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" It's ok if you don't want to call me mother, you've been through a lot, I'm so happy to see you and hold you once more" Madeline said. " It's not your fault , you were trying to protect me. I'm the one who is happy to be finally reunited with my family once again " I said cleaning away the tears from my eyes. " Thank you my princess " Madeline said. " Mother " I called her and I like the way it sound in my mouth. " Yes dear " she answered. " Can I meet brother and sisters , I want to see them" I said excited. " Sure dear you don't need to ask for permission, afterall, they are your siblings" she said and I smiled. " mother , does it mean I'm a princess here " I asked. " Yes my dear, second princess of beautiful city, my princess " she said smiling. " Second princess ? " I said , cause if I'm the second princess that means I have an elder sister. " Yes dear , come meet your siblings they must be waiting for you too " she said and took my hand and we left the glass house. I wonder where Cassie and Ari are now , cause after they took me to meet my mother I haven't seen them since then. We passed many beautiful places, waterfall , garden, dance room, and many more I can't mention. We got back to the throne room and I saw four people sitted with servants beside them, I recognize the king my father but the other three I think they are my siblings. " Good afternoon mother " they greeted together with a small bow and she nodded her head. " Good afternoon my king " my mother greeted our father and he nodded his head. "Mother, is she the one " the youngest among the three asked. " Yes sweetie , this is your sister Aria she's back home". " Come here " I heard my father call me to come to him and I left my mother's hand and walked towards him, when I got close to him he stood up from the throne and hugged me unexpectedly. My eyes widened in shock but I hugged him back " welcome home daughter" he said and patted my back. " Welcome home sister, you can call me big brother Kyle" my brother said to me and I smiled at him, he looks cute and he's got my father's looks and blonde hair. " Call me big sis Celine" my elder sister said this time, she's pretty and got my father's looks but her hair black just like mine. " Call me Charlotte big sis " the youngest said giggling. " Thank you all , I'm so happy to be here with you guys. But the thing is that I can't stay here with you guys, I have to go back, but I'll come to visit every time" I said sadly. " Why big sis " Charlotte said pouting her lips. " Don't you like here " Kyle asked. Before I could answer my mother already answered for me " it because she already has a mate, her lover" . " Mate ?" Celine said raising her brows up. " Yes mate , just like husband and wife " Madeline answered. " Why don't you just say husband , it will easier. But does it mean you're already married sis " Celine said again. " No I'm not married, I'm mated to a giant shapeshifter, it's a long story, I'll tell you guys later for now I need to go back to him before he kills someone for my absence. " you're going now?" Kyle said. " Yes I'll come back" I answered. " But, we just got you back, I won't let you go " my father said. " Father , i have to go, I won't be gone forever " i said. " Honey, she'll be back right dear" my mother said and I nodded my head. " Alright" my father finally agreed to let me go. " thanks father " I said happily , I can't wait to meet Derek again. When it was time for me to go, I hugged my brother and sisters and my mother and father, and then my mother made a transperant door just like the one me and Ari passed through. " I thought Ari will take me back " I asked. " This way is easier dear, this door will take you back to Derek" my mother said. " Ok " I said and hugged her one last time and she kissed my forehead, I turned around and waved goodbye to my siblings and father once more. " bye big sis , come back soon " charlotte said and smiled, she look so cute and adorable. " Sure " I said and I breathed in and out before entering the door and just like that I was gone from the beautiful city. * * * By now Derek had almost gone berserk , he wasn't himself anymore. He couldn't understand why Aria hasn't woken up till now. " why hasn't she woken up yet " Derek barked at the physician and the man couldn't hardly breathe or form a sentence as he stammered. " I ...I don't know wh.. what's wrong master Derek. I have not seen any.. anything like this before" the man said beads of sweat on his forehead. Derek growled dangerously and punched the wall which created a hole " make sure she's awake when I get back if not prepare to be the one laying on the bed and not her" Derek thundered and left the room. The physician could finally breathe, he turned to face the sleeping Aria on the bed and begged holding his hands together. " Please , Milady wake up please for my sake, I don't want to lose my life please milady" he said almost crying. And then as if his prayers have been answered, Aria opened her eyes and groaned in pain for