Chapter 10

1894 Words
Elyssa's POV My mouth was dry...again. I quickly closed it. Along with everyone else. "Guys," R.Jay said. "Say something!" "You....are......HOT!" all three of us said. Darren snorted, but he didn't say anything else. "Well, yeah. Wasn't that the point?" R.Jay said and blushed a little. All of us just couldn't stop staring. R.Jay's hair wasn't all wild and black anymore. It was like flat-ironed, and he had actual boy bangs that a lot of girls like. It was black, but at the ends, it was high-lighted brown, which I find totally cute! Of course, he kept the adorable, cute hazel eyes and the pale white skin. His hands were in his black denim boot-cut jeans' pockets that had the connecting silver and gold chains at the belt loops. Above his jeans, he had on a plain white T-Shirt with a black zipper-up jacket. He had on black and white Vans, and he looked like a normal, hot looking-guy! "Okay, now that we have you all dressed up nice, we should go show it off by going out to eat!" Mel suggested. "Guys," I said. "I'd love to come with, I really do, but I have to meet Loren in like 30 minutes," I said, glancing at Darren's watch. "Aw. Ditching us for a guy? That is so unlike you," Clara frowned. "Guys, it's not like that. He says he has to tell me something important," I lied. Well, it's not technically a lie because whatever he's telling me has to be important. On the note, he said he'l tell me things my mom wouldn't even tell me. So, yeah, it's important. "We understand," Darren said. "We'll see you when you get back." "Yeah, I'll drop them off then I'll drop you off at home." Mel looked at Clara."Clara, you'll be able to handle R.Jay and Darren by your-self, right?" "Of course," Clara said, a little too quickly. But her pinks got a little pink, and so did R.Jay's. Mel dropped them off at The Golden Corral then dropped me off at home. I put my hood over my head and silently walked to Loren's. Surprisingly, he met me at the corner of his house. He was pacing back and forth. When he saw me, he stopped pacing and ran towards me. He looked crazy like he needed help when he ran. I almost turned and ran away from him. "Elyssa, I have a lot to tell you, but you have to be calm about it," he placed his hands roughly on my shoulders. Loren's POV "Um, okay?" she said, unsure. She gave me that look that said I was crazy. I took her to the park that we last played hide-and-seek. I took her to the bench that I was hiding behind, and she saw my eyes glowing. "So?" she demanded. I took a deep breath. Hell. Where do I start? Elyssa, you're a werewolf.' Um, no. So, I started like this, "Elyssa, do you remember this exact spot when I almost kissed you?" "Yeah?" Her cheeks turned pink. I kind of smiled. "When my eyes started to glow, what did you think?" "That it was the sun-" "The truth, Elyssa," I demanded. She sighed. "I don't know. I thought it was strange and 'How could your eyes glow?' Then your eyes reminded me of the green eyes that I see in the dark every night." That's a good start. "Okay, now, what did you think when my ears turned pointy when we were at the movies?" And you were looking sexy as hell. "Um....when your ears were pointy, they reminded me of an elf," she half-laughed. I frowned. "This is serious, Elyssa." "Okay. Your ears reminded me dog's ears. His ears are pointy, and hairy," she paused. "Like yours was...." she trailed off. "And on my first day of school when I was like the fastest person in the world?" I urged her on. "And your hearing..." she trailed off again and stared at me. "I had a dream about your eyes, Loren. Your eyes were in the dark, tall and...furry." She said the word 'furry' very softly and quiet. "Then, the mouth with your eyes roared, or a better word would be howled, like...." "Like what? Tell me, Elyssa," I grabbed her hand in mine. She looked down at my warm hands then up to my eyes. "Like a wolf." That's it. What is she thinking about now? Is she going to explode? Well, she keeps looking into my eyes like she's searching for something. "Elyssa. Please, tell me what you're thinking. I'm begging you, please tell me," I pleaded. She blinked. "What are you?" she finally asked. I pursed my lips. "I'm a werewolf, Elyssa." Her breathing stopped, and her jaw dropped. "Really?" she didn't sound scared, or mad. She sounded and little bit happy, almost. Or maybe it's my imagination and I want her to be happy. "Yes." It came out a whisper. "And....not to really freak you out, but you're one, too." Elyssa's POV I stared at him for a moment, like seriously wanting to believe him, but I shook my head at him. "Very funny, Loren," I rolled my eyes. He wasn't laughing. His face was serious and worried, almost as if he was scared of my reaction. "So what, my family and your family is the same?"I joked. He didn't say anything. "Oh my god!" I got up, and yelled, pacing back and forth. "Elyssa-" Loren said, putting his hands on my shoulders, stopping me. "Listen to me!" "I did listen to you. And now I'm freaking out! Oh my god!" repeated. Seriously, a werewolf?! What