Chapter Forty Two - Date (Part One)

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After Zarina prepared her things for their outing today, she also didn’t forget to charge her solar chargers from her terrace. She was pretty sure it wouldn’t rain because of a bright sunny day, “Are you almost done? Please we have to go no huhuhu!”  Luther complained for the nth time, so she just rolled her eyes before meeting with his gaze, “I’m almost done, just need to change my clothes again since it’s dirty now,” Zarina then stopped and gazed at what Luther was wearing, he was wearing fancy wizard clothes that’s navy blue and black combined that’s long on the sleeves and had a coat on the back. “You can’t go out wearing like that,” She claimed, so Luther’s eyes widened at what she just said. “But this is what you told me to wear! Something that could protect me from humans!”  Luther exclaimed. Zarina knew this was going to happen so she gathered numerous K-POP magazines that included the fancy, cozy outfits that they wear. “Luther, people would look at you if they saw you wearing something like that, our main goal here is to, fun and to educate you about humans, not capture their attention,” Zarina thoroughly explained while flipping over the pages of the magazine. “Here, this is what men wear when they go out when it’s cold,” Zarina informed him while pointing at the man that was wearing shades, a fancy scarf wrapped on the neck and leather shoes, knitted grey long sleeves sweater, and khaki formal pants that belted with leather. “Wow, this man looks so handsome, just like me!” Luther claimed, so she rolled her eyes before slamming that magazine to his chest.  “Get changed, so we could go,” Zarina demanded, so Luther just sighed before following her request. He summoned his wand and closed his eyes to chant a spell as he kept on remembering what he has just seen from the magazine. A bright blinding light appeared as Luther’s body gleamed, it wasn’t long until that light disappeared and Zarina opened her eyes again. Her heart thumped against her chest after seeing Luther dressed in a casual outfit, she couldn’t help but think that Luther nailed the outfit compared to the model, he looks extremely attractive and he would still catch some attention by wearing those clothes. “So? How do I look?” Luther slowly twirled around to let Zarina witness his handsomeness that he’s probably gloating to her. Zarina just sighed, “I think it’s fine, you look, decent,” She mumbled before walking towards her bedroom to check her clothes. “What are you looking for?” Luther appeared on her back, so she flinched before closing her cabinet. “I’m trying to get changed too, so get out and give me some privacy!” Zarina complained, so Luther tilted her head at her. He softly gestured her away from the cabinet as he tried to look for what Zarina would wear, “Sheesh, even your cabinet feels cold, these are also cold and boring clothes!” Luther exclaimed before gazing at Zarina. “You should wear long sleeves too, Zarina, oh wait! I have an idea!” Luther sniggered before summoning his wand, he then chanted a spell that surprised Zarina before he instantly changed her clothes. “Now this is more like it, we're a match!” Luther smiled while staring at Zarina, “Here, look at yourself,” He summoned a mirror right beside her bedroom. Zarina almost gasped after seeing that she was wearing grey knitted turtle neck long sleeves, a khaki skirt that’s high waisted and belted with black leather on the waist, partnered up with some brown leather boots. “W-Wow, it’s the first time I've seen myself look decent,” Zarina commented, she didn’t realize that she blurted that out. “What do you mean?! You always dress decently when you go to work!” Luther exclaimed, so she just shook her head before gazing at him. “Wait a minute, this is exactly the same as what you’re wearing, but woman’s version!” Zarina almost complained, so Luther just chuckled. “Except for the boots and scarf, come on, you look...beautiful Zarina, there’s nothing you have to worry about,” Luther reassured, so she stopped before sighing. “F-Fine, let’s just get this day started,” She mumbled before taking her black sling bag and gloves, she requested Luther to make it black leather to match their outfits since it’s also thick enough for them to hold each other. “Okay now that we are prepared and are wearing gloves and everything, there are rules that I want to implement,” Zarina announced, so Luther whined like some kid in the living room. “Why need rules if we could have some fun!” He complained, but she just shook his head at him. “Luther first off, you can’t summon your wand, second, you can’t tell anyone about Wizardia, and third, only listen and talk to me,” Zarina informed, so Luther thought it wasn’t so bad after all. Except for the fact that he can’t use magic or his wand, but he knows Zarina just made those rules for his safety. “Well, I couldn’t decline the last rule, I like it,” Luther playfully winked, so she just sighed before walking towards the door. “Are you ready?” She coldly asked, so Luther squealed like a woman before stepping towards her. “As I'll ever be! I’m so excited about this!” Luther cheered, so she just secretly smiled before opening her apartment door. Fortunately, they managed to ride a slightly empty bus towards the mall, it’s a little far away from her place, so they had to take a bus. Riding a taxi is expensive and she wanted to make use of her budget for Luther for today, “So what’s this strange moving thing called?” Luther whispered, she couldn’t help but realize that their arms were brushing against each other. “B-Bus, it’s called a bus Luther, we also use this for transportation,” Zarina informed, so he couldn’t keep in his amusement about what they’re riding. “How is this moving without a unicorn or even magic? This is beyond my expertise!” Luther overreacted, so she couldn’t help but laugh because of his reactions. “Relax, there’s an engine and battery inside that needs to be filled up with gas to move, it's a science and technology thing,” Zarina informed, so Luther kept