alright, we could try it,” She mumbled, so he clapped his hands before summoning a boat. “Just so you know, I don’t know how to row a boat properly,” Zarina informed, so he just laughed at her before nodding. “Relax! I should be the one rowing for you!” He winked, so she just shook her head and Luther helped her get settled in on the fancy boat that he summoned. It wasn’t long until they both started rowing towards the middle of the lake, the sounds of the sloshing of water coming from the paddle created a calm rhythm that relaxed Zarina on her seat. “This is so nice,” Zarina smiled on the other side of the boat, so Luther just stared at her intently before smirking. “Does this means you consider this as a date?” He wiggled his eyebrows, so she glared at him for a moment. “Don’t fool around Luther or else I’ll push you off the lake,” Zarina threatened with her heart pounding against her chest, so his eyes widened in disbelief. “Sheesh, human, how brutal can you be?” Luther pouted while paddling as he stopped when the wind blew harshly, making Zarina's hair fly all over the place. She then slowly tugs her hair into her right ear as her emerald eyes meet his, they don’t know how long they have been staring at one another when Luther decided to avert his gaze while coughing. “U-Um, so should we head back to the dock and eat something?” He suggested, so she just agreed with him before he used magic to bring them back to the dock. “Oh crap, I forgot to make sandwiches for this picnic,” Zarina scratched the back of her head, so Luther shook his head. “You treated me to a lot of places today, I might as well be nice and summon our dinner for this evening,” Luther suggested and summoned orbs as the source of their light. It didn’t take him long to prepare the picnic blanket and summoned a lot of food over there, “See? I even summoned our favorites!” Luther clapped his hands before he invited Zarina to eat with him. She just smiled and joined him as they watched the light orbs float around the lake, the lavender skies were now showing as a few stars were lighting up the sky. “It’s so beautiful,” Zarina commented while munching on her sandwich, so Luther glanced at her before agreeing. “It is,” He commented while looking at Zarina intently. She felt the intense stare of Luther, so she looked at him and blushed when she noticed that he was referring to someone else. “U-Um maybe we should head back after this, it’s getting late too,” She suggested before standing up and brushing off some dirt from her leggings. Luther simply nodded as he decided to dispel everything he summoned that they ate and silently departed the location. They were both silent on the way home, the thought of this day being over is eating up their nerves. It wasn’t long until they’re both staring at her apartment, “This is it, we’re home,” Zarina entered while pacing towards her unit. “I had so much fun! You even granted my wish! I couldn’t be happier!” Luther exclaimed before running towards the living room and collapsing his body on the sofa. Zarina was just staring at him intently before she securely locked the doors. Luther noticed that she was silent, so he couldn’t help but wonder why. “Is there something wrong?” Luther curiously asked so she shook her head at him, “Are you sure? You’ve been silent ever since we left the lake,” “Nothing, I just feel like it’s the first time I had so much fun and I don’t want it to end,” Zarina wanted to lie, but it isn't like her, so all she says was the truth. Luther smiled before he looked at her intently, “I feel the same Zarina, I feel like spending a day with you isn’t enough, I wanted more,” “Well, um, you can invite Kirstin if you want! She would’ve loved that place, you should go out with a friend often!” Luther suggested, so she slowly shook her head at him. “I don’t think I’ll go out with someone and be comfortable just like what I am when I’m with you,” She admitted before pacing in the living room, she sat on the opposite side to where Luther was sitting. Luther stopped, what she said caught him off guard and he felt like his heart was aching because he wanted to let out something. “If you keep on saying things like that, I might say something I might regret saying, I don’t want to ruin what we have...Zarina,” Luther mumbled while before averting his gaze at her, so she got confused for a moment. “What do you mean?” Zarina confusingly asked, so he glanced at her again and she stopped after seeing how serious he was from the look on his face. “Zarina, I don’t think I’d like to stay friends with you,” Luther coldly stated, so her eyes widened. She couldn’t understand why her heart was aching from what Luther was trying to say to her, “W-What do you mean? W-Why?”  Zarina fought so hard to fight her tears from bursting out, she didn't like the thought of not being friends with Luther. Why would he say that now when they just went out together and had fun? She thought. “I just don’t think this thing understands what friendship means,” Luther bitterly chuckled while pointing at his chest. “Zarina, I like you not as a friend or a person, but I like you to be someone with me,” He confessed, so her eyes widened. She couldn’t process what he just said as he slowly moved towards her and gently caressed her cheeks and wrapped his other hand around her waist, “I like you so much human, and this is how I want our day to end,” After Luther said those words, he smashed his lips against hers, which made her eyes widen. His lips moved against her burning lips and she didn’t know what to do as she subconsciously responded to it. She knew she liked it even if her senses wanted to push him away, her hands even wrapped themselves in Luther's nape before she closed her eyes. Their kiss deepened, but Luther couldn’t push her to lay on the sofa because his hands were disappearing, “I can hear your answer about it sooner,”  After he said those words, he was suddenly exchanged by the small tree plant. Zarina was gasping for air as she slowly reached out to touch her lips. The ghost feeling of Luther’s lips was still there and the only thing that she could hear was the frantic beating of her heart. The kiss was so intense and scorching that it felt as if they were both thirsty for one other. Does this imply that she likes him as well? Zarina thought. She felt her ears and cheeks were blushing so hard while she slapped her cheeks using both of her hands because why didn’t she immediately push him away?! “Good night, Zarina, thank you for today,” She flinched when she heard Luther speak in the bathroom. “G-Good night, don’t forget to prepare your recovery things before you sleep,” Zarina reminded, which made Luther smile. He couldn't be happier with what transpired today, and he hopes that things will go well for them both. Zarina, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep that night, she couldn't believe that Luther had feelings for her. And she also couldn’t believe that after Luther confessed to her, her heart swelled as she wanted to confess to him herself. Zarina shook her head at her absurd thought and hid inside of her blanket, her heart just can't calm down even if an hour has passed! “This is crazy,” She commented before closing her eyes, trying to sleep even if her heart was fully wide awake. To be continued...
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