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We disengage from the hug, I looked up to meet Derek's blue eyes, he smiled at me and I did the same. I've missed him even if it's just two days I was gone, I missed him like it has been years I met him. He caressed my cheek like he normally does and removed the baby hairs away from my face. "You look more prettier, I like the new you my love" he said. " Omg he's talking to us" before I could talk , I heard the other Aria's annoying voice in my head and I could only shake my head. " Thank you " I said " do you know about me having powers before now" I asked. " Yes , I wanted you to discover it by yourself " he said. " Why didn't you tell me about it" I asked confused on why he decided to keep it from me. "If I had tell you about it then, would you believe me " he said and he was right, would I have believed him?. " But.. but you should have told me " I said and stared at the ashes of Leonard. Derek cupped my chin and lifted my face so I could meet his eyes " are you angry at me ?" He asked me. Of course not why would I be angry at him " No " I said as I shook my head. "Are you sure , tell me the truth are you angry at me from keeping the truth about who you really are away from you" he asked again. " No, I'm not " I said and he hugged me. " Thank you " he said " let's go home ". "What about your uncle , he's still out there" I said. " I'll deal with him later , from now let's go home so you can have a nice bath and lunch hmm" he said and I nodded my head " ok ". * * * We left the Mansion as we went back to Naal city, I wish I could see his uncle but maybe later. Alan stood at the window side as he stared down at Derek and Aria who exited the gate. And then there was a knock on the door. " Come in " he said still facing the window. The door opened and a giant came in panting as if he had been running for days. " Master Alan " the giant called out. " What is it ? " Alan answered. " Master Leonard is dead " the giant said. " I know that" Alan said. " Master Derek and the lady are leaving the town should we go after them" the giant said again. " No let them go " Alan said. " Master do you have a plan " the giant asked. Alan turned around to face the giant who was down on one knee, he walked closer to her giant. He crouched down to the same level as the giant and took his dagger. " Of course I always have a plan " Alan said spining the dagger side to side as if checking if it was sharp enough. "Is it sharp enough ?" Alan asked the giant. " Yes...yes Mas....Master " the giant was scared now. " Hmm, why are you shaking I'm not going to kill you i***t " Alan said and got up as he resumed back at staring outside the window and the giant breathed a sigh of relief. At first, he had thought that his master wanted to kill him and then he heard " what are you still doing here". " Nothing Master " he answered. " Then get out !!! " Alan said and the giant quickly left the room closing the door behind him. " Derek be prepared for war" Alan said as his eyes turned dark red and then back to grey. * * * " Are you sure they are okay " Elia asked Magnus as she rested her head on his chest, they stood at the balcony. " they will be fine my love " Magnus answered and he caressed Elia's back gently and rested his chin on her head. Elia has just found out this morning that Aria had been missing since yesterday night while the birthday was going on and Derek had left to search for her, she had been worried ever since then. But she was grateful that Magnus had been there for her. " My mark looks pretty on you love " Magnus said trying to take Elia's mind off Aria so she will stop worrying too much. "Is it ?" Elia asked , she knew what Magnus was trying to do. " yes love " Magnus said smiling. " But I didn't see it this morning when I checked the mirror " Elia said frowning. " Come check it again " Magnus said and took Elia inside the room so she could see the mark on her neck. When they stood in front of the mirror, Elia could finally see the mark. It was really there she thought in her mind. "Do you like it " Magnus asked as he stood behind Elia holding her tiny waist. " yes I love it " Elia said and raised her hand to touch the spot where the mark was on her neck. "But why didn't it appear on my neck earlier" Elia said. " It won't appear at first, but later after sometime" Magnus said. " Why is your name written boldly on my neck, I thought it will be some kind of giant marking ". " Because you're mine" Magnus said "so any one who sees you will know not touch you". Elia blushed as cheek turned crimson red, she turned to face Magnus so their eyes will meet, she wrapped her arms around his neck " I love you " she said. " I love you more than you do love" Magnus said as he lean forward and kissed Elia on the lips and she did the same forgetting about her worry for Aria. * * * We finally got back to the castle after some hours of riding on Derek's wolf, It was already late in the evening as we got into the castle. Derek had already shift into his human form, guards and servants who saw us bowed thier head down showing respect. We got to our room, I knew I should let Elia know I'm back ,I know she must be worried about me. But I need to bath , eat and change into neat cloths. " The servants will bring dinner soon" Derek said to me. " Ok , I want to have my bath first" I said and he nodded. After I had freshen up, Derek did the same too and now we sat opposite each other in the dinning table. The servants had already place the food on the table while I was in the dressing room. "Why are you not eating" I asked him as he just kept on staring at me. " I'll eat my love, our kind can survive for a week without eating or tasting water" he answered. " Really " I said with surprise all over my face. " Yes" he answered. " I want to know more about your kinds " I said as I put a spoonful of rice into my mouth. " Finish your food first" he said. I quickly fiñished my food as I use the napkin to clean my mouth after drinking the glass of water on the table. * * * I sat on the bed and Derek rested his head on my lap as I played with his hair, I listened to all what he was telling me about his kind, giant and giantess shapeshifters. " So you mean your uncle Alan traded his giant form to have magical powers" I asked surprisingly. " Yes that why he was able to raise Leonard back from the dead but I wondered how they