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Derek sank his sharp pointy fangs into my neck breaking my skin. I tried not to scream, Instead I bit my lips bearing the pain with my eyes closed. When he retracted back his fangs out of my neck, I fell lax on his arm, my eyes could barely open. The next time I opened my eyes I was back to the middle of the ocean. "Finally I was already getting bored phew" I heard the other Aria's voice and she was floating right in front of me. I crossed my arms on my chest "did you bring me here again" I asked. "Yes I did, I told you I will tell you more about your powers the first time we met so I think now is the right time" she said. " You can't just bring me here anytime you want take me back to Derek" I said. " Says the one who fainted after being marked" she said." " What do you mean I fainted, I didn't I was just weak and immediately you brought me here" I said. " Enough of all this your childish behavior, that's how you thought Derek kissed Claudia" she shouted. " How did you know about that " I said. " I think you already know the answer my dear, now come let's take you to where you came from" she said about holding my hand. "Where i come from what do you mean by that" I asked confused. " Your home, our home" she said. " My home ?" I repeated. " Yes , I know you're confused but all your questions will be answered when we get there" she said and shifted away from me a little she brought her hands together and some kind of white circle appeared above her again like the first time we met. "" step into the circle " she said. " What about Derek , he'll be worried " I said. "He's not , just step into the circle " she said and I reluctantly stepped into the circle and just like that we were gone. We landed on the ground I fell down with a loud thud, while she landed without falling on the ground like me " don't worry you'll get used to it" she said. I stood up from the ground dusting my body and took in my surroundings, where are we actually. The place was filled with trees with orange leaves. Even the ground we stood was filled with the orange leaves everywhere " where are we ?" I asked. " Home , come follow the light" she said. " What light ?" I asked cause I couldn't see any light. " There " she pointed ahead of us and I could finally see the light she was talking about. Some kind of white light that hung on the air, there were many of them " come " she dragged my hand as we followed the light. We continued to follow the light till we got to another different place entirely this time filled sparklingly purple flowers, it was beautiful. And then we got to a place where some kind of transperant door stood just in the middle of the road. I stopped not wanting to go close to it " why did you stop, we're almost there" she said. "We've been walking for almost an hour and I don't think I want to get close to that door" I said and pointed at the door, I could actually see the other side of the road as the door was transperant. " It's our passage way to the other side where we will meet our kind" she said. " Our kind? "I asked. " yes " she said. " Won't it be weird if there are two of us who look alike" I said. " Uh " she scratched her head and I rose my brow up " I didn't think about that , pok I have an idea , why don't we merge together so we can finally be one again like we were before " she said and I immediately didn't like the idea as I frowned. "No way, no no don't " I said but it was already too late as she passed through me and we became one. "What are you doing get out of me, you can't be thinking I'll go in there by myself" I said glancing at the door. " yes you can ,I'll lead you now start moving " she said and I felt my legs moved forward by its own. " Wait , you can control me " I said surprisingly. " Yes , and you can also do the same ". " Wait, stop , I can't do that stop it , will you " I shouted as I was an inch away from the door but she didn't stop controlling me till we finally entered the door. I thought I was finally free till I started falling down to God knows where, I screamed on top of my lungs " can you stop screaming, we do this all the time". " what?, not me, what kind of place Is this ?, Where am I falling to ?" I asked. " You'll see "she said. And then suddenly I started floating on the air but I was still falling down but gently this time. From below I could see a very beautiful city. People walking everywhere, doing one thing and another, some doing some kind of magic. I finally landed on a smooth green grass and the other Aria came out of me. Immediately she left my body I attacked her trying to choke her but I felt myself passed through her which resulted in me falling on the ground again. " Jeez are you trying to kill me " she said feigning an innocent face which made me glared at her. " Are we there now or we still need to pass through another door " I asked ignoring what she said. " Yes , we're there look " she used her chin to point at a big golden gate just twenty feets from where we stood and my mouth opened in awe of