
569 Words
Zoe POV I didn't understand at first what was happening. When Jeremy touched my hand I felt sparks flow all through my body. It wasn't a bad feeling it just caught me off guard. When he let go my whole body craved to feel his touch again. It took me a second and then it hit me. He must be my fated one. Witches get one true soul mate picked out to them from the grand spirits themselves. He was my true love. This excited me and also scared the s**t out of me.  How would I explain to him that he was my fated one. How would I explain that I was a witch. He was going to think I was a freak. He stepped closer and that's when his scent hit me. I smelled like how it smelled right before it was about to rain. I also picked up on another scent. He was a werewolf.  Panic began to sink in. Witches and werewolfs normally didn't get along. There was so much bad blood between them. My fated one was going to reject me. I felt my heart drop. I just found my true love and he was going to hate me, maybe even rip me to shreds once he found out what I really was. It was about to happen any second. Wolves had an incredible sense of smell. I was standing right in front of him. I had to get out of here. I began to look around to find a way to get out. The heartbreak was going to hurt like hell but it beat being ripped to shreds.   He let go of my hand and I could feel his gaze on me. I instantly dropped my head down and fidgeted with my hands. I didn't know what to do. I just found him but I was going to lose him because of what I am. I felt my heart drop down to my stomach. I couldn't breath or speak. I felt a knot form in my throat.  He stood there looking at me with confusion in his eyes. Did he already figure it out and not know how to react? Or was he trying to figure out how to go about ripping out my heart? "Are you okay?" His words broke my train of thought.  I just shook my head yes.  "I am have to go now..." My voice cracked as I was trying to keep from crying. I turned to walk away when he grabbed my hand. "Please don't go." I looked up at him confused. Why did he want met to stay? Wouldn't it be easier if he just let me go so he didn't have to deal with me? I couldn't look at him. I didn't want to look at his perfection before he broke my heart. I shook my head no and turned to walk away again when he grabbed my hand and pulled my back.  "Zoe can we please go somewhere to talk?" I forced myself to look up at him. He was smiling but I could see the concern in his eyes. I don't know what came over me but I agreed even though every nerve in my body was screaming to run. He grabbed my hand and led me to the door.  This could either be the start of a new chapter in my life or the night I go lose my life and finally be reunited with my family.
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