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"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS DEREK??" Clarissa voice rang inside the dinning room, she couldn't take it anymore. The fork I held in my hand fell back on the table when I heard the queen's angry voice. The question was directed to Derek but her eyes were staring at me angrily. When I looked up to meet her eyes, they were already red as her hand turned to fist, I quickly looked away. Maybe I shouldn't have come here, maybe I should have just been with Elia in the room. If not for the fact that I have nowhere to go, and Derek was the one who saved me from the slaves prison. I wouldn't be here in the first place, atleast I wasn't the only human in this city. " what is it mother?" Derek answered his mother in a calm voice not even bothered if she was about to explode on her seat. "Eat my love" Derek said to me as he picked the fork on the table and gave it to me. I smiled and collected the fork and but I didn't eat immediately. My gaze moved to Liam, he gestured with his hand telling me to eat , i gave him a small smile as I started eating the food on my plate slowly without looking at the king and queen direction. "You know it's not right to bring a human to eat with us here in the dinning room" Clarissa said. " human or not, she's my mate. So I don't see any reason not to bring her here " Derek said while making sure his mate was eating. "Why don't you return her from where picked her from honey, there are fine giantess here in the city. You can choose anyone you wan...". Clarissa couldn't finish her words when Liam cut her off. "Mother !" Liam said not liking the way his mother was talking to Aria. "Mother it's my mate not yours, I didn't choose your husband for you". " Derek you don't speak to mother that way" Astrid joined in the conversation. " Astrid dear, if you know you have nothing better to say, keep your mouth to yourself all else you don't need it anymore" Derek said to his sister and everybody knows he meant what he said. Three years back , Derek has fought with his brother Angus giving him the scar that ran deep on his neck which was visible. The fight has happened due to Angus entering his room without his permission. He had first throw his brother a punch when he found out and from there the fight started resulting to Derek using his sharp nails and ran it on his brother's neck as he had quite a temper. Astrid kept her mouth shut Instantly, not wanting to loose her lips. She was still yet to find her mate. The way Derek spoke to his mother and sister was harsh, not that I pitied them, but it's seems like they were not on good terms. I dared not raise my head up but I was listening to everything that was said, the king and Prince Augus hadn't said a word. "I'll never accept her into this family " Clarissa said with finality. " She's already part of the family, good day mother". Derek said wiping his mouth clean with the napkin on the table as he stood up from his chair. As he saw that I wasn't eating anymore he carried me down from the chair I sat as if I was a child. We got out of the dinning room with him holding my hand gently even though he was angry. he reduced to normal human height so I wouldn't strain my eyes. I could finally breath. * * * Back at the dinning table Clarissa was still angry and she hadn't touched her food ever since Aria joined at the dinning room with them. " This is absurd , Ethan wouldn't you say anything about it" Clarissa faced her husband who was done eating as he wiped his mouth with his napkin. "What do you want me to say" Ethan said "you know you can never force Derek to do want he doesn't want to do". " She will never be one of us, she will never be an Elvis" Clarissa said and Liam let out a tired sigh. He stood up from his chair as he couldn't take it anymore with the way his mother has been talking about Aria. The girl has done nothing wrong "I'll be at the garden mother if you need me" he said as he gave his mother a kiss on her forehead and left. * * * Derek took me out of the castle, he hadn't said a word since we left the dinning room, I was afraid to talk to him as I just followed him silently. "My love I'm sorry with the way my mother acted at the dinning table, she is usually not like that" Derek suddenly said to me. " It's ok I understand" I said. "don't be scared of them ok , nobody will hurt you" he said and I nodded my head. " Come let's take a visit to Olin market place, let's get you new dresses shall we?" He said to me as he turned to face me. " Ok " I answered. And I saw him shift into his grey wolf in my eyes, he lowered to my level so I could climb his back which I did. I wasn't scared anymore, the truth was that I enjoyed riding on his back with the wind breezing my face. When he made sure I was comfortable on his wolf back he took of as I held his fur tightly so I won't fall off. * * * OLIN MARKET PLACE We finally got to the market place , crowds every where , it was an hour ride. I got down from his back and he shifted back to his human form. I could feel eyes on us, as we stood at the side of the market place but Derek didn't mind as he took my hand in his "come my love" he said dragging me to a cloth store. We got to the store, my eyes widened with different kind of beautiful dresses with different colours and designs hunged for display. The store owner came out to meet us with her head hunged low in respect. "Master Derek please come in" the young woman said. We got in as the lady brought out two chairs and we sat down." Master Derek may I ask what you need" the woman said , she had short blonde hair reaching her shoulders and brown eyes. "Get me your finest dresses for the lady" Derek said and the woman bowed her head as she went to get the dresses. We sat patiently waiting for the woman to return with the dresses, while waiting I thought of Magnus I haven't seen him for a while and I wondered where he his. I wanted to ask Derek, but the woman came out with the dresses , I mean lots of dresses, maybe I'll ask him later. " Here are the dresses Master Derek" she said dropping them on the neat marble floor as they were many of them. " My love choose the one you want " the woman's brows raised as heard Derek called me ' my love ' but she dared not raise her head up . I stood up from the chair I sat on as I searched among the dresses on the floor. " Let me help you search for the dress you want Milady" the woman said. "thank you" I said . "Don't thank me Milady, it's my job" she said. I picked a flowery pink dress staring at it when I heard a woman's voice behind me. "I think the pick dress will look fine on you milady". I turned around to look at the woman, she was beautiful with her red hair and grey eyes but does she knows me? I asked myself. I looked at Derek who sat with his legs crossed unbothered by the strange woman talking to me, did he know her?. " Do you know me?" I asked the woman "yes I do , aish you're so forgetful" she said clicking her tongue. I frowned my face, I haven't met her anywhere before. The only people I know was Derek, Magnus , Venetia and Liam. So how come I met this woman without me remembering her I said to myself. But those eyes looked familiar though could it be what I'm thinking "ignore him my love" I heard Derek said to me. Him?? and then I saw the woman transformed to a man, she was a shapeshifter too, wait? Magnus. I should have known better. "Magnus " I called his name. " hello dear did you miss me" he said showcasing his perfect white teeth.
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