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As soon as Leonard kissed me, I don't know what happened but I was no longer on the bed but in a different place entirely. Like I was in the middle of a ocean, everything was blue in colour, where the hell am I? How did I get here? I asked myself, I was indeed in the middle of the ocean, but how is it that I'm breathing. "You're here finally" I heard a woman's voice behind me. When I turned around to see who it was, I saw myself floating towards me. Like another me again, but how? Am I twin? What's going on?. "Who are you? How did I get here? Where am I ? I asked the girl who looked like me, she was even prettier. "Calm down, I'll answer your questions" she said, her voice calm and sweet in the ears. " First of all my name is Aria too. I brought you here , we're both one person but seperated" she said. " What do you mean , how's that possible? " I asked confused. " I'll tell you about everything later, but first you need to awake your magic power inside you ". " What magic power are you talking about" I asked. " Your inner magic power, it's inside you. You need to awake it to save yourself from the trouble you're facing before I brought you here, you need to fight for yourself and stop depending on your mate always to save your ass "she said. " you're mistaken , I don't have any magic power" I said and my mind went back to the dream I had about Angus telling me I wasn't human. Was is it true? I remembered he had pushed me into the river of lost souls. Did he push me into the water to know if I will awake my inner power inside me?. " Yes you do, no time to argue " she said and her eyes turned white as she spread out her arms out in the water where we floated. Suddenly some kind of white circle appeared above us, and then she said " step into the circle " her hands was together now under the circle and her eyes back to normal . " what ?" I said to be sure I heard correctly. " Step into the circle now" she repeated again. I swallowed as I floated into the circle, and just as I stood under the circle. It started rotating so fast as our hair floated up and then I felt the white circle entered my body with force. "Arggh" I screamed it hurt so bad. I closed my eyes bearing the pain. When I opened my eyes again I was back to the room on the bed as if everything repeated again, Leonard was about to kiss me again. But then how do I awake my powers, everything was in slow motion as Leonard's lips was getting closer to mine. Suddenly the tip of my fingers began to glow with soft lights and my eyes turned white and my body glowing. I then heard a voice inside my head " Gosh Aria do something ". "What ? are you in my head too ? " I asked surprisingly. " Yes , I've always been inside your head, just do something to save yourself" she said. " What should I do" I said and then I waved my hand in the air and Leonard flew away from me as he hit his back on the hard wall of the room, I heard him grunt in pain, I quickly stood up from the bed. " Ok what just happened?" I asked the other Aria in my head as I stared at my fingers which was still glowing with lights. "You happened Aria, you've awaken your power " I heard her say and I smiled. And then I felt a hand on my neck, that's when I noticed that I was still in the room with Leonard who was holding my neck tightly seizing my breath. " oops focus Aria, you can do this" she said again. " Can't you help me " I tried to say . "No it's your fight, I know you can do it " she said again. "Whatever " I said and then I felt myself became transparent , ok what just happened? I now stood at Leonard's back but he was still holding the transperant me neck. Hmm this is getting intresting I said in my head and then I tapped his back which made him look back at me surprisingly, and immediately he did I poked his eyes with my finger which made him scream " arggh ". " that's my girl " I heard her annoying voice again. "I'm not your girl , you didn't even help me " I said crossing my arms. " You stupid girl" I heard Leonard's angry voice " who are you talking too" he said as he looked at me ,his eyes black. "Myself " I said but it was the truth, tho I was yet to believe what the other Aria told me in the ocean, I mean how can I be two. "I'm going to kill you , you little brat. But it seems you now know how to control your powers now" Leonard said. " I'm still learning to control it " I said getting brave now, but how did he know about my powers. " And before you do I'll kill you " Leonard said as he came right at me. " I'd like you to try " I said as I used my index finger indicating him to come at me and it infuriated him the more. * * * Derek who was in his giant form now stood at the double metal door, just as he opened it he met the two giants who Alan sent to block his way at the other side of the door. " get out of my way " Derek thundered