how beautiful it was. "You mean this is my home, like where I was born?" I asked to be sure I wasn't hearing things. " Uh-huh come let's go in" she held my hand and dragged me towards the gate, before we could reach the gate it opened on its own and we stepped in. When I turned around to look at the gate I saw it closing back, I looked at my front as some kind of weird music caught my ear, I saw women dancing where the music was playing. And then someone called my name " Aria " we both turned our heads to the person who called and I saw a young girl of my age, blonde hair, green eyes and pretty. " hey Cassie " Aria said to her, it weird calling her Aria I think she needs to change her name. " Who's this? why are you two " the girl Cassie said. " She's my other half i told you about remember?". " Oh yeah I remember, wow she's just you, I mean like twin , I mean.... " " I know what you're trying to say Cassie" Aria said cutting her off. " Hi, I'm Cassie " she said. " I'm Aria too" I said. "Really, omg the same name , you guys are going to confuse me, one of you should change your name" Cassie said. " Yeah I thought about that, Aria you should change your name" I said not wanting to change mine. " What ? no, you change your name "she said. " Ok enough guys , your name is Ari now and you still Aria" Cassie said and I smiled. " Cassie how can you change my name and not hers not fair you know ". "come let's go meet your mother" Cassie took my hand ignoring Ari as we walked deeper into the beautiful city with Ari following us behind. " My mother ?" I said. " Yes, Queen Madeline" Cassie said. " Queen? " I said getting more surprised. " Yes , I thought you knew " " No, I know nothing, look my mother , my family sold me to slavery when I was just fifteen so I don't know what you're talking about" I said. " that's not your real mother " Cassie said as we got into a place filled with the same orange leaves and flowers leading us to a double oak door. " I don't understand , you both are confusing me the more" I said as Ari pushed opened the door and we got in and I saw two people sitted on a should I say throne. A man and a woman with crown on thier heads, as we got closer, the woman stood up and I saw Cassie and Ari bowed their heads showing respect." Your highness" they said together. " Bow your head " I heard Cassie whispered to me and I immediately bowed my head. " welcome home sweetheart" I heard the queen's voice my mother as they said, so does it mean I'm a princess I feel like my head will explode with all the things I'm hearing. I didn't realize that the queen now stood in front of me as I was lost in my thoughts, she used her index finger to raise my chin up so I could meet her eyes. I looked into her obsidian black eyes just like mine, her hair black and long just like mine too. There was a gentle smile on her lips " I know you have a lot of questions and I'll answer them all first you need to eat and have your rest" she said. " No I'm desperate to know who I really am and all this things I've heard but I'm worried about Derek, he'll he very worried about me. I need to tell him I'm fine , I need to... " The queen put her index finger on my lips. "His worried about you yes, but right now your body is laying on the physician's bed" Madeline said. " Physician's bed ? How ? Why ? How did you know? What am I doing there, like I was with Derek before I came here" I said. " Yes I know that , Derek thought you fainted so he took you to the physician, come let me show you" Madeline said and took me to a water mirror, she waved her hand on it and I saw Derek who sat at my bed side holding my hand, he looked sad and lonely. " His not happy at all " I said. " Yes but don't worry I'll send you back tommorow, I just want to see my daughter once more and hold you again, I missed you" she said and pulled me for a hug. * * * " Master Derek" the physician called as he stood five steps away due to the cold aura emitting from Derek who held Aria's hand. " what is it " Derek answered with a growl. " I.... I need to check her" the physician stammered. " Then what are standing there for, if anything happens to her due to your delay I'll end your life" Derek said, he knew it wasn't the physician's fault but he just can't help himself. The physician swallowed and quickly walked up to the bed and did some check-up on Aria, he was both surprised and confused. Because she looks fine as though she was just sleeping. He had done many checkups but he didn't find anything so why was she not waking up, he was scared of his life. " So? What do you think Is wrong with her " Derek said. " She is fine Master Derek, she will wake up soon" the physician said. " What do you mean she will wake up soon, I want her to wake up now since there's nothing wrong with her" Derek thundered. " Mas.... Master De....." ", Enough just get out of here ", Derek cut him off and the poor man ran for his dear life. " I'm sorry my love it's my fault , I shouldn't have marked you when you're not ready" Derek said to the sleeping Aria. And then there was