
1026 Words
Jeremy POV So far David's birthday had been a blast. We went to the new steak house that had just opened up and the food was amazing. Then we had hit up a few bars before going to the bar that the pack owned. The bouncer let us in right away and we went to our V.I.P table and ordered bottles. We were all drinking and having a good time. I had even scored a few numbers of some hot looking girls. After a few drinks Keith gave David a speech which then turned into a brotherly roast session.The guys had been back and forth dancing their mates. I had danced with a few girls but none of them were catching my attention too much to take home.  "Are you having fun?" Lucy asked me as she stumbled over to the table. The girls were really pounding back the drinks since they knew the guys would take care of them.  "Yeah I am." I replied with a shrug.  "You'll find her when you're least expecting it."  Lucy has always known that I want to find my mate and settle down. Yeah it's fun to pick up girls for the night but I see what my brothers have and I want that happiness too. "Thanks Lucy I think I'm going to go outside to get some fresh air." Before she could say anything I was weaving my way through the crowd. Before I could make it to the door, one of the girls that  had tried to danced with me earlier stepped in front of me.  "So handsome are you ready to dance?" she slurred her words. She was average built with dirty blonde hair. She wore clothes that were two sizes too small and she was wearing too much perfume and her makeup was caked on. I had tried to avoid this girl all night. She was not what I was looking for.  "Sorry Brittany but I was just leaving." She began to curse at me and questioned why I didn't want to dance with a hot piece of ass like her. I stepped back and turned around to go back to the table. I had to get away from this crazy chick.  Just as I turned around to head to the table, I stopped in my tracks. I was overwhelmed with the most beautiful smell. My nostrils were filled with the best smelling chocolate I have ever smelt. I turned to see where that beautiful smell was coming from when I saw the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. She was short with black thick hair that flowed down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were the most beautiful shade of green I had ever seen. Her skin was a glowing olive with tattoos decorated up and down most of her arms and shoulders. She was wearing jeans that hugged her in all the right areas that showed off her curves. Her crop top clung to her chest and it made my mouth water. In my head my wolf was howling. I felt a growl rumbling in my chest. My wolf Adonis and I growled at the same time, "Mate.". I had to talk to her. I had to get close to her. I had to claim her as mine. I walked towards my mate and then I stopped again when I heard her speak. Her voice was like angles singing. I wasn't until I thought about what she said when I realized she was in trouble.. Adonis growled in my head.  "No one messes with our mate she is ours!" Walking closer to her I had to fight to keep Adonis contained. The pack owned the club and most of the people here were wolves but sometimes humans managed to get in. I took a step closer and realized this asshole had his hands wrapped around her waist and she was trying to push him off. This made my blood boil. I linked the guys to let them know that I was about to tear this i***t to shreds when I heard my angel speak again. "Unless you want me to turn your hands into bloody nubs, I suggest you take them off of me". Man this woman was sexy. Before the prick could respond she elbowed him in the face causing him to stumble back. He clenched at his face. I saw blood drip down his face. She definitely broke his nose.  "That's our girl" Adonis howled. I took a step closer to her when I saw this prick raise his fist to hit her. Before this coward had a chance to hurt her, I caught his fist in my hand and began to squeeze.  "Don't you f*****g touch her!"  By now we had gained an audience. I heard the guys telling people to move out of the way. Followed by Keith and David were some bouncers. Kieth pointed at the prick and they grabbed him and hauled him out of the club. He was clearly a human so as much as I wanted to break every bone in his body, I knew it would cause problems.  "Seriously jackass you just had to break his nose!" Kieth snarled at me. "Hey the credit to that goes to this angel" I laughed as I shrugged and pointed to my mate.  They guys knew instantly that she was my mate by the way I looked at her. I turned to her. Finally it was time to talk to my mate. "Are you okay beautiful?" "Yes I am, thank you for stepping in like that." "The pleasure is all mine but seriously you are bad ass and drop dead gorgeous." She smiled like that and held out her hand. "I'm Zoe." Her name ringed in my ears. Zoe. Zoe my mate. The woman that I would go to the ends of the Earth for. I grabbed her hand and instantly felt sparks tingle all over my body. I needed her touch. I didn't know that my body was craving the touch of hers. I didn't know how I lived all this time without it. "I'm Jeremy." From the look in her eyes I could tell she felt the sparks too. I breathed in her chocolate smell. Then it hit me now that I was standing closer. My mate was a witch.
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