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After Magnus left the garden, he went to his room as he stood by his window, thinking why his heart skipped the moment he set his eyes on Elia. He hadn't paid attention to Elia, even after they saved her from the slaves prison. He hadn't think of having a mate now, could it be that Elia was his mate? It can't be. He will have to check it out again by opening up his heart to be sure. And if his heart skipped a beat again, then she's truly the one, thus Magnus left his room to go to the room where Elia and Aria were staying. When he got to the room, he didn't even bother to knock on the door as that's how he usually bagde into Derek's room forgetting that this was girls room. When he opened the door of the room, he met two pairs of eyes staring back at him, one green and the other black. He didn't even knock ' how rude ' I said in my head. " Magnus" I called his name. "Hi" Magnus said scratching his head grinning. "Do you need something?" Elia asked , and then Magnus eyes fell on Elia who was staring at him innocently. And it happened again, his heart skipped a beat. She is really the one, his mate. "Magnus are you alright" I called him snapping him out of his trance like state. "Uh- yea I'm alright, I just want to know if you both are alright so uh see you later " he said closing the door. " hmm weird" I said. "His he always like that" Elia asked me. "Sometimes, ring the bell will you" I said holding my stomach, I'm really hungry. "Yea sure" * * * After we had our dinner , we now laid on the bed as it was night time already, I wonder where derek is and why he hasn't returned back yet. He promised me to come back after two days and now it's too the third day and I missed him. I feel protected whenever his with me. My mind then went back to the dream I had, what does Angus meant by I'm not human cause I don't remember doing anything inhuman or having any supernatural powers. I am sure I am a human one hundred percent, but what if what Angus said in the dream was true? What if im not human , but it was just a dream. Why did he push me into the river of lost souls to check if I'm human, I really don't understand as I'm getting more confused. Maybe I should just sleep and stop thinking, but I'm scared of having another nightmare, I would have slept on Derek's chest if he was here I missed him. Ii turned around on the bed and faced Elia who was sleeping peacefully without any care in the world. Moonlight was peeking from the open curtain in the room. The night seems to be more cozy than morning time, while I was busy with my thoughts, I slept off drifting to my dreamland. And I dreamt of Derek, it felt real as I saw his face again, he smiled as he came close to me and hugged me " mine " he said those words while hugging. * * * Light coming from the window woke me up, but I felt someone hugging me from behind. I turned around to look and saw that it was Derek, oh I've missed him so much. But when did he come back and how come I'm sleeping with him in his room, I didn't felt him carrying me. He was sleeping peacefully and breathing softly which made me smile, I decided to get out of the bed as gentle as I can but he drew me closer to his body. "I want to hold you a little more my love" I heard him say, wait? Wasn't he asleep I asked myself. " You're awake" I said as I let him hold me . "Yes my love even before you woke up, did you sleep well" he asked me. "Yes, I dreamt of you" I said happy I didn't have a nightmare like other night. " really" he said. "Yes" I answered. "Tell me about it" he said I told him about the dream I had not leaving a single detail out. "It's good you didn't have nightmare again" He said " Yes " I said. " Derek" I called him. "Yes my love" he answered as his cold breath fanned my neck tickling me and I loved it. " when did you come back" I asked. " This morning my love, did you miss me?" He asked me. " Yes I missed you"I said and we stayed like that till we were tired of laying on the bed. * * * Now we are having breakfast of tea and bread with fried eggs, it was delicious. We ate our food in silence , but once in a while our eyes meet and I'll look away when he smiled at me. But then Derek's eye moved to my cheek and saw red marks where the queen slapped me, I saw his eyes darkened. "Who did this to you" he thundered. I have never heard he talk so loud before, he looks madly angry. "Uhumm it's the queen your mother" I said. "She did this to do" he said and I nodded my head. "Did you go out the room my love" " Uhmm yes but not purposely Elia wanted to see the castle, she said she has been inside and has not stepped out so I just wanted to show her the garden". I said sadly. " are you angry with me" I said as tears started dropping from my eyes. "No I'm not angry with you my love, don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry" Derek said as he stretched his hand towards my face and wipe the tears from my eyes. "But I told you not to go out, now see you got hurt" Derek said not liking the hand prints on his mate face "are you done eating" . " Yes" I said and use the napkin to wipe my mouth clean. * * * Magnus couldnt sleep last night as tossed from one side to another, he kept thinking of Elia throughout the night. He sat at the balcony with one leg dangling and one leg atop with his hand resting on it, he felt like going crazy. Now he knew what Derek felt when he found his mate. ' I have to go see her ' Magnus said in his head. He got down from the balcony he walked towards the room Elia was in. When he got to the room, he stood at the door with his hand resting on it. Magnus finally opened the door and saw Elia standing by the window side staring outside, now he saw her again his heart started beating fast. And he couldn't take it anymore as he walked towards her and hugged her from behind and rested his head on the