staying in one position. I opened my eyes and I was back to Naal city, but I groaned in pain , I was just fine now so why was I in pains all of a sudden. Oh, I then remembered my body was laying on the physician's bed. I looked around and saw him staring at me with wide eyes as if surprised. Why was he staring at me like that? Where was Derek? I asked in my head when the physician rushed towards me and touched my forehead " you're awake milady" he said. "Yes" I said " where's Derek ? " I asked the important thing. " He just left now Milady, he'll back " the man said. "Take me to him" I said and got down from the bed. " Milady please stay here, he said he'll be back " the man begged me. " Ok , if you won't take me to him, I search for him myself " I said and walked towards the door. " I don't know where Master Derek is Milady" the man said. " I'll look for him don't worry" I left the room not wanting to hear what the man had to say. I stood outside the room, it was the time of the noon, everywhere bright and cold as always, I decided to check our room if was there. When I got to our room, I opened the door and peeped in but it was empty no sign of him " Derek " I called him to be sure he wasn't inside the room but I got no response , I closed the door back. Where was he? Maybe I should go check Elia she must be together with Magnus. She'll happy to see me and then I walked towards the room on the right after four other empty rooms. I knocked on the door but I got no response, I knocked again still no response. And then I opened the door and couldn't find Elia it Magnus in their room too. Where's Everyone? I decided to check the garden, I just hope I find someone there atleast. I got downstairs, halfway to the garden, I met with Angus on the way. He was coming my way with a giantess who was waking beside him. He was smiling at me and I hate it, it creeping me out. I wanted to walk past them like I didn't see them in the first place but Angus stopped me " pretending not to see me not fair " he said. " Good afternoon your highness " I greeted him and ignored the giantess. " Looking for Derek am I right?" He said. " Yes" I answered. " so you're Derek's mate " the giantess who was Claudia said but I didn't reply. That night Claudia kissed Derek Aria didn't recognized her as he had ran back to the room, that's why she couldn't recognize her even now. " Can't you talk" she said but I still didn't reply. " Let her be Clau , if you're looking for him why don't you check his personal room if he'll be there hmm"Angus said. " Thank you " I thanked him and left both of them without turning back. I finally got to Derek's personal room, the first place I found myself in Naal city. I knocked softly on the door and waited. But he didn't open the door, he must think it's someone else. No one dares come to this side of the castle, his personal room. The last person who dared to was Angus and he got a permanent scar on his neck . I decided to open the door and enter to let him know I'm the one. But immediately I stepped in, I felt myself pinned to wall, I looked up and met Derek's red eyes staring down at me he looked furious, his sharp nails was just an inch away from my neck. " Derek , it's me " I quickly said before I lose my neck. When he saw that it was me, he released me instantly and moved away from me, he both surprised and shocked at the same time. I watched him ran his fingers through his hair " I'm sorry , I didn't know it was you , I could have hurt you just now" he said frustrated. " Its alright I'm not hurt, I missed you " I said and walked closer to hug him but he moved back. " Don't come close to me, I'll hurt you " he said, deep inside him he badly want to hug her but he was scared he'll hurt her. " I know you won't hurt me , I missed you and I want to hug you again" I said and moved close to him, thankfully he didn't move back again. When I got close to him finally I quickly hugged him and I felt him stiffened. Why was he acting strange? Did anything happen why I was at the other side. I felt him hug me back and he rested his chin on my head as he was way taller than me even in his human form. I broke the hug and looked at him but he wasn't smiling like he always does and I frowned " why ain't you smiling " I asked. He chuckled " do you want me to smile my love " he said and I nodded my head. He smiled and I smiled, he touched my cheek caressing it softly " how did you know am here" he asked me. "Uh Angus told me that I'll find you here " i answered. " Angus? " He said. " Yes" I shook my head. " When u woke did the physician let go you or you left by yourself" he asked me. " I left myself, I told him to take me to where you are but he didn't, he said he doesn't know where you were" I answered. " hmm " I heard him hummed and he leaned forward and kissed my cheek " my love please don't leave me like that again alright" he said and I could feel the pain in his voice. " I didn't leave you, my other self took me to meet my family at the other side, I'm sorry I took time to return back to you " I said " Your