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Today been one week since Derek took me to rohir cave, and me confessing my love to him, and today was the queen's birthday. Servants were decorating the hall as the birthday will be be taking place in the evening. I stood at the balcony staring at the giants and giantess moving in and out of the castle. Some servants cleaning the walls of the castle, some plucking out weeds that has grown, some trimming the grass that beautified the castle. And then I felt strong arms go around my waist, I knew it was Derek as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "My love what are you looking at ?" He asked me. "Uh nothing" I said. " are you sure" " Yes" I answered. " You're worried I can see it on your face , tell me what is it" Derek said as he lifted his chin off my shoulder and turned my face so I could look at him. "I.. I don't think I want to attend your mother's birthday, like she hates me so my presence won't be..... " Derek cut me off by putting his index finger on my lips. "Is that why you're worried" he said and I nodded. "Aria" he called my name for the first time and I like the way he said my name. " You don't have to be worried about unnecessary things even i don't want you attending my mother's birthday" he said. " Really" I said " Yes, but you have to promise me that when the birthday is going on you won't step out of the room alright?" He said. I knew that I won't step out as everyone will be at the hall wishing the queen long life and other things I don't care about. " ok " I said. "Good, all of this will be over soon" he said and resumed resting his chin on my shoulder still holding my waist. "Derek" I called him. " Hmm" he answered. " You said you will tell me about the mark of mate" I said. " Yes I know that, you never forget anything do you" he pinched my cheek and caressed it back as if he was soothing the pain. " no I don't" I said as I smiled. "Alright, you might not like what I want to say" he said. " I want to hear it" I said sturbbornly. " Marking out mate is something very special to our kind, we don't just mark because we've found our mates. We mark to let others know not to cross their boundaries" " So are you going to mark me" I said. " Yes but when you're ready". " but I am ready" I said pouting my lips." Where are you going to mark me". " I was going to tell you now, I'm going to sink my fangs into your neck right here" he pointed at a spot on my neck. " Wh..hat you.. u will ki.. ll me" I said holding my neck. Derek chuckled softly "no my love I won't kill you, don't say that again" he couldn't imagine himself killing his mate. " You will feel light pain, but it won't kill you cause it's a bond between us" he said. " but I'll still feel pain" I said. "That's why I said you're not ready yet" he said and I gulped. " I have answered your question right" he said and I nodded. " Will Magnus mark Elia too" I asked cause I was still surprised by the fact that Elia was Magnus mate right from the start. After me and Derek came back from rohir cave, when I went to check ok Elia, she had told me about it that Magnus said she was his mate. I was a bit surprised, she had been happy about it. And today she was going to move in to Magnus room to stay with him. I would have been with her if Magnus hadn't taken her to Olin market to buy things for her, I'm happy for Elia. She ended up with someone who will love and care for her. " Yes he will mark her " Derek answered me. * * * Somewhere far from Naal city in a place called blurg town, Leonard stood with Alan at the balcony of a well furnished house. " Today is the Clarissa's birthday, everyone will be at the hall so you will take the chance to kidnap the girl" Alan said with his hands at his back. " Wouldn't the girl be at the hall too" Leonard said. " No, I've known my brother Ethan and Clarissa to hate humans, by now the girl must have known that Ethan and Clarissa don't like humans so she will not like to attend the birthday as she will stay in the room" Alan said. " so what's the plan"Leonard asked. Alan pinch the space between his brows "so after all I've said you still didn't get the plan". "Weren't you the one who said that it wasn't easy to kidnap the girl as her mate is always with her" Leonard said raising his brow up. " Yes but now you've got the chance as her mate Derek will be attending the birthday and the girl will be in the room, so it will easy for you" Alan explained again. " Ok when is the birthday taken place" " at dawn when the clock hit eight, so you better get ready or else forget about the plan forever when Derek marked his mate" Alan said. " He hasn't not marked her yet" Leonard asked petrified. " No he has not" "Why" "Are you asking me how would I know?" Alan said. " I thought once you find your mate, you marked them immediately" Leonard said. " yes that why you need to act fast now she's unmarked, when she's taken away he wouldn't know quickly as he hasn't create a bond between them". " Alright, I can't wait to get my hands on