crook of her shoulder inhaling her scent and immediately he hugged her , his heart stopped beating fast. * * * " What is this place called " I asked Derek wondering he took me this time, more like a cave. " It's Rohir cave" Derek said. "It's beautiful, why did you bring me here" I asked him, I was trying not to look at him. I wonder why he wasn't wearing clothes just to cover his body, he was just wearing only pants. Was he not feeling cold, this was cave is freezing. I can't go about without wearing my blue fur coat, he held my hand, he is so handsome. "It's my special place, where I come if I want to be alone apart from my personal room". He answered. " I love it, ain't you feeling cold " I asked as I tightened my coat. "No I don't feel the cold, are you cold?" He asked me. " Yes I'm always cold" I said. " I'm sorry my love, I wish I can stop the cold. We need to get you thick clothes to prevent you from the cold" Derek said as he caressed my cheek. " I want to show you one more thing I love about this cave". " What's that" I asked and I saw him grew taller to his giant form and touch the wall of the cave, light appeared on the place the touched and form a diamond shape. I was waiting for something to happen but nothing happened, just when I was about to ask him why nothing happened. I saw tiny diamond falling inside the cave. I looked up at the top of the cave to see where it was coming from but I didn't see anything, it was like it was falling from thin air. It was so amazing. I stretched my hand to catch the one of the diamond which fell on my open palm, it was cold. "Do you like it" I heard Derek voice and I looked up to him , he was staring back at me with his blue eyes. "I love it" I said. " I know you will " he smiled at me making him look more handsome and then he walked close to me and held my left hand. " There's something on your mind, do you mind telling me" he asked me. How did he know about that, true I have something on my mind to tell him, but I don't know how. I bit my lips , how can I tell him I've fallen for him. "Don't you want to say it to me" he said again. "Uhum " I bit my lips again " I... I do, I just don't know how to say it to you" I said. " if you don't want to say ....." "I love you Derek" I said it immediately cutting him off. * * * Elia stiffened the moment she felt someone hugging her from behind, she wanted to scream but the person rested his head on her neck. Elia turned to face the person and saw it was Magnus, why was he hugging her? Did he miss his way? Did he mistook her for someone else? Were the questions running in her mind. Magnus finally let her go as he stared into her green eyes, he knew she was shocked and surprised as he had hugged her unexpectedly. Elia stared at Magnus with no word coming out of her mouth, she didn't know what to say to him. "Hey" Magnus finally said. "Hi..i " Elia stammered "why did you hug me " she finally said. "I'm sorry , I just couldn't help it. I know you don't know me, I mean you know me..... What I'm trying to say is that you're my mate. I'm sure you know what a mate is as Aria would have told you already" Magnus said scratching his head. ' of course I know what a mate is' Elia said in her head. She and Aria were just talking about it recently, she just asked Aria if she will have a mate like her and this man in front of her said she was his mate. "Uh" Elia didn't know what to say. "I know it's too soon but you're my mate Elia" "How did you know my name oh Aria must have told you" Elia said. " uhumm can you just give me a moment please" Elia said. "Sure sure I'll give you all the time you need" Magnus said and got out of the room and closed the door resting his back on it, his eyes were closed when he opened them they were red and when he blinked they turned grey back. While inside the room, when Magnus left. Elia was beaming in smile ' I can't wait to tell Aria this ' she said in her head. * * * BACK AT ROHIR CAVE "I love you Derek " I quickly said it before he could say anything. Derek stared at his mate , he was a little shocked that his mate confessed that she loved him. He thought he will be the one to say it first to her but she did. He then shrink back to his human form still holding my hand as he got close to me, our face getting closer what? Did he want to kiss me? I said in my head but his lips landed on my forehead. Oh a peck, what I'm thinking, I can't believe im thinking about kissing right now. Well you can't blame me that's how lovers do right? When you confessed your love to your love to your lover, you kiss right?. " You don't have to be scared to say it to me, I've always loved you from right from the beginning my love and I'll always love you" he said to me and I smiled. " Come let's get you thick clothes, we wouldn't want you falling sick would we? He said and I shook my head saying no and we left the cave. * * * Somewhere far away from Naal city, two men stood at a rooftop. One with dark eyes and the other with red eyes, they were talking about their plan. "So when do you think it's right to kidnap the girl" the man with dark eyes said. " Now is not the time i***t, do you think you can just go and kidnap the girl just like that" the man with red eyes answered his name was Alan , Ethan's younger brother. "I know that, I just can't wait to get my hands on that girl, I want to do pay back" the dark eye man said clenching his hand to fist as his eyes turned darker. "Calm down Leonard you'll get your revenge" Alan said. " I want to squeeze her, tear her to pieces like her mate did to me" Leonard scoffed " Derek thought I'll just die easily". " You'll get your chance, let's go back to the others" Alan said patting Leonard's back and left. ' Derek just you wait for me ' Leonard said in his head and turned around to follow Alan who was ten steps ahead of him.
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