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"My love" he said to me , oh how I've missed his gentle voice , he hugged me back caressing my back. I disengage from the hug and looked straight into eyes which was staring back at me with a smile on his lips. He cupped my face in his large palm" did you miss me my love" he asked and I nodded my head. " I'm sorry I left you alone, did anyone threaten you". "No" I shook my head and at the same time my stomach growled and my face turned crimson red in embrassment. I turned my head away avoiding his eyes. Derek smiled watching his little mate's reaction "didn't you had dinner already" "Uh I ate fruits" I said. "" Fruits?" He said and I nodded. " Did you go to the forest by your self " he asked frowning. "" No , Prince Liam took me there. He said his your brother ". " You met my brother?" "Yes" I answered. "He came here to meet you?" "No , I met him at the garden, so he took me to the forest" I said truthfully. " My love I don't want you following anybody anywhere, even if it's my brother or sister okay? " " Why?" I asked " It's for your safety ok" " ok" I nodded. "Come let's get you food to eat" he said. " No , I want to eat fruit instead " I said frowning. "But it late my love " "But that is what I want" " Hmm alright" he finally agreed and I smiled. * * * We finally got to the garden after thirty minutes as Master Derek didn't let me walk by myself. He was in his giant form as I sat comfortably on his neck with him holding both my legs securely. But what surprised me was that as it was the time of night the forest was shining brightly , it amazed me how I could see everything clearly without me straining my eyes. "I want the Bab fruit " I pointed at the tree as I could still remember it, and he plucked three of it and gave it to me without compliant. "Thank you" I said and he smiled as he sat on the ground leaning on the Bab tree and sat me between his legs protecting me as we were out in the forest . "Master Derek" I called as I consumed the fruit hungrily. " call just my name" he corrected me as he turned to face me. "Derek " I said and it sounded weird in my mouth. "Why don't you like someone calling you a prince" I asked to kill my curiosity. " Who told you that" he said. "Uh " I couldn't say it was Venetia I don't want her getting in trouble because of me. "My brother isn't it " and I breathed a sign of relief " he never shut his mouth". "Don't worry about it my love, it doesn't matter " he said. " Ok, but why does your parents wants me dead " as soon as I said that I saw his face darkened instantly. But he smiled at me "are you scared my love" he said. "Yes" I nodded. "Don't be , no one can hurt you as long as you're mine" I felt my head swell as he said those words to me but I didn't let it show on my face, forgetting he can't see my face as I was sitting with my back facing him. "Mas... Uh.. Derek , why did you save me from the slaves prison". " because you're my mate" "What's a mate?" I asked now that his back. Derek noticed his mate had finished all the fruit and was now asking him questions. "I didn't know you're a chatter person my love do you still want more fruit". Why are they all avoiding that particular question I asked in my head. "No I'm ok, you didn't answer my question". "Let's go back inside and I'll answer your question" he said". "okay" I said and stood on the ground away from Derek's body. "You're not scared of my wolf again like the first time right" Derek asked to be sure before he shifted into his wolf. "No " I said smiling and he smiled back at me before shifting into his wolf and I climbed on his back as we got back to the castle faster not up to ten minutes. * * * When we got back to the castle, I noticed that Derek wasn't taking me back to the room Elia was in. He was taking me to a different place entirely. "Uhumm where are we going" I asked. "To our room " he answered. "What about Elia" I asked not wanting to leave her alone in a strange place alone. As if reading my mind " don't worry she's safe" he said. We got to a tall double oak door which derek opened using the lower using the lower handle as he was in his human form. He let me in first and followed behind me locking the door. He helped me took my fur coat at his room was a little warmer than the rest of the castle. He led me towards the bed and sat me down "my love wait for me a bit let me have my bath ok " he said to me. . " Ok" I said and he left. I took my time to look around the room, the bed I sat on was wide and big could fit in ten people comfortably. I looked at the large windows and the balcony which was viewing the beautiful city. There was a table and chair for writing by the right side of the room, a fireplace, a mini dining table and chairs. I looked up the ceiling and saw a beautiful chandelier emmiting dim light to the room. The room was beautiful, there was another door inside the room . Maybe I'll check it out later. I didn't know when I slept off but I woke up when I felt the bed go deep and a arm around my waist. I turned around and saw Derek staring at me. "Sleep my love" he said to me caressing my cheek for me to fall asleep. his fingers were cold on my cheek and it made me want to sleep back. " you said you would answer my question when we get back to the castle" I said sleepy as I yawned covering my mouth with the back of my hand. "Yes my love but I'll tell you tommorow that's a promise, sleep now" I nodded my head as I fell asleep due to his fingers continuing caressing my cheek as I drifted into my dreamland. And I dreamt seeing Elia coughing blood clutching her chest in pains and all of a sudden she started falling into a black hole " Aria help me " she said grabbing my hand and then her face turned to the face of Leonard. My eyes widened in shock as I tired to pull my hands out of his hold but he pulled me into the black hole with him. "Noooo" I screamed as I woke up panting
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