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Bright light emmited through the open curtain of the window, I opened my eyes there was a smile on my face. Everything is going smoothly in my life, I reunited with my family again and found someone who loves me and I love him too. I yawned and stretched my muscles, I turned around to face Derek who held my waist as I had my back facing him. I could feel his cold breath fanning my face, he look so peaceful in his sleep. I smiled as I raised my hand to touch his face, I realized I love touching his face when he was asleep. But before I could touch his face, he spoke even though his eyes was closed " you make me want to kiss you if you keep staring at me like that " he said and I withdrew my hand back. " You're awake" I said as my cheek turned red out of embrassment. " I've been awake for more than an hour my love" he answered and opened his eyes to look at me. " how did you know I was staring at you cause your eyes were closed " I asked trying to hide my face which was red due to me blushing. " I could feel your eyes on me" he answered " I didn't want to let you go as I love holding you so close to me like this" he said and drew me even closer to his body. Why was he saying all the cheesy words this morning, gosh does he knows the effect he had on me. And then suddenly he said something I didn't expect to hear from him this morning. " I want to kiss you my love" he said and I could see his face was serious when he said it. " ki..kiss me" I stammered as I swallowed. " Yes , I want to feel your soft lips on mine " he said and raised his hand to touch my lips softly. Derek liked how adorable his mate was with her eyes a little wide and lips parted begging to be kissed. "On my lips " I asked pointing at my mouth and I heard him chuckle. " Yes, your lips" he said "I won't force you if don't want to " he said. "No... I mean.. uh... Yes I want to " I said blushing. " really " he said and smiled and I nodded my head and smiled back at him. And then without wasting any more time, I watched him lean forward towards me, just as his face was an inch away from mine I closed my eyes preparing for the kiss. And then I felt his cold lips on mine, I felt him sucked on my lower lip. He drew me closer to his body making me gasps and giving him the assess to dive his tongue into my mouth. My hands on his chest as his tongue played with mine, and he sucked on my lower lip again. We were both enjoying the kiss when someone knocked on the door. Derek broke the kiss and we both look towards the door before our eyes met again. The person knocked on the door again. "I'll go check who is it at the door " I said and was about getting off the bed with my cheeks red, when the door opened and the person entered inside our room. "Magnus" we both said together. " Good morning lovebirds" he greeted grinning as usual. " What are you doing here " Derek asked with a glare. "Oh me, am I interrupting?" Magnus said pointing at himself. " yes " Derek said and stood up from the bed. "No " I said glancing at Derek. "Ok then if I'm not interrupting, I would like us to go for hunting trip together " Magnus said as he strode towards the bed and sat on it with one leg up on the bed and the other dangling. "Wow really" I said excited. " No it's dangerous for you my love " Derek objected. " But why, I can protect myself now " I said pouting my lips. " I know but you still learning how to control it" Derek said. "Stop acting like a mother will you, not like she's going alone" Magnus said. " You know how dangerous the forest is and you want me to take her there" Derek still didn't agree. " Please , I'll stay close to you" I begged giving him puppy eyes and Magnus rolled his eyes. " Promise" he said. "I promise " I said. " ok " he said , he couldn't resist it when his mate is being cute and adorable. "Thank you " I said giggling and then turned to face Magnus who had his eyes on us " where's Elia , is she coming with us " I asked cause it was only Magnus who came inside our room. "Oh she's waiting for us on the horse" Magnus said and stood up from the bed " I'll be waiting for you both outside" he said and left closing the door. * * * After we had our bath and breakfast, we now sat on a grey horse. Elia and Magnus sat on a brown horse, the fact was that it wasn't only us who was going on the hunting trip. Liam and his mate, she was really pretty with her brown hair and green eyes. On the other side was Angus and the woman I saw him with while I was searching for Derek, Aria was talking about Claudia. Ever since I met her, she has been giving me some weird kind of look, I looked away from her face and my eyes met with Angus who winked at me. I quickly look away from him " ignore him " Derek said to me as our horses started moving forward. "Ok, what are we hunting " I asked. " Deer " he answered. "Do you know how to use a bow and arrow ". "Uh no" I answered. " I'll teach how to use it " he said. " Really" I said. " Yes my love " he answered. " will you teach me now " I asked. "Now ?" He said. "Yes I want to learn it now " I answered. " Not now , I'll teach you when we get back to the castle", he said and I pouted my lips. And then there was silence as we didn't talk again, at our front was Liam and his mate. By our right side was Angus and the strange woman who kept on staring at me every now and then. I wonder why, I don't know her and I haven't done anything wrong to her, then why was she staring at me like that. Just then something ran past us, it was very fast that I didn't see it " what was that " I asked Derek. " I don't know but there's only one animal which is as fast as that here in Naal city" he answered. " What animal is that " I asked. " It's called black devil , it's very dangerous and runs very fast " he answered. I was scared now, now I know why he said the forest was dangerous for me. Anyways we continued going deeper into the forest when I heard Magnus said " I think I've spotted a deer , there beside the tree " he pointed with his finger towards the tree where the deer stood eating something. "This one is mine " Angus said and drew out his bow and arrow ready to shoot at the deer. "Shhh keep your voice down, you'll scare it away" Liam said. " What, I found it first "Magnus said and drew out his bow and arrow ready to shoot at the deer too. And then someone shot straight at the deer which fell down dead instantly. I felt every one eyes on me, why were they looking at me I wasn't the one who shot at the deer I said in my head when I heard Angus said "nice shot brother ". Oh it was Derek who shot at the deer, but when? I didn't see him draw out his