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Leonard took Aria all the way from Naal city to Blurg town, when he got to the mansion. He took Aria to a cell room in the building, locked her up after chaining her feet with shackles which was connected to the wall. Leonard removed the mask from his face with a smirk playing on his lips " I've got you now, you will wish you were never born" he said to the unconscious Aria. He left the cell and walked to the room where Alan stays, before he could knock on the door. He heard sound of moans coming from the room, Leonard retracted back his hand and pinched his brows. He turned around and left as the man doesn't like to be disturbed whenever he was with a woman in the room. * * * I woke up feeling pains all over my head, I could hear ringing in my head. I sat up as I looked around ' where am I ' I said in my head ' I was in a cell , but how?' And then everything that happened came back to my head, me going to the door and checked who it was and then I was hit in my head ' I have been kidnapped'. My eyes widened as I tried to call for help, but my lips were sealed with a black celotape. I stood up with all my might as I walked towards the bars of the cell but something dragged my feet back. I then saw that I was chained in my left leg, I stretched my self towards the bars as I tried to look if there was anyone passing by, but there was no one and it was dark. " hello can anyone hear me" I called out but my voice echoed back to me seems like I was underground . I just hoped Derek knows that I have been kidnapped, I wondered who kidnapped me, the intruder who kidnapped me has this familiar eyes but I don't know where I've seen those black eyes before. Why can't they let me be, I bit my lips as tears fell from my eyes. I walked back and leaned against the wall holding my legs together and rested my chin on my knees ' Derek please save me ' I said in my head and closed my eyes. * * * Loud music was playing in the background, giant and giantess dancing, some talking, some laughing, some drinking. " Where is your little mate brother" Angus came to stand beside Derek who looked like he was in a hurry to leave the hall. " How nice of you to ask " Derek replied. "Oh you know I'm very nice" Angus said. " Yeah after I've given you the permanent mark on your neck" Derek smikred and the smile on Angus face fell. " What do you want Angus" Derek said. " Oh nothing " Angus sipped from the glass of wine in his hand " she's not human ". "I know that, you don't have to tell me" Derek replied. " Oh how wonderful, what is she then?" Angus asked and bowed his head slightly to a giant who walked past them, but Derek didn't bother to greet. " And you think I'll just tell you" Derek chuckled. Angus was about to say something again when their mother the queen said " thank you all for attending my birthday, I am very pleased ". " Long live the queen " everybody chorused together and sounds of clapping could be heard in the big wide hall. "Your highness " a giantess came to stand before Derek and Angus. She was pretty with her long hair parked into a high ponytail, her lips painted red in colour. Her brown eyes and her red dress shone brightly under the dim light of the chandeliers. " Claudia it been long we saw , how have you been " Angus said as Derek ignored the giantess who was glancing at him once in a while. " I am fine your highness, I actually came to see the queen for something important but I thought I should greet you before going to meet the queen" Claudia said. " How nice of you" Angus said and noticed the way Claudia was staring at Derek. Derek excused himself not wanting to take part of the discussion all he wanted was to go back to his loving mate who must be bored staying alone in room. " excuse me I have something important to do" Derek said and drop his glass on the tray of a waiter who was passing by. "Your highness.... I mean Master Derek can I see you later" Claudia said when she saw that Derek was about to leave. " You have seen me already haven't you?" Derek said. " Yes but there is something I have to tell you personally" Claudia said. " Hmm it better be something important" Derek said and left without waiting for what Claudia wanted say. Claudia watched Derek's back till he disappeared out of the hall. " You still like him don't you " Angus said and sipped from his wine. " You know I've loved him ever since the last time we met" Claudia said as she continuing staring at the door Derek exited from. Angus gave out a small laugh " you better take your mind off him" he said. " You know I can't, my feelings for him keeps growing everyday" Claudia said and tore her eyes away from the door and looked back at Angus who was smiling at her. "He has a mate now " Angus said. " A mate, how, when " Claudia said looking surprised. " Yes a human mate" Angus said and dropped his wine on a tray and straightened his suit jacket and dusting away imaginary dust of his body. " How come I didn't know about it " Claudia said with her mouth slightly opened. "Now you know, so do me a favor and stay away from him ". " I'll have to confirm it myself" Claudia said frowning her face. " Go ahead then" Angus said and took Claudia right hand and kissed the back of her palm " it's nice seeing you again milady until next time" he said and left. * * * When Derek got out of the hall, he headed straight to his room to meet Aria. His room was located at the west wing of the castle, so he had to use the stairs to go up to his room. While climbing the stairs, maids who were also coming down the stairs had thier heads down in respect. When Derek finally got to his room, before he could open it he knew something was wrong. He finally opened the door and entered the room, he was expecting Aria to either be sleeping on the bed or stood at the window side. But he didn't see any sign of her and he couldn't smell her scent any where in the room. But then he captured another person scent in the room, and only one thought came to his mind ' she has been kidnapped ' but he couldn't just rush into conclusion, he had to check if she was with her friend Elia. Thus Derek left for Magnus room to know if Aria was in room with Elia, he just hoped so. When he got to the room which wasn't far from his, he opened the door without even knocking. But then he saw a figure who was laying on the bed and he knew it was Elia who was sleeping on the bed but he still couldn't scent his mate, Derek's eyes turned red instantly. He closed the door and let out a low growl, he was also angry at himself. He had failed her, he promised her that he come back to her, he had told to wait for him but he had failed her. He promised himself that whosoever had taken Aria will wish he was never born. If only she has his mark on her, he would have known she was been kidnapped. THE NEXT DAY Today been the second