Tonight's the Night

348 Words
Jeremy POV The guys had been badgering Jeremy all week to go out with them to celebrate David's birthday. He only agreed because David was like a brother to him. Jeremy, and his two best friends were ranked members of the Winter Moon pack, one of the strongest packs in the whole country. Keith was their Alpha, Jeremy was second in command as the Beta, and David was the gamma. The three of them took over after their fathers retired once the boys became of age to lead.  The pack was known for their strength and unity. No one ever challenged them or at least did and won. Jeremy was proud to belong to such a strong pack. David and Keith were his family and he would gladly lay down his life for them in a heartbeat.  "You ready to go man or do you need to finish doing your makeup?" Keith called through the open door.  "I love these guys but they can be annoying assholes." Jeremy thought as he through up his middle finger up at Keith and they both busted into laughter. They headed down the stairs of the pack house. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs was David and the girls.  The five of them loaded into the limo that the pack owned for special events.  "I feel like tonight is going to bring something special!" Lucy exclaimed.  Lucy was Keith's mate and our packs Luna. She always had a sense for stuff like this so we always went along with it because she was never wrong.  "Oh I hope so it is David's birthday." Trina told her has she fussed with Davids shirt.  David had dated Trina since they were 16 and they knew they were supposed to be mates. Both David and Keith had found their mates right away. Jeremy was not so lucky. Jeremy was happy for his brothers but at times he often felt as the fifth wheel and felt out of place. He loved this brother's mates like his sisters and would protect them to the end but he just wished he had a mate of his own.  
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