Let Me In

689 Words
Jeremy POV It hit me that my mate, my other half, my reason for breathing, was in fact a witch. Witches and wolves have been enemy's since the beginning of time.Wolves always used witches for their magic and witches always cursed wolves for sheer fun. This has gone on so long that it seemed like wolves were born hating witches. But how could I hate her. Standing next to her made me feel complete.   I think she realized that what I was because I could see a the pain in her eyes. It flashed from hurt to utter fear. My mate was afraid of me and this hurt me. I didn't want to make her feel fear. I wanted to make her feel loved and protected. I needed to talk to her.  She didn't even look up at me at this point. She just stood there looking down and fidgeting with her fingers. I asked her if she was okay and all she could was nod her head and then she tried to leave. My mate was walking away.  "Please don't go". is all I could manage to say. I didn't want her to walk away. I needed her to stay. I needed to talk to her and let her understand that I would give my last breathe to save her. I could hear the pain in her voice and that broke me inside.  "Zoe can we please go somewhere to talk?"   I couldn't lose her already. I just found her. She agreed and I linked the guys and told them I had to go handle something. They asked what was up but I wasn't ready to face them. I needed to know that she was going to stay in my life before I opened that can of worms. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 2 a.m. I wrapped my hand around hers and led her out of the club. We walked down the street to a dinner that we always went to after a night out. We sat across from each other at a booth. There was an awkward silence between us. I had to break it. "So what brought you to the club tonight?" She was silent for a few seconds before she answered.  "Well some of my coworkers took me out for my birthday." Aw s**t. It was her birthday and I was messing it all up. If she had only come into my life a little sooner I would have made this day amazing for her. "Well happy birthday beautiful. If I would have known I would have taken you to a fancier place." She gave a slight smile.  "It's okay I mean you don't really know me." "It doesn't matter you deserve to have kick ass birthday. Was it at least a good night other than the jackass trying to feel you up?" "It was okay but my co workers ditched me and technically it was the night before my birthday since it is past midnight. It is my actual birthday today." I had to make this the best day ever for her.  "Well then you deserve an awesome day what can I do to make that happen?" "That's sweet but you really don't have to do anything for me." My heart hurt. She was keeping a wall up. I needed her to let me in. I needed her to accept me. I could hear her stomach growling so I at least was able to convince her to  let me buy her something to eat. We both ordered the breakfast combo. I could tell this girl was different. She wasn't shy to eat in front of guys and that made me like her even more.  We ate and had a simple conversation. I didn't ask too many personal questions. I wanted to wait to bring the wolf witch thing up when we were completely alone. We finished eating and then we sat there. Then this beautiful girl caught me off guard when she broke the silence. "Okay we need to talk about you being a wolf and me being a witch but I don't want to do it around mortals. Is it cool if we go back to my place?"
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