as his nails elongated. " I'm sorry we can't let you in " one of the giant said his name was Ron. Derek chuckled darkly " I see you guys don't need your life anymore, now be good and step out of the way while I'm still being nice" . " We can't let you in Master Derek" the other giant said. " Ok seems you really want to die" Derek said and attacked the giants who stood at the door. He punched thier faces and used his sharp nails to tear thier skin. Ron managed to cut Derek on his shoulder with his nails. Blood came out of the wound, but Derek didn't mind as he pushed his hand into Ron's chest and squeezed his heart making him yelp in pain as he dropped on his knees with blood spurlting out of his mouth. Derek pulled out his heart and Ron fell down dead on the ground with his eyes opened and mouth parted . The other giant who saw what Derek did to Ron had his eyes open wide in shock. Derek threw Ron's heart on his dead body as he faced the shocked giant who started moving backward in fear. " What , scared now? " Derek said with an evil smirk on his lips as he moved towards the giant. " Ple... ase don't ki... ll me " the giant begged for his life. " You had your chance" Derek said as he got close to the giant who was stuck to the wall and pulled out his head from his neck, blood gushed out and splashed on Derek's face. The giant dropped dead on the ground, with his head in Derek's hand which he threw right at the wall and smashed into pieces. And then Derek heard someone clapping behind him, when he turned around he saw that it was his uncle Alan who was clapping. "Weldone , you actually killed two of my strongest warriors" Alan said. " Where is my mate ?" Derek asked the important thing ignoring what Alan said. "Oh your mate , I don't know where she is " Alan said shrugging his shoulder. " You have your last chance to tell me where she is "Derek said angrily. " I told you I don't know where she is , did you think I was the one who kidnapped your mate " Alan said " should I tell you who kidnapped your mate". " I don't have time to talk with you, but if I find her and I see a single scratch on her body" Derek said . " What will you do kill your uncle" Alan said and just then they heard a loud shrilling scream that shook the Mansion. Derek didn't wait as he quickly followed where the sound came from, he just hoped Aria was ok if anything happens to her he would never forgive himself. BACK AT THE ROOM Aria and Leonard had scattered everywhere in the room, just like Aria who used the light glowing in her fingers and body to fight Leonard. On the other hand, Leonard had some dark smoke floating around his body which he used in fighting Aria, both injured badly. "How is it that you've have magic now" Aria said with harsh breath as she was already exhausted from the fight. " you really want to know " Leonard said laughing " I'll tell you before I finally finish you off". Aria could only pray in her mind that Derek should save her before this beast in front of her killed her finally as he said. She was really tired and also proud of herself as he had managed to stay alive up till now. And then she thought in her head that maybe if she engaged Leonard with a little conversation, she could buy herself some time and it did work as he was no longer attacking her for now. " I know you'll be thinking how am still alive after your stupid mate tore me into pieces, but what you should know is that after Derek left with you from the slaves prison. His uncle Alan had come that day and brought me back to life and gave me some magic powers. Since then i owe him my life and decided to work for him so that I could revenge back for what Derek did to me" he said. So that's how he's alive now and got his magic powers, not good. Cause no matter how I cut his body with my magic , it still comes back together as if I hadn't cut him in the first place. "But never I have i thought that you'll will awake your magic before I kill you, but that does not mean I can't still kill you. Now you know my story, it is time for you to die with it " he said and I saw him transformed into some kind of ugly and terrifying beast. ' Oh God I'm doomed ' I said in my head. Leonard stood on all fours as his bone cracked and turned into a beast with four red eyes, his sharp teeth coming out of his mouth. Sharp claws, his body black and hairy but the hairs on his body were sharp, after he transformed finally he roared and stared at me with his four red eyes. Maybe today is the day I die I said in my head " what am I going to do " I said to the other Aria in my head. "You should try making yourself invisible again" she said " and how do I do that, I didn't know how I did it the last time " I said as my eyes was still at Leonard incase he attacked me. "Just think of it, you don't need to stress yourself " she said. "Arggh that's not helping, I'm trying " I said as