day of my stay in the cell, it was like I was back at the slaves prison. I know Derek would have known about my disappearance but now, I just have to wait for him to come to my aid. I wonder where I am , I wondered who had kidnapped me and why was I kidnapped. I have done nothing wrong to anyone, so why can't they just leave me alone. I then heard sounds of footsteps, someone was coming, I hope it was Derek. My face fell when I saw that it wasn't Derek and it was two men and by the looks of thier attire, they were guards. They opened the lock of the cell , one of the men entered the cell and walked towards me. I was sitting on the cold ground still holding my legs together, he unhooked the chain form my feet. "Get up" the guard said to me and when I didn't move an inch from where I sat, the guard dragged me from the ground harshly. "We've got a sturbborn one this time" the other guard outside said with a smirk. " Yes but not for long" the guard holding my hand said " move " he said pushing me forward. I started walking up a rocky stairs leading us up, I could feel pain in my left arm where the guard held me. But I couldn't complian as my lips were sealed. We finally got out of the underground we were as I could finally see light and breath fresh air. We came to stand before a double metal door. The guard who was in front of me open the door which made a creaking sound as we stepped in. The place we entered was very wide as I could see some painting in the wall. I saw paintings of women, some were naked, while some were half clothed What kind of a place is this anyway I said in my head, where am I exactly, I hope Derek finds me quickly. I wonder where they are taking me too, we got to another door and stopped, why did we stop. One the guard moved and knocked on the door and retracted back his hand. And then I heard a male voice from inside the room we stood at, the voice seems familiar " bring her in ". The guard holding me opened the door, pushed me in and closed the door back. I fell down on the ground hurting my leg, I couldn't even screamed as my mouth were sealed, I could only close my eyes in pains. I looked up and saw a man sitting on a chair with his legs crossed staring down at me, I couldn't see his face as it hidden behind a mask. He stood up and walked close to me as my eyes widened in fear, he removed the the black celotape from my mouth harshly " argh " I yelp in pain. " Remember me " he said and I shook my head. " Really " he said and removed the mask from his face "how about now" there was an evil smile on his face. My eyes widened even more ' it can't be , I saw him dead, his body was seperated in the slaves prison, Derek had killed him ' I said in my head. " surprised to see me huh , let me help say the word stuck in your throat, how is it possible that I'm alive right" Leonard said. " Why did you bring me here" I said. " Oh I see , you can talk back to me and even look at me in the eyes now how brave of you. Have you forgotten your so called mate isn't here with you " Leonard said. " I know he'll find me" I said boldly and Leonard laughed as if I just said nonsense. " You really believe that he will come to save you" he said and started walking close to me, I quickly stood up even though my leg was hurting I moved backwards till my back hit the wall. Leonard now stood in front of me using both his hands to trap me against the wall and looked straight into my eyes. " There's no way to run , you know at first what I planned to do you when I kidnapped you was to chop off your arms and legs as your stupid mate did to me" " But then do you know what I have in mind to do to you first before I chop off your arms and legs " Leonard said and then whispered into my right ear , I could feel his hot breath fanned my neck. "I'm going to sleep with you" he said and smiled. " you wouldn't dare" I said boldly even if I was already getting scared, I won't let him do it. " Oh I can , I see he hasn't touched you yet so let me be the first right? ". " I won't let you do it " I said as I kicked his balls, I saw his face squeezed in pain and I took that opportunity to run, even if I couldn't run fast as my leg was hurt. I have to try my best. * * * Derek trailed the faint scent of his mate as he stood at the entrance gate of Blurg town where it leads him to. His eyes were back to normal but anyone who sees him no not to cross path with him. Derek knew Blurg town was where his uncle Alan stays ,but what was his mate doing here, it shouldn't be that it was his uncle who kidnapped his mate as only a few people knows about it. Most giants who saw him recognize him as they once stayed in Naal city before they followed Alan and left to Blurg town. However Derek didn't bother as he still followed Aria's scent which continue to lead him to the Mansion where she was running away from Leonard. Though the giants who stay in Blurg town weren't in their giant form as they were in the human city. One of the giants went to inform Alan about Derek's arrival as he had told them to keep an eye at the entrance gate whenever he eventually passed through the gate. When the giant got to Alan's room, he knocked on the door and Alan answered " come in ". The giant opened the door and got in and closed the door back , he bowed his head showing respect. Alan stood shirtless hy the window side as he just finished making love to a woman who laid on the bed covered with the duvet. " What is it Ron ?" Alan said as he had a cigar in his hand he took a long drag and breathed the air out. " "He's here Milord " Ron said. " As expected, his here for his mate. Go block his way I'll be there" Alan said. " Yes Milord " Ron said and left the room. * * * I looked behind me and saw leonard chasing me , but before I could open get to the double doors , I saw him standing in my front but how? He was just behind me just now. I stopped running and just as blinked my eyes I saw him standing right in front of me now , did he just teleported? I couldn't think about as he landed a brain- setting slap on my cheek. I fell on the ground as I spit out blood, his eyes were black and it seems like he was still in pain from the kick I gave him earlier, well I don't care he deserved it. " you little brat you really have the nerve to kick me and run , I've told you there's no way out" he said and pick me up from the ground on his shoulder. "Put me down " I said hitting his back. And then he teleported again the next thing I knew was that I landed on the bed making me bounce " please don't do this" I tried talking some sense to him as tears fell from me eyes. But he turned deaf ears as he got on the bed and was now on top of me with an evil smile playing on his lips, I struggled to free myself but all to no avail. And then he kissed me right on my lips as his hands roamed over my body.
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