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Here's a song recommendation for this chapter: Turning pages sleeping at last Unknown Pov " Hi, peeps, and welcome back to celebrity lifestyle magazines, After three and a half months of waiting today is finally the day of our favorite Billionaire Alexander Steele's wedding. I know that many of you women myself included were disappointed when we heard that he was engaged. I know that some of you might be wondering who managed to win the heart of one of the most powerful and influential bachelors in the world. For information on the future Mrs Steele check out our interview with her and Alexander from last week at her bridal shower. Now that's all for now folks we'll publish pictures of the wedding soon bye oh and if either Alexander or Kayla read this congrats once again. The next day. Kayla's pov. It was the morning of her wedding and she was currently in her changing room with her wedding party getting ready for the big day. Her head was still in a daze as she watched everyone helping her to get ready. She stares into the mirror as her hairdresser was busy doing her hair. Seeing her worried expression Ariana now with a visible baby bump under her dress sat down with the other bridesmaid. " What's wrong Kayla?" she asked. Kayla looked at her in the mirror " I still can't believe the big days already here" she said. Ariana smiled at her. " You best believe it because it's starting in two hours," she said. She smiled at Ariana. Over the past three months since her wedding after Alexander told her how she went out of her way to help her, the two of them have grown increasingly close to the point of becoming best friends. Despite being pregnant Ariana was still determined to help Kayla with the wedding as much as she could. Samantha who was holding Chloe in her lap looked at Kayla. " So how are you holding up any pre-wedding jitters?" she asked. Kayla smiled at her " I've never been more ready for anything, no jitters, no doubts" she said causing Samantha to smile. As soon as the stylist finished he soon Kayla around in the chair so everyone could see her everyone praised her for how beautiful. Soon Jasmine walked into the room carrying her wedding dress. " Good your hair is done now let's get you into your dress," she said. Kayla nods as Jasmine leads her behind a privacy screen. Soon she emerged wearing her wedding dress and she showed it to everyone by doing a twirl. " Oh my gosh you look absolutely gorgeous," Ariana said. While Samantha smiled at Kayla pleased with how the dress that she made for her looked. "You're a miracle worker Samantha the dress is gorgeous," Kayla said admiring her dress in the mirror as Jasmine was putting the finishing touches on her look. Samantha smiled " It's nothing your now family after all, and what kind of sister-in-law would I be if I design a dress for your wedding," she said. Glancing down at her phone. " Let's get moving people the ceremony is about to begin," Ariana said standing up with help from Jasmine. Soon they all stepped out of the room leaving Kayla so they could find their seats. Looking one final time into the mirror she pulled her veil over her head, before she took a deep breath and then picked up her bouquet, and then walked out of the room. As she heard her music que she began walking down the aisle. All the guests stood up as they saw Kayla entering the room. Her breath catches at the beautiful decor and she silently thanked Ariana. All the heads in the room turned toward her as she walked down the aisle. But they didn't matter to her because the only one that mattered was standing at the end of the aisle with a smile on his face. Alexander looked incredibly handsome his beautiful grey suit matching his eyes. All her nerves disappear as the two of them gazed at each other. The rest of the world disappeared as she approached the altar. When she stood in front of him she smiled at him. " Hi," she said he returned her. smile " Hello yourself you look absolutely beautiful little lamb," he said. As her processional music ended the officiant gestured for everyone to sit down once everyone was seated he spoke. " We're gathered here today to bear witness the love between Alexander Steele and Kayla Milford, I've never known a couple that fought harder for their love, These two have been through so much but that's only made their bond stronger both couples have written their vows" he then looked at Adrian the best man and the gestured him forwards. He held two rings and then handed one to Alexander who thanked him Adrian winked at him with a smile." Mr Steele" the officiant said. Taking both her hands in his Alexander looked at Kayla. " Kayla when we first met, I had all but given up on love, but then you came into my life and taught me how to love again, I promise to love you unconditionally, I promise to love and to trust and to respect you, to comfort you in times of need and keep you safe, all that I have is now yours, I give you my hand and my heart as long as we both shall live," he said slipping the ring unto Kayla's finger Struggling to contain her tears Kayla took the ring from Adrian and then looked at Alexander and then spoke her own vows." Alexander, I vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, I promise to love you unconditionally, to honor and respect you, to bring you solace in times of need, I promise to cherish you as long as we both shall live" she said slipping the ring unto bis finger. "Beautiful you two by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride". They both smile at each other as Alexander lifts her veil. Stroking her cheek gently Alexander presses his lips to hers and all the guests released a resounding cheer.
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