it's not working. " Try harder come on you can do it" she said and then Leonard launched towards me. I closed my eyes waiting for him to tear me to pieces but nothing happened, why wasn't anything happening? . When I opened my eyes, Leonard claws was just an inch from my face , it was as if time stopped and everything was in slow motion. This has happened before when he tried to kiss me, and then I was in the ocean. But the difference now was that I didn't go back to the ocean again. "What happened?" I asked her. "You happened, you stopped the time " she replied. " How , I didn't do anything " I said. " You did, it wasn't me " she said. I tired to see if I could move and I did , wow I so much like the new me. And then I heard the other Aria said to me " clap your hands ". " Clap? Why" I said wondering why she told me to clap all of a sudden. "Just clap, gosh you ask too much questions" she said. "Alright " i said as I clapped my hands and Leonard's beast flew ten meters away from me and the walls in the room shattered into many places and I floated in the air. Just as the stones wanted to hit me, I raised my hand to protect myself but then I was in some kind of bubble that bounced the stone back. " Wow can you do this too" I said smiling. "Yes we can , have you forgotten that we're one but seperated" she said. " I still find that hard to believe" I said and I heard Leonard's beast roared , he was coming back at me. I need to escape from him. But I couldn't as he was so fast and was already at where I was, but before he could do anything to me. I saw a big grey wolf attacked him and threw him far away from me. It was Derek, he stood in front of me protecting me. I missed him, he looked so dangerous as his wolf was bigger than the last time I saw it. He looked at me, even though his eyes were red and scary I understood what he was trying to tell me. He wanted me to stay somewhere safe so I wouldn't get hurt. I quickly left and hide somewhere, but then how did I understand what he told me, was it because I now had magic?. "Yes , you can understand him now even in his wolf form" I heard the other Aria's annoying voice in my head. " wait can you hear my thoughts too" I said. "Yes , how many times do I have to tell you that we are ONE " she said dragging the ' one ' so I could hear it clearly. "hmm you're something else" I said. " You mean we" she said and I gave up. BACK AT THE ROOM Derek and Leonard clawed themselves and bit each other's neck. The fight was so fierce than the last time they had fought at the slaves prison. Derek bit Leonard's neck tearing it and black blood gushed out. Leonard roared as he shook his head in pain, he clawed Derek's face and Derek clawed his back giving him a big wound on his back. Leonard staggered back as he transformed back to his human form back and Derek did the same as he held Leonard's neck against the wall choking him. "You've gotten stronger than the last time we fought" Leonard said even as Derek was choking him. " and you have to audacity to kidnapp my mate " Derek said. "Yes , you want to know something. I kissed her and touched her and I ...... " Leonard couldn't finish his words as Derek used his sharp nails and removed his throat as blood gushed out. But he didn't stop there as he smashed his head against the wall staining it with black blood and his brain came out of his head. All this while I watched as Derek killed Leonard for the second time , I just hoped he was dead this time. Derek felt me staring at him as he turned to face me with his bloodshot eyes but he blinked his eyes and they the turned back blue again. He stared at me with guilt all over his face, he shouldn't blame himself. It wasn't his fault I said in my head and walked closed to him. "I'm so sorry my love, I failed to protect you" I could hear pain in his voice. " No it wasn't your fault, it's mine if only I had let you mark me, it wouldn't have been like this" I said not wanting him to blame himself atleast he still saved me . " bit you're not ready and I can't force the mark on you without your will " he said. " Don't blame yourself , you still saved me right and look I fought too, I have magic now " I said " I just hope his dead this time". " His dead " he said. " Maybe you should burn him to ashes " I heard Aria's voice in my head. " Yes, but how will I do that " I said to her. "Who are you talking to my love " Derek asked me. " uh I explain to you later" I said to him and I just thought of fire and it appeared and burned Leonard's body to ashes. Derek was not surprised but proud of his mate as she as awoken her powers inside her. After I burned Leonard's body to ashes, I got closer to Derek and hugged him " I miss you " I said to him with my eyes closed. He hugged me back " I missed you too my love, I'll never leave you again" he said to me.
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