Chapter 11

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Loren's POV My cheeks were still red, Aaron said so, from when Elyssa kissed me on the cheek two times, and everyone started hooting. They are very lame for that. I hope she's starting to like, or love me, because soon I have to tell her. This time I can't wait. At school tomorrow, I'll try and be hot, nice, generous and stuff as possible. I walked into the school building and immediately saw Elyssa. She had a serious look on her face. "What's wrong?"" I asked her. "I don't know. I think I have a fever," she said. Her face was actually kind of pale, and she looked feverish. I pressed the back of my hand on her forehead. She was hot as hell. "You need to be outside, somewhere in the woods,"I told her. If she goes straight home, it will get worse. She needs to be in the woods as if she would change into a wolf. But she's not ready for that yet. Still, she needs to be in the woods. "So, you're saying I should skip?" she asked. From the look on her face and the sound in her voice, she's never skipped a class in her life. "Yep," I said. "With me," then I smiled. She smiled and looped her arm through my offering arm, and I lead her outside. When the cold air blast onto our faces, Elyssa sighed and closed her eyes. "This is just the start of it, sweetheart," I said. We actually had to walk a long way, I mean the school isn't right next to the woods, anyways. While we walked, it was kind of boring and silent. "You remember R.Jay, right?" she asked me. "Yeah. Isn't he that gay guy that was with you all?" She frowned. "Yes, but he's changed." "As in...?" "He's not gay anymore," she said. Holy s**t. "Oh." "Yep. Yesterday when I came back from your house with my parents, he was in my room making out with Clara!" she told me, like she was gossiping. "Wait, Clara? Clara, Clara? The one I know?" I was surprised as hell. "Doesn't she like Peter?" "Yes, yes, and I don't know. How did you know she liked him?" "I'm a werewolf, remember?" I said, tapping her temple. "I can sense a lot of things," I smirked. She snorted. "Can you sense what I'm thinking and feeling right now?" she asked. "I'll try." It didn't take long for me to find out what she's feeling and thinking. "You're happy, and a bit surprised that you're this close to me," I said, gesturing to our arms, that were still linked. Not to mention she held on really tight. Her cheeks reddened and she looked down. "Yep," she said, but it came out in a slow word like Yeeeep. "Let's see if I can guess what you're feeling," she said with an evil smile on her face. I wanted to say good luck, but Elyssa is pretty good at things like this. She smiled a real smile now. "I think that you're feeling you really like me and you want it to be something more? Something like that..." she trailed off. Well, damn. "just to let you know, I like you, too," she patted my arm as I felt my cheeks burn. We reached the woods, and Elyssa practically yanked me through the woods like she knew they would save her and I. "Does it feel better?" I asked. She sighed. "A little." I smirked. "Would it feel any better if you took your clothes off?" She gave me a death glare and I put my hands in the air. "Kidding." She was getting her color back to her skin. "You know, we can just skip school all together," I told her, following her around. She was going through the woods, touching the leaves, rock, branches, trunks......thorns. "I don't mind. And why is going to the woods going to help me?" she turned to face me. "Well, because all wolves go into the woods to run free and wild," I shrugged. "But, I'm not a wolf yet." I took a step closer to her. "You will be, Elyssa." "When?" Another step. "When you're ready." Another step. I have to admit, she was completely still, and our chest were practically pushing. "How will I know?" "You just will," I said, and took her hands in mine. She smiled. "So, when I feel the need to just grow a tail and paws, I'll let you know," she giggled. "Yes, please do," I smiled back. This is one of those moments in the movies when the characters are staring at each-other in the eyes, and then we kiss. But not this time. I moved fast, putting her up against the trunk of a tree. All of me wanted to kiss her. I braced my arms on either side of her head, making her breathing slow. The twigs and leaves crunching under my feet as I stepped a little closer, breaking the space between us. I pressed my mouth against her's and I'm guessing she was shocked at first, because she was still. Then, she kissed me back, lips hot, tongue flicking against my teeth. My hands were still behind her, and her body was still pressed up against the trunk. She kissed me harder, breath huffing into my mouth and she lightly bit my lower lip. Damn, that felt incredibly good. Either it was a accident or on purpose, it felt good either way. She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving out a slight moan into my mouth. I haven't kissed like this in months. I removed my arms from behind her head, and they went around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I pulled her closer and closer until there was literally no more space between us, and we were squishing every body parts, against each other. Chest to chest, stomach to stomach, leg to leg, and you know....below the waist to below the waist. Our tongues were flicking against each other's. But, then a movement in the woods made us jump and move away from each other. We looked everywhere, but then a little white bunny hopped out, chewing on a peanut. Elyssa and I laughed as it hopped away. "Come on," Elyssa grabbed my hand. "Let's go." "Where?" I asked. Even though it didn't matter. I'd love to go anywhere with her. She shrugged. "Back to your house?" I nodded and smiled at her. Elyssa's POV Yesterday was my most exciting day ever. (1) I skipped class (2) I kissed Loren, well he kissed me, but I kissed back, and (3) today, we're all going to our park! Brady called and told us that Loren planned for all of us to go to the park. Except Cqari, she's going shopping with some friends. And when I say all of us, I only mean Brady, Aaron, Kenny, Loren, Mel and I. Clara had to go home, and Darren invited R.Jay to come with him to do 'guy things' as he said. I actually want to ask Mel some questions