
258 Words
Zoe POV The girls had gone out for a quick dinner at Zoe's favorite pizza place then they headed to the club to get drunk off their asses. Zoe needed to have fun to take a break from living a double life as a doctor's office receptionist during the day and a full fledged witch at night. It was her night and she was going to make the best of it. Her heart did feel heavy wishing her family and coven were still alive to celebrate it but she would have to push those feelings aside with lots and lots of alcohol.  The club was packed when they got there. Luckily the twins knew the bouncer so they did not have to wait in line. As soon as they got in Zoe went straight to the bar while the twins looked for a table. Zoe was waiting in line when the twins came up and pushed her out of the way. "Oh no birthday girl you are not paying tonight it is your birthday." Kim scolded her.  "Fine but please don't order me any girly drinks." Zoe said rolling her eyes.  The twins ordered their usual fruity drinks while they ordered Zoe her favorite Jack and Coke.  After a birthday toast made by Kat the girls downed their drinks and then hit the dance floor.  They had been dancing with each other and with random guys and the night was going good. That was until out of no where she felt someone grab her from behind. "What the hell!" Zoe tried to yell over the music.
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