kind of world is this? I thought there was no such thing! "Please, let me explain," he pleaded, with a worried expression on his face. Damn, I can't stand to see him like that! "Fine," I growled. Wait, what? Growled? He let me sit back down on the bench. "Your mom and dad are werewolves. So is my mom and dad. That's how my mom knew your mom. They used to run and play with each other when they were little. My sister is a werewolf and so is-" "Andy." I finished for him. He nodded. "Brady, Kenny, Aaron, they're all werewolves, too," he said. "What about Mel?" "Ah..I don't know about that." he said. I couldn't picture my little bother being a little werewolf. "Andy won't be changing until he's at least twelve," he said, like he was reading my mind. "Wait, changing?" I asked. "Yes. It's about your time to change, Elyssa." It was quiet for a moment. I was breathing hard and my heart was beating. "I'm surprised you're calm about this," he laughed. "Okay, so let me get this straight; almost my whole family are werewolves, and they didn't tell me. Your family are werewolves, too?" He nodded. I felt like using an Okie twang that Mel used when she finds out something surprising. Well, slap me on the butt and call me Sugar Something like that. I sighed. This is a lot to take in! "Okay. I believe you, but I'm still a little freaked out." Back to Loren's POV I smiled. Wow, I've gone through all that. I was expecting her to yell even louder, or run away, or hit me or something. "Wait. What does this have to do with your green eyes and the one I see in the dark?" she asked. Oh, damn. "Yeah, about that. Um. This time don't really freak out, but those green eyes that you see in the dark? Yeah, um, those are my eyes when I'm a wolf." Her eyes widened and she sucked in a big breath like a lot of things were about to come out of her mouth. All I can say is that the day went by swell. No more screaming or yelling, but tons of questions were asked. I think she's still a little confused though. The look on her face says it all. I took her back to my place, but she stiffened when I touched her like I was contagious. Oh, well, I'll have to get used to it. I sighed and opened the door to the guys still playing games. My mom and dad were here, watching the guys play games. Everyone stopped. Seriously everyone. My family looked at Elyssa and I, and we looked back at them. "Elyssa, sweetie, it's alright," my Mom got up and hugged her. Elyssa hugged her back and smiled like she belonged in my mom's arms. "You knew?" Elyssa asked. My mom nodded. She released Elyssa and patted her head. Then my dad came up to her and hugged her, too. "Welcome to the family," he smiled. "Elyssa!" someone yelled. Holy shit. "Mom, Dad, Andy?" Elyssa asked, and looked to her left. There, sitting down, were her parentS. "Sweetie, we're sorry that we had to keep you from all of this," her mom said. "Rosy, it's alright. Loren, hopefully, took care of it." My mom smiled at Elyssa's mom. I nodded. Elyssa looked sick. "Maybe you should sit down," Dad guided her to the couch. "I just can't believe my family are werewolves," she said. Then she smiled. "This is so cool!" We all smiled and laughed. Yes, damn right, it sure is cool. Dad winked at me and mouthed, "She's gorgeous!" I felt my cheeks burn. I cleared my throat. "Well, this causes for a celebration." "What for?" Brady asked. "Well, because Elyssa seems to think this is cool when, at first, she threw a lot of questions at me," I teased, and Elyssa threw a pillow at me. It hit me smack in the chest. I smiled and winked at her. Dad grabbed some Champagne and some orange juice for Andy. "A toast. For Elyssa." "For Elyssa!" we repeated and clinked our glasses together and drank. Elyssa's POV The day went by pretty quick after Loren told me the news. Come to think of it, I think it's pretty cool. My mom and dad telling me there are no such things as werewolves, well here we are now! We said our good-byes, everyone hugging each other. I hugged Loren last, and I gave him a peck on his cheek. His cheeks turned ruby red when everyone started hooting. "Thanks, Loren, for everything," I said, and kissed him one more time. More hoots, and his cheeks were as red as my mom's blouse. We walked back home and mom's truck was back, meaning Mel and the other are here. I think I'll sneak up on them like I always try to do with my mom. "Hey, Mom, I'm going upstairs," I whispered to my mom. She smiled and nodded, probably knowing what I was going to do. I lightly tip-toed up the stairs, careful not to make the floor squeak. Now that I know I'm a werewolf, I'll have a better chance of things. I heard them mumbling outside my door. I've got them now, I thought. I opened the door fast and quiet and gasp. Clara and R.Jay are sitting on my bed, grinding, feeling and making-out! I let out a little squeak. They gasped, and started choking, backing away from each-other. "Elyssa?" they asked. I was too shocked and happy to answer. Clara and R.Jay were just making out!
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