about us. Us as in werewolves, and if she's one, too. Aaron thought it would be hilarious if he asked Mel the question, by saying it like this: "Do you believe in werewolves, Mel?" I wanted to slap him right up-side his head. Gladly, Brady did it for me. "Sorry, that was a stupid question of him to ask," Brady said. Mel stared at them as if they were crazy. Then she sighed. "I am one." All of our eyes widened. Then some of us laughed. "I knew it." Mel rolled her eyes. "I could sense that all of you are too from the moment you guys stepped into the room. And by the way, who would ever want to see if someone is a wolf or not by asking them that dumb question?" Everyone shrugged. "So, Mel, you're one of the people who wouldn't tell me that my whole family are werewolves?" I asked her. She pouted. "Are you mad about that? Sorry, but Aunt Rosy told me not to tell you, my own cousin, who was dying to know what nobody would tell her." "Nah, I'm not mad. I think it's kind of cool. I just wish you all Would have told me earlier, so I wouldn't think I was going crazy when I saw weird things." "What weird things-" "So," Kenny interrupted Brady's question. "Want to check out your abilities?" I smiled. "What are all the abilities we have?" He snorted. "A lot. Good sense of smell, perfect eye-sight, good hearing, good muscles," he said, flexing his muscles, and Mel and I just had to laugh at that. "And, as you might have guessed, super-fast speed." "Yeah, I know," I rolled my eyes. "I could have beaten Loren in a race at school, but I don't know. Is it because I'm a girl?" "No!" Everyone chorused. "It's like, depends on the male and female," Brady said. "Even though some girls legs are stronger than guys, but guys still run faster-" "So it is because I'm a girl?" I asked, again. "NO!" They chorused, again. Brady sighed. "It's kind of hard to explain. Forget it," he waved his hand. "Anyways, let's just all have a race to see who is the fastest and depend on if it's because we're girls, or not," Mel suggested. "Sounds good to me," I said, jumping up. "Yeah, good luck with that," Aaron muttered. "Okay. How about, from this bench, all the way to that bench down there," I pointed. "That's like a mile!" someone exclaimed. "What? Scared to get beaten by a girl? I thought werewolves don't get tired," Mel said, and gave me a high-five. "Whatever." "Alright. On you're mark, get set.......GO!" And off we ran! Truth be told, Brady was the first person set off, but then he became the last. We reached the bench in like a whole minute, and everyone stopped to wipe invisible sweat from their faces. (1st Place) Loren (2nd Place) Me, Elyssa (3rd Place) Mel (4th Place) Aaron (5th Place) Kenny (6th Place) Brady "Now, are you mad that you got beaten by a girl?" Mel and I asked the guys at the same time. They sat down on the bench, leaning on each-other, breathing hard. "Yes," Kenny answered. "Yes, we are." We laughed at them. Loren came up behind me and threw his arms around my waist.. "So do I get a winner's kiss?" he asked, cockiness in his tone. In respond, I give him a kiss smack on the lips. The guys on the bench grunted. "Get a room!" "We had one last night, but you guys ruined it!" Loren said from behind me. I giggled, and I felt his chest rumble as he chuckled with me. "So, I guess it isn't because I'm a girl," I said. "Nope," Aaron said. "I guess it's not." Loren laughed behind me. It's great that we're getting close, but it's weird that I feel like I belong to him. Like we were somewhat meant to be together. As Loren walked me home, hand in hand, we were talking about the things that wolves usually do, and how werewolves do it better. "So, since we're human our abilities get better when we're wolf?" I asked him. He nodded. "Correct. Our eye-sight gets better, our hearing and strength. Don't worry, you'll find out sooner or later." He smiled at me. "How often do you change?" I looked at him. "Depends. Whenever you like, but if you don't do it often, you'll change automatically. It could be embarrassing and dangerous." "How?" "Embarrassing because you could be around a lot of people when your clothes fall off of you," he chuckled and I laughed with him. "Dangerous because no one could know our secret. That's why I had to bolt from you at the movies. I am sorry about that," he looked at me. "It's okay. I'd probably do the same thing." "Oh, so you'd just leave me heart-broken without a good-bye?" he teased. I rolled my eyes. "Depends. I don't want my clothes falling off of me, for everyone to see." "Oh, I'm sure a lot of people would like that," he laughed. I hit him in the chest. "Ow." He cringed. We reached my porch, and I turned to face him. "So, do I get a good-bye kiss, now?" He asked, referring to from when we just met and he asked for a good-bye kiss. In respond, again, I closed my eyes, I pressed my lips lightly to kiss, and he pulled me closer, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him smile against my lips, and I smiled with him. The door opened and Loren and I turned to see who opened the door, but we didn't let go of each-other. "Elyssa, and Loren. Sorry to interrupted your passionate, deep love, but Elyssa, Andy and Bright are killing me. Andy keeps wanting you to play with him, and Bright is pacing back and forth in front of your room," she sighed. "See ya, Loren." "Bye, Rosy," Loren said. I looked back at his beautiful face, and eyes, and gave him one more last kiss. "What was that for?" he smiled. "I don't know. I just felt like I needed to do that," I shrugged. He chuckled. "Well, you better hurry before Andy comes out and grabs your leg." We let go of each-other, and I sighed. I didn't want to leave him, and he seemed to notice me still clutching to his hand. He smiled. "Don't worry, I'll see you, tomorrow," he reassured me. "You better," I called, and went inside to get jumped on by Andy and Bright. "Ely!" Andy said, hugging my leg. I laughed and patted his curls. "Hi, Andy. What's up?" "Come see what Bright did to my room!" he yelled. I sighed and let him lead me to his room to see what Bright did. Although, I don't think Bright did anything. "Okay. You might be surprised," Andy said, opening his door. My jaw fell open and I gasped, "Oh, my, god," the words left my mouth.
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