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Kayla's Pov After they ended their kiss, both of them held each other's hands as they turned towards the guests. " Ladies and gentle give to you Mr and Mrs Steele," the officiant said causing all the guests to cheer. Walking hand in hand down the altar to the sounds of the guests cheering they made their way outside the chapel where they were met by a crowd of paparazzi taking pictures of them. All the members of the media shouted questions at them as Alexander's bodyguards stood in front of them preventing them from getting closer than necessary. Smiling at the media Kayla turned towards Alexander and kissed him. Alexander placed a hand atop her waist pulling her close as he deepened their kiss to the resounding cheers from everyone who witnessed it. Smiling the both of them walked towards the waiting vehicle that would take them to their wedding reception. After a brief stop to get changed, they arrived at their wedding reception. More journalists were waiting on them at the venue. Stepping out hand in hand to the flashes of camera lights Kayla used to it by now just smiled at them while Alexander kept his face expressionless. Soon they walked into the beautifully decorated reception area. The string quartet strikes up a beautiful arrangement to announce their arrival. As they walked hand in hand. " Introducing Mr. Alexander Steele and Mrs. Kayla Steele," the officiant said. As all the guests gives a round of applause Kayla smiled. " I'll never get tired of hearing that," she said. Alexander smiled wolfishly " Then I'll make it a habit of saying it Mrs Steele," he said. As they walked further into the reception Ariana walked briskly towards them with her husband following close behind her. As soon as she reached Kayla she pulled her close hugging her. " Oh my God the ceremony was perfect I couldn't keep myself from crying she said. Sebastian shook Alexander's hand with a chuckle. " We were all there dear," he said fondly. Ariana stoke her tongue out at him then moved on to hug her brother as Sebastian hugged Kayla congratulating her. Samantha walked towards the group with her husband and Chloe who ran towards Alexander who smiled as he picked up his niece. " I still can't believe my grouchy little brother is married," she said playfully. She then winked mischievously at Kayla as Alexander rolled his eyes. Samantha's husband chuckles as he moves forward to shake Alexander's hand and then Kayla's congratulating them both. After they finished talking to the group they both made their way around the reception greeting the other guests. As she spoke to two of Alexander's cousins a waiter comes over carrying a tray of the signature cocktail she created just for her wedding reception. After mingling amongst the guests for a while the newlyweds soon took their seats at their table as the servers brought out the entre's. After everyone meals finished their meals and the plates were cleared. The caterers brought out their wedding cake. A beautiful towering multi-layered cake is as beautiful as it was elegant. As they both stepped up to the take as Kayla picked up the knife as Alexander wrapped his hand around hers over the handle. " Together?" she said with a smile. Alexander smiled " I'd have it no other way," he said after the count of three they both cut the cake and then plate the first slice of cake. Taking up a fork she offered Alexander a piece of the cake. He raised an eyebrow as he allowed her to feed him the cake. He kept her gaze captive as he locked his eyes with hers as he licks the fork clean. " Mmmm delicious," he said smirking at her. " I'll say and I bet the cake was good too," she said. He smirked at her offering her a piece of the cake with a wolfish smile on his face. Keeping her gaze locked with his she allowed him to feed her. She moaned quietly as the cream-filled cake created a burst of flavor on her tongue. " Delicious," she said licking her lips. Suddenly the orchestra strikes up a classical song which filled the venue. Signaling that it was time to dance. Turning towards her Alexander held out his hand towards her. " May I have this dance?" he asked. She smiled at him " As long as you promise it's the first of many" she said. " Tonight and for the rest of our lives my beautiful wife," he said. She takes his offered hand as the two of them without missing a beat twirls unto the dance floor together. All the guests gathered around to watch but as she and Alexander danced, she couldn't find herself caring about anything apart from the man that was now in her arms. Pulling her close he looked at her. " Is this everything you've ever dreamt of Mrs Steele?" he asked. She smiled at him. " It's so much better," she said. He smiled at her before elegantly twirled her out to the side before pulling her back against his chest all without missing a beat. " Good," he said over the rebounding cheers from the audience. Soon the officiant called everyone declaring that it was time for the bouquet toss. Soon all the single women waited for Kayla to toss it. Closing her eyes she tossed it over her shoulder where it landed into a very surprised Jasmine's hand. " Oh," she said beat red as Adrian smirks at her from the far corner. Seeing her flustered expression Kayla smiled. " I'll be waiting for my wedding invitation," she said winking at Jasmine. After the bouquet toss the officiant spike again. " Don't worry if you didn't catch the bouquet, you'll still get your chance at marital bliss with the garter toss" he said. A chair is brought for her and placed in the middle of the dance floor. After Kayla sat down Alexander knelt in front of her. He smirks " We'll here I am on my knees for you, you better enjoy it while it lasts because next time it's your turn" he whispered with a teasing smile on his face. She blushed " Alexander it's not nice to tease especially in front of so many people," she said. He smirked at her. " Oh I know," he said. Eyes smoldering Alexander bares her skin in by inch until he reaches the garter on her thigh. He grips the elastic between his teeth, growling low as he tugs it off, Heat rose in her cheeks as she watched him. " I hope that was a preview for later" she whispered. He just smirked and put her dress back into place as he stood up. He then tossed the garter into the. waiting for the crowd where one of his cousins caught it. After a few more hours of celebration, the reception was finally winding down. As Kayla was busy speaking with Samantha. Alexander walked up behind her and then wrapped his arm around her waist hugging her from behind. " It's time to go, the jets are all fueled up and waiting for us," he said. " Ok just let me say goodbye to a couple of more people," she said. " Don't take too long" he said then let her go. After saying goodbye to everyone the couple walked in hand towards their vehicle that was waiting to take them to the airport. All the guests followed behind them cheering for them and wishing them safe travels and that they would enjoy their honeymoon. After waving goodbye one last time to the guests. They got into their car that would be taking them to the airport. As they were leaving the venue the members of the media snapped photos of their vehicle as it drove past them. After a short journey towards the airport, t, they arrived and saw Alexander's private jet waiting with the pilot and the flight attendants waiting by the steps. " I still can't get over how beautiful your jet is," she said as she was unbuckling herself. " Our jet" he corrected her. She smiled at him. As they both walked towards the jet. " Mr Steele, Mrs Steele" the pilot greets them politely. Kayla gave them a gentle smile as with the help of Alexander she began ascending the stairs. Or at least she would have if Alexander hadn't swept her up into his arms and begun carrying her up the stairs. Once they were both safely on board the jet soon took off. Taking them towards their newest Adventure.
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