family " he said with his brows up. " Yes " I nodded and I told him everything that happened while I was sleeping on the physician's bed, about my family, siblings, me being a princess, and what happened to me before I was sold to slavery. After listening to what I said he smiled " you're a princess my love isn't that wonderful" he said and I smiled. " But next time can you tell me before you go over the other side okay?" He said. " Ok, can you take me to meet Elia I missed her so much" I said changing the topic. " Ain't you hungry " he asked. " No my mother feed me while I was there so I'm not hungry " I answered. " ok " he said " come let me take you to meet your friend" he said and then took me away from the room. " Do you know where they are " I asked on the way out. " Yes of course, they are in the garden" he said and we headed for the garden. Just before we could get to the garden, by the long passage way Astrid was coming our direction. When she got close to us she said " brother, father and mother wants to see you " she didn't even look at my side. " I'll be there" was Derek reply. He took me to the garden and I could see Elia who was with Magnus " my love " Derek called me . " Yes" I answered. ", I'll be back alright, don't go anywhere stay with Elia and Magnus ok" he said. " Ok" I said and he kissed my forehead and left. . I walked to where Elia and Magnus were, I could hear her laughing happily. She hasn't seen me as her back was facing me but Magnus did. " " Elia" I called her. And when she turned around to face me and she screamed excitedly and ran towards me , when we're close enough she hugged me very tight that I could hardly breathe. " Aria, I missed you so much " she said and I felt tears dropped on my shoulder while she hugged me. " I missed you too " I said and we broke from the hug... " Welcome back dear " I heard Magnus voice . " Thanks " I said. " Yeah seems I'll let you both talk for a while" he said. " Elia could you believe that the people I thought were my family who sold me to the slaves prison weren't my real family" I told Elia immediately. " I don't understand what you're saying how are they not your family ". " Come let's sit here " I took her hand and we sat under a tall flower which we used as shade and I told her everything that happened right from the time I was kidnapped and taken to Blurg town. " Wait wait hold on , you mean you have powers " Elia said and this attracted Magnus who was busy looking around. " uh- huh " I said. " And you're saying that you're a princess, like a real princess". ", Yes " I said giggling. ", Ok, wait this is alot for me right now, how could you not tell me about it since"Elia said frowning. " I'm sorry, but it wasn't my fault I was planning to tell you before my other self took me to the other side" I said pouting my lips. " What am I missing " Magnus joined in the conversation. " our girl here is a princess and have magical powers" Elia said. " Ok I don't understand, what do you mean by she's a princess and have magical powers " Magnus said and I told him about everything I told Elia. " How come I didn't know about this, does Derek knows?" He asked me. " Yes " I answered. " I need to punch Derek really hard how can he keep such thing away from me " Magnus said feigning an angry expression on his face. " so that means your first name ain't Monroe "Elia said. " Yes " " So what is it then " this time Magnus said. " I don't know I'll ask the next time I go there" I said and we spent a lot of time together in the garden , Elia had ask me to show her what I can do with my powers but I told her I'm still learning how to control it... * * * Later in the evening, Derek came back to pick me up from the garden, Magnus had throw him some punches of why he didn't tell him about me having powers. After bidding Elia and Magnus goodbye, we got back to our room, had our dinner and now laid on the bed. I placed my head on his chest and he held me close to him playing with my hair which was tickling me and I love it. " What did they say" I was asking him about what his parents had called him for. "It's nothing important my love " he said" are you sure? Is it about me ?" I asked sleepy as I yawned. " No sleep my love " he said. " But I'm not sleepy " I said. He chuckled " yes you are" he said and I didn't know when I slept off . As soon as Aria slept off, Derek used the tip of his thumb finger to trail his mark on her neck. He placed a soft kiss on the spot and stared at the sleeping Aria, his blue eyes trailed to her thin brows, and then her pointed nose, her soft jaw and then her pink rosy soft lips. He liked her full lips which parted and she breathed softly with her chest rising and falling. He didn't know he was already leaning forward to kiss her, but when he noticed his lips was just an inch away from hers. He smiled softly " my love I want to kiss you even in your sleep " he said and leaned back closing his eyes to sleep, he failed to see the small smile on Aria's lips even though she was asleep.
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