knew themselves" Derek said. " that's not good, I wonder what plan he has in mind now" I said. " Who knows but I'm happy you've gotten stronger now". " But I don't know how to control my powers yet" I said frowning. " I can help you control your powers" suddenly I heard Aria's voice in my head. " Can you get out of my head please " I said annoyed. Derek sat up on the bed and stared at me " you know said you will tell me who you're talking to" . " Oh yes, it's weird but I'm talking to myself" I said and Derek rose his brows up and I explained everything that happened while I was at Blurg town as Derek told me. " Hmm , I knew you were special right from the start" he said caressing my cheek. And then there was a soft knock on the door, I wondered who it was as I saw Derek's face darkened instantly. " My love I'll be right back okay" he said to me. " who is it ?" I asked. " It's an old friend, her name is Claudia " he answered. An old friend, Claudia. I'm sure I might end up not liking that old friend of his. "How can you tell it's her" I said biting my lips with a small frown on my face. Derek smiled and got closer to me " I told you earlier that we all have different scent, so I know her scent" he said . " Can I come with you" I know I sounded childish but I wondered what she wanted to discuss with Derek this night, why can't it be in the morning or at noon. " don't you trust me my love " Derek said feigning a hurtful expression on his face. " I do , come back quick " I said. " I will, wait for me okay " he said and kissed my forehead and left to the door. Derek knew Claudia heard everything he and Aria was saying, but he didn't care about it as he opened the door. When the door opened, Claudia tried to keep in if she could catch a glimpse of Aria's face, bit she couldn't as Derek closed the door immediately as soon as he opened it. " good evening Derek" Claudia said as Derek stood before her now. " Evening " Derek replied. " Can we talk now " she said. "Hmm" was Derek reply . "Not here ,at our usual spot " she said. "Say whatever you want to say here " Derek said getting impatient already. " You know it's not right to stand here in the stairs and talk" Claudia still persuaded Derek. All this while they were discussing I rested my ear on the door to know if I could hear anything they were saying but I didn't hear a sound. I walked back to the bed and sat taking off my coat, I trust Derek maybe I should just wait for him right? I laid on the bed but then I sat up again biting my lips. I wonder what they are saying now, what are they doing. Maybe I should go check, I will say I can't sleep right? And then I walked towards the door breathed in and out before opening the door expecting to see them but I couldn't find them Where are they? I asked myself. I walked down to hall to search for them, I knew I was behaving childish but I just couldn't help myself. * * * " It's been long we saw" Claudia said as she has finally dragged Derek to their usual spot back then in the castle. " Say whatever you want to say quick " Derek said. " Why you talking to me like we just met, we've known ourselves for long and you treat me like this" Claudia said. " I'm even nice to you , I'm sure by now you should know I have a mate as you must have overheard our conversation in the room" Derek said and rested his back on the glass wall. " A human mate, you can't have a human mate ". " And why is that , not like I'm the one that chose her myself, she is my MATE " Derek made sure he dragged the word ' mate ' very well. " You're suppose to have a giantess as a mate not a human" . " im leaving" Derek said was about to leave when Claudia stopped him. " Wait I talked to your mother about it" and Derek halted on his track. " About what ? " "About us getting married" Claudia said. " Are you out of your mind " Derek said his eyes getting dark. " I... I can make you happy ". " you must be very stupid to say that " Derek said already angry now . " But.... " Derek cut her off before she could say anything. " I don't want to hear any more word from you , and I want you to stay away from me" he said, the only thing stopping him not to snap her neck right now was because of the friendship they had. " Can I hug you atleast please" Claudia said "Let's make this a deal, I let you hug me one last time and stay away from me forever" Derek said. " ok " Claudia said but she has other plans in mind. And then Derek spread out his arm so she could hug him, and when she did she lifted herself up and kissed Derek on the lips. Derek didn't expect her to kiss him as he pushed her away from him , before he could say anything he heard a small gasps from the corner. Both he and Claudia turned to the direction where the sound came from and saw Aria who covered her mouth with her palm As soon as Derek's eyes met with mine I quickly turned around and ran back to the room with tears falling from my eyes. " My love " he called after me but I ignored him, how could he kiss her when he has not even kissed me yet. He said I should trust him and I did and now he broke my trust in him. I opened the door and ran towards the bed as I sat on it holding both of my legs together crying. "My love" I heard his voice again, it hurt to hear him call me that when he just kissed another woman. " Don't call me that" I screamed closing my ears . " it's not what you think, I swear I didn't kiss her , she did" he said. " I saw you.. you kissed her, you hugged her and kissed her in my own eyes" I said. " She did it purposely, she must have seen you standing at the corner. I swear I wasn't the one that kissed her" My eyes already red from crying as I stared at Derek, maybe he was saying the truth but I feel hurt, I should just let him mark him so those rats could know his mine. I stood up from the bed and hugged him " I believe you" I said. " I'm sorry my love " he said hugging me back. " Mark me, I want you to mark me now I'm ready" I said. " It have to be from your heart willingly". " It is from my heart " I said. " Alright come here " he said and he sat on the bed and I sitting on his leg, I felt him push the hair away from my neck and caressed a spot on my neck gently. " Are you sure about this " he asked again. " yes I'm sure " I said even if I'm scared of the pain I will feel and then I saw his fangs come out of his mouth as he sank it into my neck.
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