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" Noooo" I screamed as I woke up from my horrible nightmare panting and sweating. My scream woke Derek as he sat up on the bed too moving close to me. "My love what happened, why did you scream so loud" he asked me and I started crying. " No. don't cry now, come here" he said pulling me close to his body as my head rested on his chest. He caressed my back calming me down as I was still trembling from the nightmare I just had. "It's ok, I'm here don't cry" he said to me. When I'm calm, I pulled away from him as I dragged my legs up holding it as I placed my chin on my knees. My eyes were red from crying. "Did you had a nightmare again" I heard him ask me and I nodded my head as I sniffed. " I saw him again" I said. "He dragged me into a black hole " I said "his eyes were black and... and his tongue was coming out of his mouth like a snake". I said still shaking in fear. Derek wondered why his mate kept on seeing Leonard in her dreams, when he had kill him at the slaves prison , and he always tried to kill his mate. His face darkened at the thought of someone trying to kill his mate. "Come lay on my body" Derek said to his trembling mate, he remembered the last time she had a nightmare, she layed on his chest and she slept well. Maybe it could work this time. I moved close to him as I layed on his comfortable chest, I wondered how it would be if had been in his giant from , he would be like a bed to me. I had my eyes opened afraid to sleep and continue the bad dream again. * * * And surprisingly I slept off but I didn't have any dream this time. The next time I woke up was the time of morning, I discovered I was still laying on his chest with his hand snaked around my tiny waist. I moved away from him as I looked at his sleeping face, I took my to stare at him, I had to admit he was so handsome. His perfect carved brow, his pointed nose. His sharp jaw and thin pink lips. Lastly his long braided hair was just amazing, I touched his hair as I took hold of it in my palm, it was so thick and smooth. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, he must have stayed all night watching over me, how kind of him. My eyes trailed to his skin, I had seen nothing like it before, they were greyish ash in colour and sparkling. Just as I was still staring at the beauty in front of me, his blue beautiful eyes opened as they stared back at me and he smiled at him , he looked even more handsome when he smiled. I smiled back at him and let go of his hair "my love what are you doing" he asked. " Nothing" I said "I did nothing" while the truth was that I've been staring at him. "Hmm , did you sleep well" he asked. "Yes I did, what about you" I asked. " Yes my love" he answered and I saw him use his hand to remove the baby hairs from my face as he stared at me lovingly. "You're beautiful my love" he said. I surprised at the sudden compliment coming from him this morning but I smiled " thank you" I said he was the who was the beautiful one here. And then I remembered the dream I had yesterday, Elia, I need to check on her. Gosh I forgot to give her the Rodar friut yesterday. Derek noticed the way his mate face changed and he knew something was wrong "what is it my love" he touched her pink soft cheek softly. I was brought back to reality when his cold fingers landed on my cheek caressing it softly, I looked at his eyes and saw worry in them. "Uhumm nothing , I want to go check on Elia" I said with pleading eyes. Derek breathed a sigh of relief when there was nothing wrong. "My love always tell me what bothers you" I heard him say. " if you need anything just spill it out and I shall grant it for you ok?" He said and I saw how serious his face was. I nodded my head " good girl " he said as he patted my head. " But first you need to go have a bath, I'll wait for you". " Ok "I said and went to the bathroom to have my bath, when I was done he took his bath too. When he came out from the dressing room, he was just putting on a light sleeveless cloth that was opened at both side exposing his skin, and a black pant. Was he not feeling the cold here, when I had to wear my fur coat every time to avoid the cold. He parked his hair into ponytail this time, God he was so beautiful. I was snapped out of thoughts when I heard his voice " my love we need to get you more dresses" he said to me as I still repeated my yellow dress again. " But I already have a dress" I said ,I was grateful to even be wearing such a beautiful dress unlike that tattered slave cloth. "Yes but you need more of it, after breakfast we go get it ok?" He said and I nodded. I was wondering how I was blessed with such a handsome and caring man. " come my love let's go" he said as he stretched out his hand and I put my hand on his as he led me out of the room. When we got to the room Elia was in, Derek waited outside it seems he doesn't want to come in. I opened the door and step in and met a pairs of green eyes staring back at me. I couldn't believe it , she was awake sitting on the bed staring at me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I ran towards her got on he bed and hugged her tightly. When I felt her trembling, I knew she was crying too. I missed her so much. After some minutes I disengaged from the hug holding her shoulder. " Elia " I called her name to be sure I wasn't daydreaming this time "is this really you". "One and only" she said looking weak . "God I've missed you Elia, are you feeling better now, any pains" I asked checking her body. Elia smiled weakly "I'm fine Aria , where are we. How did we get here, is this another punishment" she asked me so many questions. " I'll reply your questions when I get back , first you need to eat , bath and get dressed" I said getting off from the bed. " where are you going" she asked me . "I'll fill you in later, let me get you food to eat" I said as I walked to the door , opened it and close it back. Derek was leaning on the wall, with his hands in his pocket. He was in his giant form again , when his eyes met mine he smiled. Before he could say anything I beat him to it "she's awake" I said smiling happily. "I know that's my love, I heard both of you crying. Seems you love crying" he said as he walked close to me. "you heard it?" I asked surprised because the door was so thick for any sound to pass through it. "Yes my love I have sharp hearing" he said and before I could tell him about giving food to Elia he put his index finger on my lips. "I know my love, but I'll send a maid to get food for your friend to eat. Let's go have our breakfast" he said. How did he know what I want to say oh! He heard everything , I forget I face palmed my face in my head. "Ok I said" as we went to the dinning room, I saw him send a maid upstairs to give Elia food, I wished it was Venetia and not just any other maid. When we finally got to the dinning room door, I wished I had not agreed to come. I saw five giant and giantess sitting at the rectangular table of the dinning table. When Derek felt my uneasiness,he patted my head as it telling me not to be scared as he usually says. We finally got to the dinning table, thankfully the chairs had a step to climb in for humans as myself. I sat beside Derek with my head down not wanting to look at the faces of the king and queen. Later maids brought in food , I mean lots of food setting it on the table and left. there was queitness , I saw Derek put a napkin on my laps as he used his index finger to lift my chin up so I could look up . And I did mistake by looking at the queen in the eye, God she looked scary. There was anger in those eyes, I quicky tore my eyes away from her, as I saw a hand waving at me from the table. I looked up and saw that it was prince Liam who was waving at me smiling, I smiled back at him. But then I heard a low growl coming from Derek who sat beside me. I looked at him and saw him glaring at his brother , but why. He was just waving at me. the other two giant and giantess who sat together did as it I was invisible as they are thier food unbothered. I recognize the giantess, she was princess Astrid. She was the one who passed me and Venetia the day I was going to meet Derek outside the castle to save Elia from the slave prison. But the other giant , I haven't seen him before. But I could see the family resemblance in him , maybe he was the prince Angus I heard about. I didn't dare to look at the king's face , until I heard Derek's voice "eat my love" he said to me. How will I eat with the two pairs of angry blue eyes staring at me. Just I took the fork on the table to eat , I heard an angry voice from the queen as she couldn't take it anymore. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS DEREK???". The fork I held in my hand fell back on the table as I looked at the queen whose eyes were red already staring at me.
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