I See Red

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Jeramy POV I felt my blood begin to boil as soon as the words left this gorgeous woman's mouth. "Someone tried to kill me and you just saved my life." Adonis was trying to fight to the surface. Less than four hours ago we found our mate and we almost lost her. Who ever did this was going to die a slow and painful death. Witch or not she is my mate and no one will hurt her. I would go to the ends of this Earth just to keep her safe and happy. My blood was boiling, and I wanted to hurt someone. I felt her place her hand on my arm. “Jeramy can we get up I’m cold” My body relaxed as I realized she was still laying on top of me with our closed drenched. She was trembling. “Sorry gorgeous, are you okay?” “Yeah, my lungs don’t feel like they’re on fire and I can see again.” “What was that?” “Powdered Aconite, it’s one of the deadliest things to witches.” “Should I take you to the hospital?” “No, I’m okay it wasn’t on me long enough to cause any serious damage. If I was a normal witch, it probably would’ve killed me but I’m not exactly a normal witch. I guess I gave her a confused look because she giggled. “I’ll explain everything once I’m out of these wet clothes, I’m going to catch pneumonia if I stay like this.” I picked her up and walked her to the counter and sat her down. I handed her a towel and she wrapped it around herself. “Before you go change let me make sure no one stuck around to watch their handy work.” “Maybe I should go I am the one with powers.” “No beautiful I can take care of myself and I don’t think they have any booby traps set up for a wolf.” She shook her head that understood I told her not to unlock the door until I told her to. As I walked out, I heard her lock the door behind me. Moon Goddess help if someone was dumb enough to stick around.  I walked around the whole apartment and opened every door. I came to her bedroom last. When I opened the door, Adonis growled with desire. Her bed had four huge wooden bed posts. My imagination began to run thinking about the things I could do with those bed posts. I pictured her wearing nothing at all as I tied her to the bed and worshipped her like the goddess she is. I snapped out of my dirty thoughts when I heard my angel calling my name. “Jeramy are you okay” “Yeah, gorgeous I’m okay” I called back as I walked to the bathroom door. I told her to open the door. She unlocked it and opened the door. As the door swung back, I saw her standing in her soaking wet clothes. The fabric clung to her body making me want to take her to her bed and test out how sturdy those posts were, but I noticed she was still shivering so I stepped aside so she could walk out. She started walking in the direction of her bedroom and I followed close behind incase she was still having affects from the Aconite. We got to her bedroom door and she told me to give her a few minutes to change and she would find something for me to change into so that she could throw my clothes into the dryer. “Oh no gorgeous I’m fine wolves don’t feel the cold easily.” “Cold or not your clothes are soaking wet and if we are going to talk about everything, I don’t want you sitting on my couch like that.” She said with a stern tone. Goddess this woman was sexy as hell when she was being assertive. She closed the door behind her and emerged from her room five minutes later wearing baggy grey sweats with a navy blue off the shoulder sweatshirt. Even in baggy clothes this woman was beyond sexy. She handed me a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. I looked at her confused wondering if she had a boyfriend. “Gorgeous do these belong to someone in particular?” “No, they don’t?” She said confused as to why I asked her. “Sorry I just don’t want to have to beat up your boyfriend if he comes walking in when he sees me with you wearing his clothes.” “Last time I checked I was single.” “Well, it’s just that these clearly are not your size so why would you have them?” “Well, they were mixed in a bag of my dry cleaning and I never got around to throwing them out, but now you can see they came in handy.” She stated as she rolled her eyes. I felt like such an ass for questioning her about clothes. I needed to make it up to her. I walked over and pulled her close and kissed her on the forehead. “I’m sorry for being an ass I just can’t handle the thought of another man holding you in his arms.” That’s all it took to feel her melt into my body. Then she stared to push me off. “Jeramy go get dressed you’re making my clothes wet and I don’t want to have to change again.” I chuckled and turned back to head to the bathroom to do as my beautiful woman told me to do. As I was changing, I got this feeling that everything was going to be okay. I walked out of the bathroom and dropped my wet clothes into the laundry basket she left by the door. I looked over the living room and saw her sitting on the couch with a pile of books on the coffee table. She was nose deep in a book as she was scribbling some notes. I couldn’t help but be amazed in her beauty. Her green eyes remined me of the forest where a wolf was the most comfortable. I could stare into them and get lost. Her long black hair reached to her lower back just aching for me to run my fingers through it. She had round full lips begging for me to crash mine against her. “Are you always this creepy?” she teasingly asked not even looking up from her book. “Sorry I can’t help it you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” She tried her hardest not to smile but it was a failure. Her face turned bright red and I could not help but laugh. I knew after tonight my life would change forever and I was willing to turn my whole world upside down to make her happy. I walked over and sat down next to her. I was craving to be right next to her and feel her body against mine but I did not want to be aggressive and scare her off. She put her book and notes on the coffee table and looked up at me. She was staring in total aw of me. “See something you like?” “Sorry I can’t help it I feel this pull to you.” She said as she blushed again. That was going to be my favorite sight from now on. “Don’t be sorry gorgeous the Moon Goddess made us for each other you can look all you want.” She put her head down. I could feel the sadness coming from her body. “We’re supposed to be enemies, our kind don’t get along. What if this was all a mistake?” She said as she was fighting to hold back the tears. My thoughts began to go into overdrive. Was she going to reject me? Was she going to tell me to leave and never come back? If she rejected me it would tear me apart.   “Jeramy comfort our mate don’t take that as an answer fight for her!” I heard Adonis growl in my head. He was right we just got her I was not going to let her go that easily. Pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her. I felt so calm with her in my arms. Her body relaxed against mine and it seemed as if our bodies fit perfectly together. After she began sobbing I knew I had to say something to make the hurting stop. “Zoe” I said causing her to look up at me. I reached with my finger and wiped away her tears. “Baby please don’t cry.” “I just found you and now you have to reject me.” “Why would you think I would reject you?” I asked pulling her closer. “Because our kinds don’t get along. What would your pack say?” “If my pack can’t accept that the woman I love, the woman who was made just for me, just happens to be a witch, then I do not need them in my life.” I was surprised at what I had just said but I knew I couldn’t live without her.  [JF1]
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