the girl. There are two of them but for now I need Derek's mate" " Whatever" Alan said leaving Leonard Alone at the balcony. * * * " It suits you perfectly" Magnus said to Elia who was wearing a beautiful white pearl necklace on her neck, they had bought dresses, shoes and coat. They had started heading to the castle when Magnus eyes caught sight of a white pearl necklace which was glittering. Magnus took Elia to the shop and now Elia was wearing the necklace which suit her as Magnus said. " You think?" Elia asked " Yes, don't you like it" Magnus said pouting his lips which made Elia laughed. "I do it's beautiful" Elia said and Magnus smiled at her Magnus paid for it and they the shop with Magnus holding the things they bought, but the necklace was still on Elia's neck. Now they were out of the market as Elia had decided to walk a bit , she was scared to see Magnus wolf , or sit on his wolf back as she did when they were coming to the market. "Why is your hair so long" Elia asked. " It has been like that ever since, as you know it's our nature we giants to have long hair both male and female" Magnus replied. " Yeah Aria told me about that, and most giants I've seen all have long hair" Elia said. " How do you know I'm your mate" Elia asked the question on her mind. " You're my mate Elia or do you think I mistook you for someone else". " No I didn't think like that" " Then stop worrying" Magnus said frowning his face. " Ok I'm sorry". " don't apologise ,I'm not angry with you. Are you still scared of my wolf" Magnus said. " Yes it's so huge" Elia could still remember how she screamed when Magnus shifted into his wolf, he thought she won't be scared like Aria. But Elia ran and hid behind a tree and Magnus had to shift back and tell her he won't hurt her. " But how are we going to get back to the castle " Magnus said. " we will walk, or take the carriage" Elia said. " Alright if that's what you want, you'll get used to it one day". " I hope so" Elia replied. * * * By the time of the evening, it was time to celebrate the queen, I could see carriages stopping and beautiful giantess and giants coming down and walking into the castle. The carriage was so huge like a small house with four tires, I stood at the window side staring at different kinds and colours of carriage. Derek already prepared himself as he was dressed in a blue shirt that matched his blue eyes and grey pants. Half of his hair was parked with pearls and the other half fell on his back. He looked so charming, I couldn't help but to stare at him as our eyes met. When he got close to me, I could smell the sweet fragrance coming from him. "My love, it's time for me to go, can you wait for me" he said as he took my hair into his hand twirling it. " Yes but please come back to me quickly" I said. " I will, I just want to make my appearance know that I attended my mother's birthday after that I'll come back to you alright? " He said and I nodded my head. " Just stay in the room, your friend too will stay in Magnus room for her safety, as they will be many giants and giantess gathering today. Not many of them knows I have a mate now which is you but it will be announced today and I don't want any of them setting thier filthy eyes on you alright? " He said. All this while he was talking my eyes was staring at his thin pink lips, I blinked my eyes away from his lips as I nodded my head. He then leaned forward and kissed my forehead before he shifted to his giant form and left after saying ' wait for me '. Now I was lonely in the room, I couldn't even meet Elia I know she's lonely too. I wonder what she was doing now. I left the window as I sat on the bed not knowing what to do, I decided to sleep but I couldn't sleep. But then I heard a creaking sound in the door. I ignored it as I still laid on the bed, but then I heard it again and then I stood up from the bed as I walked towards it and opened the door and check if thier was anybody outside. But I didn't see anybody, everywhere was quiet and a bit dark. And then I closed the door and turned around to go back and laid on the bed, but someone opened the door and before I could look back and see who it was. My vision got dark as the intruder had covered my face with a cloth , I was struggling to breath and free myself but I couldn't. I then use my elbow to hit the intruder's stomach, I could see again as I looked at the person but I couldn't see his face as he covered his nose and mouth with a mask only his eyes were visible. Those black eyes looked familiar but I don't know where , How did he get in here without the guards seeing him, but then I didn't have time to think as I quickly ran towards the door to escape. But before I could reach the door , I felt a sharp pain on my head , the person had hit my head which made me fell on the ground and passed out. As soon as Aria fell on the ground, the intruder picked her up on his shoulder and jumped through the window without anyone noticing that a girl has been kidnapped.
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