1916 Words
By the time of the morning I was woken up by the aroma of food, my gaze moved to the dinning table and I saw lots of food on the table and some fruits with two glasses of water. I heard running water coming from the bathroom, it was then I noticed that Derek wasn't in bed with me, I got out of the duvet that covered me as my feet touched the white marble floor, and before I could take any step, he came out of the bathroom with his hair dripping water , he had a towel round his waist and a towel on his neck which he used in drying his wet hair. When our eyes met , he smiled at me " good morning my love , did you sleep well?". He asked me. "Yes " I said nodding my head as my gaze landed on his bare chest, his mouthwatering strong abs calling for me to touch them. His strong arms, broad shoulders, I noticed that he had a bird tattoo that has it wings spread across his chest, I quickly tore my eyes away from the breathtaking view before me looking down at my bare feet , before he caught me staring at him. "I've been waiting for you to wake up so we could have our breakfast together" I heard him say as I looked back at his face. " Well I'm awake now" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Give me some minutes my love , let me put on my clothes, can you wait for me? He asked. " Uh.. yea I can wait or I'll just go take my bath instead" I said as I ran towards the bathroom closing it shut before he could say anything else. When the door was shut, I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I rested my head on the door could it be that.... no no , it's too soon. I brushed the thought of my head as I quickly had my bath. Derek stared at the door his little mate ran into shutting it , of course he caught her staring at him but he pretended as though he was not aware. He didn't want to rush her, he wanted her to slowly open her heart for him. I peeped through the open door, when I was done bathing , as I tied a towel round my chest which was just reaching above my knees. When I didn't see any sign of him, I quickly ran into the dressing room. I moved to the grey walldrope connected to the wall, I saw my newly bought dresses neatky hanging close to Derek's clothes. I was happy I got new dresses now, thanks to Derek. Maybe I could give some to Elia. I picked a cream coloured dress with short sleeves , turtled neck. I put it on and discovered it had strings attached at the back of the dress, and I can't reach to it without someone's help, and then I heard woman's voice behind me." You need help Milady". "Ahh" God , I almost had an attack. I turned around and saw a young girl , probably my age. She had blonde hair, grey eyes, fair skin. Who is she and what was she doing here I said in my head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" "Who are you?" I asked looking at the door, Derek must be waiting for me now. " My name is Deliah , I'm just here to help you with your dress" she said. Could it be that Derek sent her to help me with my dress , as the queen forbid Venetia to come close to me. I stared at the girl, she looks pretty to be a maid. I turned around so she could help me with the strings, and then she helped me pack my hair neatly with pins. there was silence while she did her job, she focused on dressing my hair as I stared at her through the mirror. I became suddenly jealous of her, she was pretty than me as she i could see her face clearly, she didn't cover her face with a net like Venetia and other maids . " That's enough , thank you, you can go now I think I'll do the rest myself" I said and she bowed her head and left. When she left, I sigh inwardly , I couldn't believe I was jealous of a maid just now. I put on my shoes and looked back at the mirror staring at my self if I look good wait? What I'm I doing. God this is really getting out of hand. I opened the door and stepped out going to the dinning table to meet Derek. When I got to the dinning table, I saw her again Deliah the maid. What was she still doing here, I thought I told her to go. When our eyes met she smiled , who was she smiling with? I didn't smile back "what are you still doing here?" I asked crossing my arms cause she was sitting where Derek was suppose to sit Where was he? I asked in my head. " Waiting for you my love?" She said . Wait? Did she just call me my love? How dare she? Only Derek calls me that and is she lesbian or something. She better not try that with me. "How dare you call me that?" I said angrily. But then I thought about it only Derek calls me ' my love' could it be that he his the one sitting in front of me. And then as if he read my mind i heard him say " you found out my love". My eyes widened in shock, I looked around me before looking back at him, I was right, it was him in his female form. I couldn't believe I was jealous of him. "Derek" I called his name to be sure. "Yes my love" he answered , it look weird for him to call me my love in his female form. "Are you... I mean is this your female from?" I managed to say. "yes my love , it's me " he answered , his voice was tiny and sweet in my ears. I walked closer to him to have a better look at him when he suddenly dragged me to sit in his laps as he shifted back to his main form. "I thought you wanted to see my in my female form" he said. " Ye... Yes but I didn't know it was you, you decived me" I said hitting his chest. " I'm sorry my love, I thought you would recognize me quickly". "How can I recognize you when you were.... " I said not completely what I wanted to say and pout my lips, he's so beautiful. Derek saw his mate pout her lips like a little child, she looks so adorable in his eyes "I was what" he said raising his left brow up waiting for me to talk. "You were prettier than me" I said still pouting my lips. Derek chuckled as he tucked in my hair behind my ear "you're beautiful to me my love" he said and I smiled. "See the food is cold already, I'll have to call the maids to heat the food again" he said. " No, don't worry about that I'll eat the friut , they can reheat the food for Elia, she must be hungry " I said picking a grape from the table, plucking one out of it. I out it into my mouth and chewed it . I took another one out it "say ahh" I said wanting to feed him this time. "What are you my love" he said when he saw me putting the grape close to his lip. "I want to feed you" I said and when he didn't open his mouth I frowned pouting my lips again. He finally opened his mouth and I pushed the grape in as he chewed it. We ate almost all the friut on the table till I was full. "Are you full?" He asked me when he saw I wasn't eating anymore. " yes " I said nodding my head " My love , I'll be going out now to do something important, can you wait for me? " Derek suddenly said to me and my mood changed instantly. "Where are you going?" I asked still sitting on his laps. "I can't tell you now" he said. "Why can't you tell me" I said. He didn't answer me immediately as he caressed my cheek " I promise to tell you when the time comes" he said. " ok, but, will you be back soon?" I asked him. "Yes my love, it's just two days and I'll be back" " Two days?? "I said " I'll miss you". " I'll miss you too, can you wait for me? " " Yes" I said nodding my head and he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I'll be back i promise, don't go roaming about. If you need anything you can ask your maid to bring whatsoever you need ok" he said " maid? There's no maid here" I said "I'll send you a maid don't worry" " Is it Venetia?" " Yes" " But your mother forbid her from coming close to me" " She won't this time, just be good ok" "Ok " I answered. * * * Derek finally left after I hugged him, he sent Venetia as he said who reheat the food and brought it to the room where Elia stays in. "Thank you " I said to her "Don't thank me Milady" she said to me bowing her head and left closing the door. "Why does she covers her face with a net, is it some kind of tradition" Elia said when we were alone. " I don't know that how I met her the first day too, maybe I'll ask her " I said watching Elia eat her food. " I love your dress, it's pretty" she said. " Thank you, when Derek get back I'll tell him about giving you some dresses" I said. " No it's ok , it's yours " " No Elia, I've you forgetten we share things together" " I know but.... " " No but , I'm giving you some dresses" * * * When Elia was done eating , we stood by the window staring outside, I was glad she was here. I would have been lonely, I'm happy our lives are better now. And then Elia tapped me " what" I said "Look" she said pointing down, when I looked where she was pointing, I saw Magnus talking to prince Liam who was standing with a woman he held by the waist. "Giants, let's hide" Elia said and I smiled " No Elia, that Magnus and Prince Liam" I said and she looked back at them " Oh really, wow they're beautiful" "Yes they're" " It's my first time seeing them you know" she said " Yea but I haven't seen the giantess before" "Could be his wife or something" Elia said and I thought about it, Liam told me he has a mate. Could this be his mate. "yea you might be right" I said " that's Prince Liam's mate".
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