a knock on the door as Magnus entered with Elia by his side, Derek turned to glare at whosoever entered the room just now. He didn't want any disturbance from anyone not even the physician. But when he saw that it was Magnus he turned back to face Aria " whoa calm down, don't bite me it's me Magnus " Magnus said raising his hands up. Elia quickly walked to Aria's side and held her hand which was warm " is she alright ?" She asked Derek. It was the first time for her to talk to Derek. Derek didn't want to shout at her and he shook his head saying yes " what did the physician said " Magnus asked. " He said she's alright but she's not waking up, I don't understand" Derek replied. " You've marked her " Magnus said as his eyes moved to Aria's neck, the mark had appeared on her neck. It was a wolf head with Derek's name written boldly under the wolf. "Yes " Derek answered. " did you mark her against her will" Elia said this time. " No " Derek said. " She will be fine " Magnus said and patted Derek's shoulder. * * * In the King and Queen's room. "Honey" Clarissa called her husband who laid on the bed with one hand over his eyes. "Yes dear " he answered. " I'm worried about our son Derek" she said rubbing his chest. " I've told you to stop worrying , he's fine" Ethan answered. " I know, but don't you think that little girl whom Derek brought into this castle has distance our son from us, he doesn't even come to eat with us at the dinning table anymore,he doesn't even answer to me if I tried to tell him somethings, dear I'm worried about our son that girl has bewitched him, even her friend has bewitched our dear Magnus and made him think that she is his mate" Clarissa said out what has been bothering her. "Dear I understand what you're trying to say, but you of all people knows that whatever Derek feels like doing ,he will do it and no one can change his mind" Ethan said. " yes but ....." " No but honey let him be, let him do whatever he wants to do. Atleast Liam has a giantess as a mate, we should be hoping Astrid and Angus doesn't end up having a human mate too ". ", I forbid that , Claudia came to meet me after my birthday that she likes Derek and wants to marry him , isn't that a good sign " Clarissa said not wanting to let go of the matter. " You still don't get it do you? So you will just tell Derek that Claudia likes him and he will accept and let go of his little human mate, can't you see he his obsessed over her" Ethan said. " yes I know that but can't we just try atleast and see If it will work" . " It can't and will never work, I even heard he has marked her so stop trying to do anything" Ethan said. " What??? He has marked her ???" Clarissa said with surprise filled in her voice as she sat up on the bed. " Yes that what I heard ". " Since when?" She asked to be sure. " Yesterday I think " Ethan replied. Clarissa bit her lips thinking of what to do next, all her plan to separate Derek and Aria has been shattered like glass, what to do now? She said in her head and then she smiled wickedly as she had thought of something to deal with Aria. * * * BACK AT THE BEAUTIFUL CITY " I don't how you're my mother, cause I don't understand if you're my mother and this is where I'm from why am I not staying there with you and dad" I asked as we are in a glass house which was surrounded by water. " it's a long story sweetheart and it's all my fault " Madeline said. " Tell me I want to hear about it and how is it your fault" I asked. "When you were born, you didn't have any powers like your brother and sisters and you couldn't survive here in this city with us so I had to send to the human world when you were three years old, I kept you in the orphanage home. But not a single day passed I won't check on you till the day you were taken by a family who had no child since then I didn't check up on you, you were living fine" Madeline said and I listened carefully. " The time I wanted to check on you again after some time, I couldn't find you . I searched everywhere for you like a mad woman but I couldn't find you, I even went to ask the family who took care of you about you, they had said then that they had never taken you Into thier family by then they had three children". " I left the house, I was grateful I had kept your other half with me, she had learnt to control her powers as time goes on and when I knew she was strong enough I had sent her to search for you since you both are connected together and I was grateful she found you and brought you here" Madeline said and I didn't know I was already crying. " Don't cry sweetheart, it's my fault for not taking you out from that wicked family when you were fifteen, I could have trained you myself till you learn how to control your powers". " they... they sold me to... to slavery " I said and hiccuped. " Come here" Madeline pulled me for a hug which I didn't refused, so that what happened, so they weren't my real family, now I know my true story. Now I know where I came from, who I am, my real family, my home.
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