bow and arrow. Maybe it was when I was focused on Magnus and Angus who was busy dragging who will shoot at the deer. "Thanks " Derek said " can you all take your eyes of me now" he said irritated at the way all eyes were on him. " why should I , you shot at my deer " Angus said. "You mean my deer " Magnus said. "Can you both stop behaving childish " Liam said this time. I just watched the drama playing in front of me, this hunt will be interesting I said in my head. "I think I've spotted another deer" Liam's mate said. " Where is it Veronica?" Angus said. " where's it my dear " Liam asked his mate. "There" she pointed at and we saw it standing on a rock, it was a little far from where we are ,how could she see it when it's far from us I asked in my head. Maybe another gift of been a giant and giantess, they have so many gifts. "I'm going to shoot this one this time " Angus said as he rode his horse towards the deer. " Not if I get there first " Magnus said and followed him immediately. All of a sudden who heard a loud shrilling growl and we were all surrounded by a black wolf like dog. It's eyes were as red as blood, it's claws sharp. There were so many of them that I couldn't count " what's that " I asked Derek who drew me closer to his body. " That's the black devil I was telling you about , don't move stay put" he said to me. Black devil? It was growling dangerously at us, Angus and Magnus who rode to shoot at the deer stopped on their tracks as they were also surrounded by the black devil. I glanced at Elia, I could see fear in her eyes. I was just as scared as her too. I glanced at the giantess with Angus , she wasn't scared when our eyes met she smirked at me. " This is going to be interesting" I heard Angus said and then he turned to face me " are you ready to fight my dear " he said to me . "Fight what? I ain't fighting any of these dangerous animal, what we need to do is to get out of here as fast as we can" I said. " I wished we could flee that easily, but my dear we can't outrun the black devil, we have to fight it " he said. Before I could say anything else the animal attacked us and then I saw Angus shoot at one of the black devil which fell down dead instantly. " My love no matter what happens don't get down from this horse ok" Derek said as he got down from the horse. "Where are you going" I asked him . "I'll try to kill the black devil, don't just get off the horse " he said as he tied the horse to a tree. " Ok" I said and he kissed my forehead and joined in the fight. Where's Elia? I asked in my as I looked around and found her sitting on the horse holding it tightly out of fear. Magnus already turned into his wolf as he bite off the neck of the black devil, Angus kept shooting at the animals. I saw Liam shifted into a white bear as he attacked the animal, wow his bear is beautiful. Just as I was watching the fight I heard a low growl at my back. Out of fear I turned around and saw the black devil growling at me, there were two of them. I'm still learning how to use my powers. Oh God help me , I looked at Derek he was using his claws to tear the skin of the black devil. I know he said no matter what I shouldn't get down from the horse but I can't just sit here and wait for this thing to kill me. I got down from the horse and face the two black devil's which was growling at me. Ok what should I do now? Think think I held both my hands together rubbing it. Just then the two attacked me at once, I waved my air in the air and they both flew away far from me hitting a tree. Not giving it a chance to stand up I quickly took the bow and arrow. I don't know how to use it but I guess I'll have to try. I positioned the arrow on the bow targeting one of the black devil. But then my hand shook and the arrow flew and struck the giantess who was with Angus. I heard her scream and she glared at me angrily, the arrow pierced through her arm. I saw her removed the arrow angrily and came right me. Now what? " Sorry it was a mistake ", I quickly said. "Yeah right, why don't I pierce you too" she said about to shoot me an arrow too, I could see an evil smirk on her lips. "Noooo" I shouted and a wave like energy came out of my mouth and threw her metres away, not only her both everyone fighting and the black devils. Ok what just happened now?. Everywhere became as dark as night and then it brightened up again and I saw Derek came to me " are you alright" he asked me with worry in his eyes. "Yes I'm fine" I said. " Did you just screamed and every where turned dark" I heard Liam asked me. " I knew you were not human since the first day I saw you" Angus said smiling. " she's a witch I knew that " Claudia said. " Shut up" I said angrily to the giantess and she laughed. " Do you know who you're talking to " she said. " Yea I do, how you can say I'm a witch" I said. " Of course only witches do something like that" she answered. " Claudia" Liam called her. " what? You all know I'm right. I mean she have been hiding her witch powers all this while and now she....." SLAP!!! Claudia couldn't complete what she was saying as she had already earned a hard slap from Derek resulting her falling on the ground. Yes she deserves it, I could see shock written all over her face. "You talk to her like that again and next time it won't be a slap" Derek said and held my hand as we walked towards our horse. He carried me up as I sat on the horse and he sat behind me, and without saying another word we left the forest leaving the others behind. After Derek and Aria left, Liam said to Claudia who still her cheek in shame. "I tired to warn you not to piss him off but you turned deaf ear and see you received a slap, you're lucky it's just a slap" . Claudia couldn't say a word as she was still in shock. * * * When everyone got back to the castle with the deer Derek killed. Claudia had gone to the Queen's room and knocked on the door. " Come in " a voice from inside said. And then Claudia opened the door and entered the room, as soon as she was inside the room she faked crying. The Queen Clarissa who saw Claudia crying asked her " why are you crying my dear". " my queen I..I don't think Derek will ever love me" Claudia said. "Now don't say that , don't worry you'll be together with Derek be patient dear" Clarissa and hugged the crying Claudia patting her back. "But he's so obsessed with that stupid girl he call his mate". "Not for long cause I have a plan to take her for good" Clarissa said. " Really " Claudia said and disengage from the hug. " yes, just wait for my signal". " Yes my queen" Claudia said cleaning the fake tears away from her face.
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