asking questions about it. Zarina didn’t realize that they had arrived at the mall because of their long conversation, it’s also the first time she spoke a lot for almost an hour. “Woah! This place is so huge! Oh my wizards! It’s much bigger than our academy!” He exclaimed after seeing the mall right in front of them, which made her laugh. “Silly, your academy is much bigger, now come on, let’s tour inside,” Zarina invited and reached out towards his hands and intertwined it with hers. Luther was astounded at what she did as they stared at each other’s eyes intently, “I’m starting right now to fulfill your wish,” Zarina casually stated. Luther couldn’t help but blush at what Zarina just said, he was so surprised that all he did was stare at their intertwined hands. He felt like his hands were meant to be hers, his heart was pounding so rapidly against his chest like it wanted to get out. “Luther? Stop being a drag, you’re heavy you know?” Zarina complained, so he came back to his senses and squeezed her hands. “Now this is what a date really looks like,” Luther cheered and entered the mall with Zarina, she just furrowed her eyebrows at what he just said and shook her head. Zarina noticed a lot of eyes were eyeing them after they entered, she isn’t used to attention, so she was anxious around their surroundings. They’re also probably looking at them because of their matching clothes and also because Luther’s standing out in the crowd. Who wouldn’t be with those beautiful sky blue eyes and his black disheveled hair that has white and gold streaks on selected strands? They probably think he’s a foreigner when in reality he's from another world. “Is there something wrong?” Luther curiously asked when he noticed that Zarine became quiet, she flinched before nodding her head. “Y-Yes, just anxious since a lot of people were looking at you and sometimes us,” Zarina claimed, which made Luther laugh. “What do you mean? They're the ones looking at you and if you ask me, I don’t like it,” He whispered the last statement he mentioned while clenching his fist on the other side. “Well forget them, you wanted to tour me around right? Just focus on me and not them,” Luther suggested, so she just sighed before nodding at him. She scolded herself on the inside because she wanted this day to be perfect for Luther, “S-So um, this is the mall, it has a lot of things that they could offer, everything you need at home is here,” Zarina started informing as they window shopping different stores and boutiques. They even went to an ice cream shop to buy ice cream, they were both having fun as numerous people looked at them intently. “Those couples are so cute! They’re even wearing matching clothes,” One of the people commented as they noticed that they exchanged ice cream for tasting. “I know right, plus the man is so handsome and tall, is he a foreigner?” One of her friends asked, so they just nodded their heads. “Probably, do you think he’s a celebrity? Let’s take a picture of him!” They cheered and slowly paced towards the cute couple. Zarina and Luther were surprised after seeing three girls that were looking at them intently, “U-Um can we help you?” Zarina stepped in front of Luther. “Oh um, sorry for this but can we take a picture of your boyfriend?” One of the girls sounded like he was pleading, so she was caught off guard about the word boyfriend. She also thought that it’s not a bad idea to take a picture since Luther’s dressed properly to have no direct contact with humans, “O-Oh yes you can but um he’s not--” “Great! Thank you!” The girl cut off Zarina as she gave her phone as they stood on Luther’s side, he worriedly gazed at Zarina and she just raised her thumbs, reassuring him that it’s alright. “One, two, three, smile,” Zarina captured two pictures as those three girls thanked her, “No problem,” She coldly replied. “Do you want us to take a picture of you two?” One of the girls suggested, so Zarina was about to decline when Luther agreed. “Yes! Please take our picture, Zarina, go on and give them your phone,” Luther looked thrilled as the girls found it adorable. “A-Alright,” Zarina mumbled because if she declined it, these girls would probably overreact, they look like fangirls even if Luther isn’t an idol or something. “Okay! One, two, three...and the love was captured!” The girls squealed because after they mentioned three, Luther pulled Zarina closer to him. “Wow! We look so good together here,” He mumbled while looking at the photo from Zarina’s phone. He's extremely happy that he got a photo with her today. “Thank you, girls, have a nice day,” Luther winked at them, so they just giggled and bid goodbye. “Really? Even here you’re a flirt?” Zarina crossed her arms against her chest while raising her eyebrows. Luthe raised his gloved hands in defeat, “W-What? I’m not a flirt and that was way over me and how did you know about that?” He looked confused, so she just rolled her eyes and gazed at the far corner of the mall. Her eyes widened after seeing that Kirstin was walking around with an old woman, probably her mother. “Crap we have to hide!” Zarina exclaimed and grabbed Luther’s hands as they ran around to hide somewhere. Zarina found a spot and hid on the corner as she motioned Luther to corner her, “Pretend to make out with me,” She informed, so Luther’s eyes widened. “W-What why--” He didn’t finish what he said when Zarina placed her gloved hand on his mouth before kissing the back of her hand. Luther’s eyes widened as he heard the familiar voice of that woman, “O-Oh look mom, someone’s making out, ow! Mom! Why did you hit me?” Kirstin complained. “It’s rude to stare, darling, now move along and leave them be,” Kirstin’s mom scolded before they continued walking around the mall. Zarina sighed in relief before letting go of Luther who was still in a state of shock, “That was a close one, she’ll bug me for life if she sees me with you,” “Did you just, indirectly kiss me?” Luther mumbled as Zarina flinched, her eyes widened before she remembered what she had just done. To be continued...
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