Breaking the Wall Down

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Zoe POV  I think him and I were both caught off guard when I suggested to go back to my place and talk about who we were. I couldn't beat around the bush. If he was going to try to tear my heart out, at least if we were in  my apartment I would have a better fighting chance. "Gorgeous we can go wherever you want. It is your day and I am going to do whatever I can in my power to make you happy."  I tried to hold back my smile but I couldn't.  "Spirits please let this man be serious and let him except me and love me." I silently prayed to the great spirits. He payed for our meal and then he called a cab. We walked out to the sidewalk to wait for our ride. I looked at my phone to see if the twins had tried to get a hold of me but nothing. Of course they hooked up with some random guys and I was the least of their concern.  "Bitches" I thought to myself. We were standing there when a group of drunk guys were walking up the street our way. I don't know why, but I all of sudden realized what I was wearing and it made me feel very uncomfortable. I tried to wrap my arms around myself to cover up. I didn't want them to see me. It seemed as if Jeremy was reading my mind because he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close. He had my back against the wall. I was trying to process what he was doing when he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Don't worry beautiful these idiots won't lay their eyes on you. I have you completely covered." This mad definitely made me feel safe. He was making it so hard to keep my guard up. I was scared about what was going to happen when we talked but being in his arms right now in this moment, I had never felt so safe in my life. The drunk guys had already stumbled by and were almost across the street but he hadn't let go. I couldn't help but breathe in his mouth watering scent. He smelt like heaven. The honk of the cab broke this moment between us. He pulled away but wrapped his hand around me and pulled me to the cab. He opened the door waited for me to get in. I slid in and then he slid right next to me. I could feel my whole body on fire when I felt his leg against mine. My body reacted to every touch. If he stayed in my life I knew this would drive my wild. I gave the cab driver my address. We rode to my apartment in silent. When we drop up to my building he helped me out and then paid the cab driver. We walked up to the door and I punched in my code and the door buzzed open. He followed me into the elevator where he stood very close to me. When the doors opened I led him down the hall to my apartment. I pulled my keys out of my clutch and unlocked the door. When I opened it and walked in, a powder fell and covered me. Before I could react, I felt a burning in my lungs. I couldn't see. I felt myself falling to the ground when I felt strong arms pick me up. He asked where the the bathroom was. with the little bit of strength I had left, I pointed in the general direction of where the bathroom door was since I couldn't see. I felt him carrying me and then I heard the water running. The next thing I knew, there was warm water covering my body. After a few minutes, the burning in my lungs was fading and I was gaining my vision back. When I felt okay enough, I sat up and looked around. I looked behind me to see that I was on top of Jeremy and both our clothes were soaked. Did he really get in the tub with me? I didn't have time to think about that. Someone came into my apartment and set up powdered Aconite to fall on me as soon as I walked in. Aconite can be very deadly to witches. I'm not sure if it would have killed me because of my powers but it was a lot of powder. Someone wanted to hurt me.  Jeremy looked down at me with concern in his eyes. "What just happened?" "Someone tried to kill me and you just saved my life."
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